Ever been threatened/harassed by a strippers husband/bf?

avatar for token
I have a friend that received a VMM @ 2:00 a.m. from a guy who said if he was seen with blank (dancers stage name) or in that club he was a dead man. This threat was repeated x3. They apparently had enjoyed each others company ITC and OTC and somebody got really pissed about it. How was it handled? Was it a legitimate threat?


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avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
I applaud the unilateral application of deadly force and heavily armed citizens taking justice into their own hands. Of course deuling pistols at 20 paces at dawn would have been far more civilized.
avatar for train
19 years ago
Unfortunately I did not have one at the time. But it's funny that you mentioned that. Because of that, I did go out and buy a gun.
avatar for driver01
19 years ago
I'm with you Parody--- and rest assured that payback can truly be a BITCH. Several weeks went by before I was able to ascertain the whole story on the windshield so I was unaware at the time that her ex was responsible. When I was ultimately told by one of the bouncers the real deal about what had transpired I was more calculating in my response. Why do yourself what you can get others to do for you... so...
I dropped a dime to one of my cop buddies and he "just happened" to roll by this club on one of the nights that the ex tended to be lurking around outside of the club. It's amazing how this happens but my buddy and his partner "just happened" to see the ex "loitering in an unauthorized place." After they id him they ran his license and wouldn't you know it- the guy had an outstanding warrant for $1500 worth of unpaid parking tickets. (he also had a record including assault, burglary and urinating in public). Damn shame that my cop buddy had to haul him back to jail on a Friday night because in this particular county you don't get to see the judge until Monday to post bail. After all was said and done, I felt justice was served. And the best part was that he never saw it coming...
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
driver01: Good for you. The only thing that could be better would be if he knew that it was your doing and that it would be unwise to fuck with you in the future.
avatar for DandyDan
19 years ago
I don't know about threatened, but the one married favorite of mine used to have a husband who would stop by the club and ask a 20questions like list of what she did and didn't do for you. I had it happen once, and then I asked her who he was and she said it was her husband. Apparently, he couldn't stand her dancing naked for men. Then again, he might have been justified, because she loved it when men DATY. Too bad her husband eventually said enough was enough, for now she isn't there anymore.
avatar for parodyman-->
19 years ago
train: do you know that the answer to your problems may lie at the end of your arm? I'm not talking about masturbation, I'm talking about a nice big handgun! If you would have shoved that in his face and told him not to fuck with you when he showed up at your door, I doubt you'd have any problems porking his girlfriend today! Man up buddy. Stand up for yourself. (The same goes for driver01 and his windshield.) An armed society isa polite society.
avatar for train
19 years ago
Yeah, a couple of times. A stripper that I had been getting dances from for a while suggested an OTC date. Technically she wanted to come to my house and do private dances for me. She was hot, I was single. She said no potential bf problems, etc. Apparently the bf followed her to my house and paid me a vist later. He said he would fucking kill me if I saw her again--even in the club. Dude was bald, covered with tats. Scared the shit out of me. Needless to say I neve saw her again. Second time was a phone call telling me not to call/see this chick again.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
I don't recall this. I may get dances in a club from a variety of dancers who I don't know if they are married or have serious boyfriends. However I would hope that they wouldn't pursue a relationship with me if they are married or still have a serious boyfriend. I wouldn't want to get involved. However strippers do lie so you may never know.

I did have one stripper try to harass me one time. I forget what she wanted from me but she threatened to call my parents and friends and everyone else I knew and tell them that I was seeing a stripper (her). I smiled because I thought that was really funny. I wasn't married and a young guy so it really did seem funny. She may have even threatened to show up at my parents house and introduce herself. I just smiled more because my father probably would have thought it was funny as well. Of course she didn't bother. That had to be one of the most amusing threats I heard of though. Lol, my father probably would have been talking about it at work if a hot looking dancer showed up at his door.
avatar for driver01
19 years ago
Yep...been there done that. This was several years ago-- Was visiting a club on a regular basis and was spending the bulk of my time there with one particular dancer. Although I knew she had a recent ex-bf who was reluctant to acknowledge is newfound "ex" status, I was unaware that said ex was tight with the club's DJ- very tight. Spent several quality evenings with this girl off campus and it was good. But then wherever there is good in a strip club, something bad is lurking nearby.

The bad came in the form of a brick through the windshield of my Mercedes. Happened in the parking lot of the club on a busy night. Turns out the DJ caught wind of my dancer's off campus escapades with yours truly and shared that info with the "ex." It turns out the ex often hung around the outside of the club and I had been pointed out to him as the "guy messing with his woman." The irony is that when my dancer found out about what happened(from the DJ- not me) she felt so bad that she actually tried to pay me cash for the repair--LOL. Certainly did not need nor want her money but I got a kick out of a dancer trying to hand me $500 in cash! Never seen that before or since.

avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
This is one of many reasons I say it's usually a bad idea to get involved with strippers OTC.

You ask legitimate questions, (how'd he get the number, etc) with disturbing answers. If your friend is determined to go back to the club at least contact the phone company or police about the harassment so it is on record somewhere that this psycho made a death threat. More than likely he'll back off if he is called on or interviewed by the police about making death threats.
avatar for token
19 years ago
Thanks for the insight. What's troubling about this is she is "supposed" to be divorced but admittingly coming off a nasty div and fighting for custody of kids and she is "supposed" to be bf-free. Things just dont add up. How did he get his number? Did she use somebody elses phone and it left a number trail? He thinks like me in that there are plenty of strippers and the dude can have her but a good strip club that is well stocked is tougher to find so he will venture back there--I may skip that trip :)
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
This is exactly why a lot of clubs don't allow husbands or boyfriends in the club. I think that makes a lot of sense. I got to know my ATF's BF well, but that was after she quit dancing. She never had a BF while she was dancing, which I think is smart. I'm good friends with her current BF.
avatar for chandler
19 years ago
More harassed than threatened, and it was directed at her as much as me. He was her on/off/ex-boyfriend. It was never resolved. After she let him move back in, he'd still sit in his truck in the club's parking. He was a coward, only a treat to women he could beat up.
avatar for davids
19 years ago
Supposedly (as in I heard it 3rd hand from some stripper) some stripper's boyfriend was going to kill me b/c I had talked trash about his girlfriend. My attitude was: bring him in: I would love to tell him what kind of (extras) his GF was doing in the VIP
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