I may tell a dancer I usually get dances at 2 for 20 or 2 for 30. Then she may say she usually charges $40 per dance. However she comes back a few minutes later and says ok she'll do 2 for 30. Sounds like she might have been fibbing a bit doesn't it? I suppose a few guys might pay high prices but I don't think too many are.
I believe I may have found a good way to get rid of dancers. Say you usually get dance prices for much less than normal or actually give them your normal price and let them walk away. If they come back and agree you can say you want to watch a contest or something else. Either they stay away or you save money on dances.
I never believe them when they give out the first quote unless it's a club that I have read about in here that has flat prices. In a club like PP in Memphis you get hit with $40 / dance or some lame time deal. One was trying to explain the economics of how the time was much better to me - I do have an MBA in Fianance, I'll do the math lol She quoted 30 minutes for $100 or 60 minutes for $300 which is a better deal lol I said okay you do the math, I'll take the 30 minutes. Generally it seems that you can get half of the initial quote almost always. Some places like in Ybor Strip in Tampa, it 3/$50 standard when you get in the rooms, if you want extras outside the totally nude dances then you negotiate, but dance prices are fixed so who knows.
One of my regular clubs runs 2for1 days on Monday and Tuesday. A few years ago a very cute girl that I had bought many dances from in the past decided she wasn't going to honor the two for one deal and also decided not to tell any customers up front. She's very cute and we are still very friendly but I haven't asked her for a dance in two years.
I don't really consider my asking the dance price or stating what I usually pay as negotiation. I sometimes ask or state that when a dancer doesn't tell me. If a dancer comes right out and tells me her dance price and it sounds high, I'll typically say "no thanks." Of course that may be the reason a number of dancers don't give a price up front since they want to say whatever sounds reasonable to me and her. I always ask for the dance price first since that is just a way to get burned by a dancer by not asking. It might be cheaper to go some other guy's route and just go out with a dancer but then you face the possibility of getting into her personal issues and that takes the fun away if you still want a strip club experience.
I never pay more than $20 for a topless dance. Freelancing has become more and more popular as the business has dropped off. This can work in a positive or a negative way depending on the dancer. I only go to one club that takes a per-dance cut but they just eliminated the cut on Monday's and Tuesdays so I will probably start limiting my visits to those two days. I'm not rich but I really have no interest in trying to negotiate a ladies prices down. To each his own.
Actually I do get some lap dances for $15 and some for $10 but I buy more than one. A new dancer would be the best one to try that out on. If you want to get lower prices, you might want to try a price that doesn't sound too low for the club and possibly name a dancer that doesn't work there. If you get caught, you could say well I thought she worked here. If it's a big club with a lot of turnover and new dancers, I don't think you'll have a problem. It helps if the dancers are walking around a lot instead of finding guys who want to pay for the dances.
That's a great idea saying you only pay $10 for a dance but here in Vegas with SO MANY clubs I have a hard time believing that would work on anybody. I doubt I would ever use that line but if I do I'll let you know how it goes. Not only that but because I frequent one club predominantly over the others my guess is the girls would ask each other how much the customer paid and you'd get branded either a liar or a cheapskate. Is it going deter future enjoyable outings at said club? No but it could make for a coupla long nights.
I think Casualguy has a great idea, I'm surprised no one has thought of it before. When a girl pesters you for a dance, tell her you only ever pay $10 or whatever. Chances are she'll leave you alone. Otherwise you may have a good deal. Think I'll try that next time.
Unless you're dealing with a third person who takes the money, and there are a lot of clubs like that, I think you can nearly always get a discount for multiple dances, at least from some of the girls.
I think it is standard practice for strippers to charge you what they think you will pay rather than some standard price. Dance quality won't change either. I have strippers explicity tell them there is no difference between their $20, $30, $40, and $50 dances. It's just that some customers are willing to pay more, so they charge these suckers more.
Some dancers are more willing to negotiate than others. The "going rate" at a given club is only ever a rule of thumb. And, I've generally found, women who have an elaborate menu of compound-deals, or who have set prices that are strict and are higher than other girls at the same club, are generally dancers who give less than adequate service for those prices. That is to say, in general, if they're sticklers about price, it's because they're bad at what they do.
I'll agree. I believe some people have money to burn. I personally like to save a little bit. Of course if they got money to burn and have fun doing it, I'm certainly not stopping them. It takes a lot of people and/or money to support all the strippers I see in the strip clubs and I don't mind seeing additional eye candy.
last commentUnless you're dealing with a third person who takes the money, and there are a lot of clubs like that, I think you can nearly always get a discount for multiple dances, at least from some of the girls.