
How/why did it end?

Thursday, January 12, 2006 4:54 AM
In answering T-bone's question about how long an ATF lasted, I though it might be interesting to ask how or why did it end? In my case I stopped going to see my most recent fave because the place where she worked raised their prices and it got too expensive. Also she wasn't treating me as well as she had previously. For example, she kept suggesting that we get together OTC but then backed out at the last minute. In other words I started feeling like just another customer instead of the club buddies we had been previously. She was having some personal problems and wasn't as fun to be with as previously. But the cost was the final straw.


    18 years ago
    Shekitout, check the web site of Gentlemen's Gold Club in Baltimore. They have a ton of girls there and it's usually the first place an out of town girl will look for work. And a lot of them have their pictures posted.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    Alas I could only stay in two for nights. Then I had to return home. She was moving to the opposite corner of the country (as me) for school. She gave me her address and told me write, but I decided there was no point in it, LDRs not being my thing.
  • Shekitout
    18 years ago
    She just flatout up & disappeared! Got one voicemail from her about 2 months later & 3 months later a postcard from New Zealand! That's it since. Emails go unreplied. Greeting cards are not returned by the post office so it's assumed they're delivered. Heard she's in Baltimore, MD but unable to locate thru internet or telephone search. Big mystery.
    18 years ago
    I'm betting drug charges. I've known several dancers who went to jail for that. My ATF almost did too.
    18 years ago
    Woops, I meant to say, "I was betting ..."
  • T-Bone
    18 years ago
    Chandler - i think it was obstruction of justice/aiding and abeting a felon. (friend of hers).
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    She quit the local club and worked a lot further away. Was very difficult to get there or even see her outside the club. I talked to her about this and decided to just say goodbye. I have, however, seen her a few times since, but not in a club, rather with common friends that don't know we know each other from her dancing. A bit uncomfortable for me.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    My #1 favorite ended basically when she quit the club I saw her at and moved too far away. My #2 fave quit to become a dental assistant, although I had grown apart from her, so I don't know how much longer I would have sustained that. My number #3 originally retired because she couldn't find a club she liked, but I got to see her recently, so I don't absolutely think that is over.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    My first favorite dancer relationship ended when I got a new job and moved out of state. I wasn't clear where that relationship was at when I was job hunting especially when I went on an interview near her hometown and stopped by her house and she seemed excited about the possibility of me moving there. She said she could come over every day and dance for me. That just got me all confused probably because I didn't realize she may have been thinking of making me her boyfriend. Anyway the job I got was out of state and I said goodbye.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    T-Bone, what did she go to jail for, and for how long?
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    She got pregnant with her second child, had a boyfriend with enough scratch to support her, and decided it was time to retire.
  • T-Bone
    18 years ago
    I've had several favorites come and go. But the funniest reason for it ending to date - one of em' landed herself in jail.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I'm very loyal to a girl until she gives me a reason not to be. The only time it ever "ends" forme is when a dancer quits and chooses not to keep in contact. My ATF retired but we kept in touch and became very good friends. For every one like her there are dozens who dance for a while and quit-usually breaking ties with all aspects of the business including customers.
    18 years ago
    I've actually had 2 other regulars, 4 in total. The first one (and she was my first one) ended because she quit dancing and chose not to keep in touch, although by the time she quit we had been drifting apart anyway partly because I met my ATF. That one lasted about 9 months. The other one only lasted 2 weeks because she only danced for a short time and I met her while on vacation. But we kept in touch for about 6 months and she was a very special lady, so I consider her my regular. I also consider her my #2 ATF. Last I heard from her she was a waitress at Hooters in downtown Jacksonville, but that was a long time ago. I hope she is well.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    She got a regular job and quit dancing around the same time I got a regular girlfriend and quit going to clubs. We had begun to tire of each other for some time leading up to that. She was quite the flake and game player, although an inept one. Over two years later, after I broke up with my girlfriend and was back in clubs again, she (my ex-ATF) returned to dancing occasionally. I spent some good times with her again, but it never got back to anything like it had been. She'd put on weight, and I'd found newer faves to claim my time. I still see her at the club once in a while, but we don't get together anymore. The last time she tried to hustle me she was drunk, and I asked her if she'd seen another past fave of mine lately. She started to answer, then stopped herself and protested, "Hey, what're you doin' asking me about another woman?" I just shrugged and said, "I thought you might know."
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    With my top 5 it has been as varried as they were. One died in an accident, one still dances but we've both grown apart for various reasons, one retired from dancing and moved on, another retired and I still hear from her on rare occasions. The last, we had a bit of a falling out and even though she still danced for a while afterwards I just quit going to see her, prefering to remember the good times rather than try to re-claim them
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