

Monday, January 16, 2006 9:13 AM
Why do gorgeous girls think that putting artwork on their body that they would never hang in their house makes them sexier? Please, someone hide all the tat ink!


  • minnow
    18 years ago
    I'm 100% with AN on tats. That said, there's no doubt its a fad, witness the no. of PB & PH Centerfolds sporting some sort of tatoo. Maybe its that, maybe its all those pro athletes, rock/rap stars w. them that makes "everyone" wanna have 'em too.
  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    not to change the subject, but I once fell asleep at a Flock of Seagulls concert! Guys, I appreciate the response to this thread. I have one other question Why don't blacks use white ink for tattoos?
  • lousybuck
    18 years ago
    I'm getting used to them. I don't care for them that much and the less, the better. I think of them as 'the fad that won't go away.' At least when I got tired of my 'fro and members only jacket in the 80s, I ditched them and moved on to the next thing (which I believe was the unfortunate Flock of Seagulls hair).
  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    i can hear the conversation now: "Grandma Tiffany, what is that faded black drawing on your chest?"
  • ryan111778
    18 years ago
    I don't think it's an age thing. I'm only 27 and I don't like tattoos either. A tattoo on a beautiful woman is like graffiti on the Mona Lisa. Besides when they are 60 that unicorn is going to look like a giraffe.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Were talking esthetics, which used to be on the same plane as art (i.e. art was supposed to be beautiful and inspiring), but no longer is. "Art" is now supposed to be confrontational, controversial, or iconoclastic. Fine, I think that is just people with no talent finding a way to market their crap. In the case of dancing it's about marketing and the smart money is on no tatoos if you ask me. There are very few guys who will look at a girl and think "If only she had a Chinese Dragon emblazoned across her back she'd be a real looker."
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    I have to agree with ShotDisc and FONDL. Maybe it is something about age. I remember when almost no one but military and biker men had them.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I would prefer that people experiment with paint on tattoos that can come off instead of having permanent ones. Instead of enhancing the way someone looks, I believe almost every tattoo I have seen takes away from someones looks with some much worse than others. I suppose if I don't care how someone looks, I won't care if they have a tattoo either. I also won't care if they have a gigantic ring through their lips in their mouth or a gigantic nose ring. I just don't want to look at it though unless I feel like looking at mutilated bodies at that moment for some reason.
  • ShotDisc
    18 years ago
    parodyman. no offense taken. I understand your points, but I just don't like them. On women or men. I don't get them and at this point in my life don't feel like trying. Nothing is worse that seeing a gorgeous girl with any type of tattoo on her boob, back of the neck, small of her back or anywhere. The way I look at it, my dad and his brothers all made it thru 4 yrs in the navy and came home without tats. thats good enough for me. I wish I could find more girls without them. I would surely spend more time with them in the clubs.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Shotdisc please do not take this as a personal attack but your self proclaimed hatred of tattoos seems fairly stupid to me. My father is the same way. For whatever reason he believes that tattoos are in and of themselves bad. He believes that they identify the wearer as a low-life or some type of criminal. Back in the 80's the tattoo started to gain more mainstream popularity. Today it is one of the most expressive artforms available. Are there bad tattoos? Yes! Does every individual like every piece of art he or she sees? No! If this were the case it wouldn't be art. Art is by it's very nature contriversial. But I don't think you mean to say you hate all art. Tattoos should not be covered up. You are paying to see the lady with out her clothes so why not see her as she is? If you find the tattoos to be repulsive then maybe you can find a girl without them.
    18 years ago
    Shotdisc, I used to feel the same way, about both tattoos and piercings too. But I've gotten so used to seeing them both in clubs that it really doesn't bother me anymore unless it's way overdone. It seem like when you go to the beach every girl there under 40 has some of both. Guess us older guys just have to get used to it. It does look really dumb on the older ladies though, especially on the fat ones. Yuk.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    I'm not trying to change anyones mind, I just thought you might find thest articles interesting. Take away from them what you will. The Illustrated Woman Gallery -- [view link] Tattooed = Slutty? -- [view link] ...being a tattooed woman. -- [view link] Women We Love... and Their Tattoos -- [view link]
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