
Comments by casualguy (page 163)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Have you ever complained to management?
    It would be nice if all club management was concerned about irritating visits. I had one bad encounter with a bouncer and was thinking about talking to the manager because I didn't know what I did wrong. Then the bouncer told me there were two managers, I was thinking WTF? I had enough of that and the more questions I asked, the more threatening the bouncer seemed to get so I just left and never returned.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Hobbies other than SC
    If I don't surf the web too much tonight I plan on doing an old favorite hobby I haven't done very much lately. That is play a pc game. I used to have a whole lot of hobbies but now I just seem to work, visit relatives, surf the internet a bit, then go to bed. I also enjoy watching sci-fi shows.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Turning Down Dances?
    I'm probably pretty good at turning down dances since I have done this anywhere from 18 to 80 times I estimate on most nights that I've gone out to strip clubs. If I'm absolutely sure I don't want a dance I'll say firmly No thanks. If I'm not sure or if the dancer is extremely persistent in asking I'll say maybe later knowing that I might see her again. If I'm not sure but am considering the dancer, I may say, I just got here and wanted to drink a beer or two first but you can come back and ask again later. Just to let her know I may be interested but not right now since that line is so common. It doesn't matter if you've been there for a while since the dancer doesn't know at that point. As far as hurting feelings I wouldn't worry. You can always offer to let a dancer sit with you and see if she does when she knows you aren't going to buy dances. Apparently some guys are on the other extreme about not worrying about dancer's feelings. example dancer: "do you mind if I sit at your table?" guy: "hell yes, now get lost!" I had an upset dancer tell me this story which actually seems amusing in hindsite. She was going off talking about there must be something in the water which I thought was funny. I've had quite a few dancers sit at my table even after I said I wasn't interested in any dances. I never did tell that dancer she was approaching the same tables that one bitch of a dancer was annoying everyone with her obnoxious attitude. Oh well.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Poster who spent the mostest
    You got me beat by a mile and then some. If you're talking consecutive days, I believe I know of one poster who has you beat.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Hobbies other than SC
    If you want unusual hobbies, I was once into astrophotography but I haven't taken any astrophotos in a while. The last time I took some pics, it was using film and I know everything seems to be going digital.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Poster who spent the mostest
    lol, I find myself wondering if minnow studied engineering economics 101 evaluating the opportunity cost of buying lap dances versus alternatives.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Direct & Inverse Axioms
    #28 The smaller the bottle of water is, the higher the price.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Direct & Inverse Axioms
    #27 Female friskiness seems proportional to alcohol consumption. Perhaps true whether I'm drinking or her, lol.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Poster who spent the mostest
    I haven't noticed any expensive cars at strip clubs in my area except for one. The hummer. I remember because someone parked their hummer across from my car. I think they get a whopping 8 or so miles per gallon. Kinda of like burning money before you even get to a strip club but you usually have money to burn if you drive one I believe.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    suprised no one has mentioned
    I only know of one or two posters on this site who want the truth when they go to a strip club. Everyone else wants to enjoy adult disney fantasyland entertainment where all the girls are hot and eager to please at affordable prices.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    Iran is definitely a major concern right now. I'm hoping things can be resolved peacefully. However it doesn't help when the leader of Iran says he wants to wipe Israel out and as soon as they acquire nuclear know how, then intend to share it with all of their arab friends. If Iran acquires nuclear weapons, it's probably only a matter of time before the first nuclear bombs start falling. Radioactive oil probably won't sell that well either so oil prices will really skyrocket. I read that the pentagon requested the draft age be moved up to 42. Also our government is conducting nuclear exercises and apparently staying quiet about it. Supposedly testing a scenario where a 10 megaton warhead went off in a US city and we had thousands of deaths. I suppose the tests are to improve coordination between government and local officials or something. There is also a lot of chatter about possibly something happening in February maybe in Texas City or Houston, or a few other cities. Of course I think or hope that is more rumor than anything.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    This is a message for people who think the leader of Iran is sensible and for people who equate Bush as being similiar to a second version of Hitler. Please put your idiotic posts on some other anti-US, terrorist chat board instead of this one. You are not wanted here.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I've noticed a lot of nastiness on the board lately
    We could have civil conversations here except the one poster above called davids likes to insult us and call us wrong if it doesn't agree 100 percent with his view. I think that may be his sole reason for posting his venom on this discussion board. He has to resort to using words like retard, idiot, etc. etc. if we disagree with his no way can it be wrong view of the world.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    FYI, Columbia, SC club news "club manager got shot"
    I haven't ever been here but have wondered what the club was like a couple of times.
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    19 years ago
    Hobbies other than SC
    Before the Iraq war started and I lost contact with one of my friends who was in the army reserves, we used to play lan games RTS (real time strategy such as Total Annihilation, Warcraft, Quake, etc, etc.) It was a real blast teaching him Total Annihilation and hearing his expression when I kept blowing him up with another new weapon or tactic. He thought I was an expert for about a month or two. Then he got me into playing paintball with some of his army buddies. I was about ready to buy a semi - automatic paint ball gun but we got too busy after that. I thought it was fun but it did leave bruises that lasted about 2 weeks after you got shot. My friend said one guy had tactical army training or something like that and I forget now what training the other people had that I was playing with. You need to stay in shape if you hope to compete in the woods behind trees, logs, bushes, etc. while trying to sneek up and shoot your friendly neighborhood "enemies."
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    FYI, Columbia, SC club news "club manager got shot"
    The link worked for me. According to the story, basically a 62 year old attorney married with 2 kids, is accused of shooting and murdering the nightclub manager at Chastity's Gold club. It says a flash was seen from the car the suspect was in and the manager got shot in the head. I think perhaps he took his bar tab argument a little bit too serious.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    FYI, Columbia, SC club news "club manager got shot"
    In terms of "shot" he had a bigger gun than the deputies according to the article. I was thinking I hope it wasn't bigger than the guns the deputies in my town carry. I saw a pic the other day of the police where I live at and it looks like they could be in the military with their heavy duty guns. Maybe they carry bigger guns where I live after the shootout last year where one landowner didn't want to give up a foot or two of land off the front of his property for a wider road. People got shot and killed on that occasion as well. That was over a couple feet of land though and not a bar tab.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    some advice please. If any strippers read please give your opinion too.
    You may not only want to run like hell, but also change your phone number if you're worried about getting conned.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Longest time between first seeing a dancer and your first dance from her?
    I probably wouldn't remember a dancer after a few years if I had never gotten a dance from her in that time or would have forgotten that I never got a dance from her.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Who has been to strip clubs in the most states?
    SC - 18 NC - 11 WI - 1 Guess I'm still the low guy on the totem pole unless you count number of clubs visited. I have been to all 50 states when I was younger but I was too young to remember the Northeast US and southwestern states that well. My urge to travel was greatly reduced by all of the traveling I did while I was growing up. I spent most of my summer vacations on the road.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    some advice please. If any strippers read please give your opinion too.
    I reread that, 4 kids, run run, don't look back.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Who has been to strip clubs in the most states?
    The funny thing is I could have added one more state to my list and several more clubs by just driving for about an hour or so to my south to Georgia. I still haven't done that though after 9 years. Based on the reviews here, it looks like I'm better off staying closer to home.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Favorite State
    I like the clubs in south carolina.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    French Fires Fuel Fury; Iran Incinerated?
    Well I actually read some of davids posts above, well at least a few seconds of it and that was too much I believe. davids has a valid point. davids said he was an infidel. I will agree with that. Good point. I also read that he was not American. Now, I'm wondering what country or side he really favors.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Unorthodox stripper/customer stories
    the word troll is probably internet chat slang that for all of us who have ever engaged in internet chat seems as ordinary as the words friend, enemy, or annoying little brat. I think many of us tend to forget not everyone is familiar with those terms. In case someone doesn't understand some abbreviations I use on her I'll post a link. I use terms such as LOL, etc. just mean for instance I find this amusing LOL - Laughing Out Loud. I'm not familiar with all these terms below but I noticed YMMV made it to this list. http://www.netlingo.com/emailsh.cfm They left out troll though. I define that as a wandering chat menace.