
Comments by casualguy (page 143)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Ever had a stripper give you a tip one minutes, then take it back?
    Actually the club name may have been the same but it was a different city. So maybe not your favorite club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any customer here "realize he can't have" a stripper
    Give me a break. RL's posts are to be taken as seriously as listening to the devil with a bunch of half truths. As far as looking for a stripper you do not know outside the club, you may or may not find her again. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Just move on. At first I was wondering if you might be RL posting under a new name but I believe you are just a newbie to strip clubs. I will leave you alone if you don't want advise or sarcasm.
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    19 years ago
    Strip club clothing
    They would probably have to close down a strip club for lack of business if they didn't allow shorts here in the South where it's often in the 90's outside. I'm glad I don't live near Detroit.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Guys, how do you like to choose?
    If I was in a new club and I got to choose, I would like to sit back and scope the place out along with the dancers. My usual luck though is that the dancers will often come at me when I'm trying to watch some other dancers. As far as choosing girls, I often like to see how much a dancer will put into one of my one dollar tips or how much into other's tips. I find this is a sign of how well she will dance for you. Every once in a blue moon a dancer will look irresistible to me and if her dance price is ok, I will get a dance from her immediately.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Ever had a stripper give you a tip one minutes, then take it back?
    Ok, thanks. I forgot to ask about free passes. I suppose they are giving them out during the day in hopes of getting repeat day shift customers. I think I was distracted from thinking too much while in a club. :)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers who try to HIDE their CRIMINAL BOYFRIEND
    Exactly why are you so obsessed with stripper's boyfriends RL? That is usually the last thought on my mind when I'm in a strip club. I don't believe most stripper's SO is a criminal or has a criminal background. I think that's only YOU RL who thinks so. Maybe you're going to strip clubs in a really bad part of your town. I just don't know. Since I rarely ask any strippers out and am not usually interested in going out with them, I couldn't care less if they have a boyfriend or not.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers who try to HIDE their CRIMINAL BOYFRIEND
    RL, what do you think of stripper's boyfriends who have totally free records? Do you think they must be super criminals with connections to the white house or the shadow government to remain conviction free?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Ever had a stripper give you a tip one minutes, then take it back?
    Welcome to the discussion board pixierhia. I usually enjoy the company of friendly females.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    More stripper shit
    Did you ever get involved with a stripper and suddenly think, how did I get here? A stripper gets upset with you because you don't want to go on a trip with her or do other things with her outside the club. It's hard to resist a stripper who aims to please though. It seems like strippers get emotionally attached real fast. I've heard that is something females tend to do in general.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you care how much she weighs?
    If I don't find a girl attractive, she isn't getting a dance from me either. Girls who look like balloons don't need to bother asking me for dances. If they don't leave when I'm nice, then I can be a bit less than nice and then they usually get the idea. A little bit overweight is probably ok but not as good as normal. I have discovered though that some guys actually like fat dancers and I mean really big balloon fat. I don't understand those guys nor do I understand how some guys get excited by feet either. Maybe they are the lucky guys if they can get excited that easily. Lol, lucky and laughed at by friends.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why do black dancers feel black customers are suppose to get dances from them?
    Kyle, I have never heard of the old one drop rule. Is that something you can enlighten me about what it is or when it was used? As far as getting dances, I definitely understand the male sentiment that you only want to spend your hard earned cash on dancers you are attracted to and who give good dances.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Men who spend TWO MONTHS' PAY in a strip club in one night - LOSERS?????
    RL, if you're trying to say there are a few guys who spend way too much money in a strip club, I tend to agree with you on that one. I'm sure the strippers don't want to turn down a buck or more in that case but there is an old saying "money doesn't buy love". Of course if the guys have money to burn, more power to them.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why do black dancers feel black customers are suppose to get dances from them?
    Thanks for the definition Kyle. If I had heard that, I didn't remember it. As far as getting dances go, I don't care if the dancer is white, black, korean, chinese, french, canadian, or whatever. They just have to appeal to me enough and be attractive enough for me. That is as long as I have the cash and am willing to spend it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Would you be suspicious of a stripper who?
    I don't enjoy spending money for a lap dance and the stripper stares off into space and gives you a cold shoulder. Of course I will remember that for at least a year or two and will not get any more dances from her. I think I got a similiar dance about two years ago and I think it was the same dancer. It's like I suddenly remember her lousy dance several months ago now. If I knew a stripper was not at all interested in me, I would turn her down immediately.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Would you be suspicious of a stripper who?
    Stripper shit goes both ways. There are some girls who can't even act and therefore not even worth getting a dance from for any reason that I can think of. Then there are some dancers who go overboard and look too phony with blinking the eyes too much etc. Then there may be strippers who like to talk up your ego. You know they go on and on, saying you got this or that or you are much better etc. than most people. I guess some guys probably eat that up.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Ever considered opening your own club?
    I thought about the idea but not for long. Religious fanatics and others opposed to not in my backyard are so opposed to anything they consider slightly immoral such as strip clubs or even Hooters for that matter, they are ready to resort to new laws, new harassment, or whatever they can think of to stop it. So many claim they are so religious but we are all sexual beings. They just want to deny it and hide behind religion and condemn all those who would like to enjoy strip clubs. They do all the condemning of strip clubs with laws, harassment of customers, etc. and then they go home and have sex with their spouses or significant others. If they aren't, then maybe that is their problem. I have heard a lot of stripper crap from just one or two strippers, I can just imagine what a club full of strippers and lots of drinking customers would be like to manage in addition to city councils and others passing new laws opposed to not in my back yard etc. etc. No thanks. I'm just glad there are a few managers willing to handle all the bs for the bucks.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How important is mileage to you?
    Getting back to the original question, I don't see much point in getting a dance if a dancer is just doing air dances. I can just sit near the stage and get the same thing for a dollar tip as someone getting an air dance. I suppose if a club was really big and the guy couldn't sit near the stage, he might be more interested in getting an air dance.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    More stripper shit
    If I like a dancer and she wants to get together with me OTC and have a bite to eat, I wouldn't have too much of a problem with that. I would even offer to pay for her meal in spite of what RL thinks that I might be wasting my money. I would do that with other non dancing girls as well. I just have to remember to be on guard against SS though if I do agree to meet a dancer OTC. Some girls do like to hang out or go out while a few just seem interested in dancing at their house. At least that is what I've heard. By SS you want to make sure that they don't expect money for anything. I have heard a lot of SS and that is the big reason I don't ask any strippers OTC.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    More stripper shit
    Have you ever heard SS such as a stripper you just met but got a dance from talking about giving you her phone number so you could talk and maybe get together OTC, and then she says, "you probably wouldn't call me, would you?" I was thinking this girl is crazy, we never talked about getting together and I never asked for any phone number. I was wondering though if this stripper was a mind reader.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What type of SC relationship do you prefer?
    I don't even understand why someone would want to be in an adversarial relationship. I think of adversarial as being an enemy. I do not think of good thoughts toward enemies. Maybe a better word would be confrontational if someone likes those kind of relationships. I have seen a couple people who seem to thrive on confrontations. I can't say that anyone liked them though.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    what do u think?
    I tend to agree with shadowcat on this one. Do you really want to hurt your current wife and kids when this stripper is either looking for future financial support or possibly some support now by being able to hang something over your head? It really depends on your situation as to whether you like your current wife and kids. Do you really want to divorce your current wife, pay alimony for 2 kids, then pay and support a former stripper with 4 kids? I wouldn't.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How long should she talk before asking for a dance?
    I've encountered a different situation. A dancer asks to sit with me and I'm not interested in getting a dance from her. I know that immediately because she's not my type. I immediately tell her I don't mind but I'm not interested in getting a dance. At least one dancer sat down anyway. I was thinking, what is the point? I ignored her as well for the next few minutes. It's a little bit easier when the sound volume is high. I finally got rid of her by telling her I was going to tip a girl on stage. She was gone when I got back.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How long should she talk before asking for a dance?
    As far as how long to talk, it seems more a matter to me about how long does it take to determine if you want a dance if you're interested in getting dances. Is she your type? I want to be able to look at most of a dancer instead of her being so close I can only see her face. How much does she charge for a dance? What are her rules? I guess in some clubs this info will always be the same. It's your money and you should be able to have a minute at least to determine if you're getting what you want for your money.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What would you have done?
    I would have suggested she try drinking some water to put out some of the hunger. She could also ask around if anyone had any snacks on them. That's about all I would offer. Just some tips.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What would you have done?
    I forgot one tip. She could try drinking a soda if they have one. That can put off some hunger.