
Comments by casualguy (page 142)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Really persistent dancers that aren't your type
    LOL, Superdude. I thought that was funny. Maybe if I put a spin on that one she won't get ticked off at me. Maybe I could say, "I need to drink alot more beer before you look good enough to me, and the bar is already closed."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers who try to BUY FRIENDSHIP in strip clubs
    Where, when, what sites? You don't mention the details. How are we supposed to know if you're just making all of this up?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Married or Single
    I usually think this question is usually either small talk or the dancer trying to determine how big a mark you might be (ie how much money you might have to blow on her). In a few probably very rare cases, the dancer might be just curious. However when you are in a regular bar and get asked this question or rather why aren't you married? It can get a bit more confusing I suppose. I once heard of someone getting approached by a (probably drunk) girl and she insisted that he must be married. Just to get rid of her, he lied and told her he was. That story made me wonder if some girls look for married guys.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers who try to BUY FRIENDSHIP in strip clubs
    RL are you sure it was a "man" who wrote whatever posts you are referring to and not some evil stripper making some men look bad?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    customers who have MARRIED strippers that they have met INSIDE THE CLUB
    If I thought a stripper wanted to marry me, I would disappear off the face of the Earth. This might be a good scary subject to bring up around Halloween. Look out for the ghouls, goblins, and strippers who want to marry unsuspecting customers in a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Petition - boot RL
    I'll vote YES. It is ONLY common SENSE to vote YES since that NAME has become OUTDATED and doesn't make ANY sense for the kind of posts he posts. CAPS emphasized just to show how annoying some of his posts can be. If his/her name was Stripperhaternumber1 or something like that, his/her name would make alot more sense.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Really persistent dancers that aren't your type
    Lol, I just got an idea. If you don't want to be asked a zillion times "Wanna dance?" Just tell the first 10 to 20 girls that you are Out of money. Word should spread fast.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Really persistent dancers that aren't your type
    Thanks for the reminder. I haven't used the "Out of money" card in awhile. I think it would work great I hope in one particular case. I don't want to use the out of money card too much or the dancers at one club won't believe a word I say anymore. If I have already said "no thanks", "maybe later", then I could add, "well, the real reason is that I'm OUT OF MONEY!" I sure hope that would get rid of her. I don't usually say I'm out of money and I remember a couple of dancers long ago have told me that they didn't care if I was out of money. Of course I didn't mind those dancers.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    A stripper you like may REFUSEto see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB because of a CRIMINAL
    Pretend you are now in an office RL. Sit down and relax. Ok, now tell me, do you believe strippers avoid you? . . . Do you believe they avoid you because they have a dangerous or criminal boyfriend who might get upset if she is around you? . . Please speak up RL. . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Petition - boot RL
    LOL, if a strip club opens called RomanticLover we would never hear the end of it here. Of course RL would probably be insulted if dances cost more than $5. Then we could have a laugh and keep posting about "Did you know RL charges $40 per dance? RL charges UNREASONABLE prices and should be avoided." lol or how about "RL is a rip off. Save your dollars and look elsewhere."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    A stripper you like may REFUSEto see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB because of a CRIMINAL
    hmmm, he might be. Maybe he's telling us his stories from behind bars and his girlfriend Bubba keeps telling him his wise stories or tall tales. You the reader must decide. RL, just don't believe everything your cellmate Bubba tells you. One day you might get out of thinking like a criminal and escape the confines of your imprisonment.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Bare women's breasts make men live longer
    Now I know why I have such great blood pressure. Good News! I haven't really been exercising that much for months after an accident and the winter set in. I was wondering how my blood pressure could be better than ever. Now I know. Strip clubs do a body good. Now I also know why I feel a bit tired after some of those strip club visits, I've been doing the equivalent of hours of heavy aerobic exercise it appears.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What do you think of strippers who have a FAKE "real name"?
    I had a stripper recently who introduced herself to me and she told me her stage name, then she told me what her real name was. Is that a new trend? I never saw her before and now I only remember her real name.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers trying to con you into spending more on a lapdance
    You could say "Why do I want to pay extra to see your kitty when I just saw some of it on stage?"
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strippers trying to con you into spending more on a lapdance
    I avoid getting dances from strippers who want to charge extra for tiny little things. They'll probably want a tip too. I usually ask for a dancer's rules ahead of time if I'm not too familiar with her.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Married or Single
    I was just asked this question with a twist last night. The dancer grabbed my left hand and looked at it, then she asked "why aren't you married?" The music or song must have changed after that because I couldn't hardly understand a word she said with the music so loud. In this case, I believe the dancer was just trying to start a conversation since it was one of the first things she said.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever had a stripper give you a tip one minutes, then take it back?
    I'm not sure if it was a gimmick or if she found a two dollar bill on the floor in front of me. Easy come easy go I guess they say.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Ever had a stripper give you a tip one minutes, then take it back?
    Two dollar bills are very common in a few clubs because it's the only change certain clubs will give you. I really do prefer normal money. As far as the two dollar bill goes, I believe someone else probably dropped it and I happened to be sitting next to it and didn't notice. On the other hand, it could be a gimmick. I thought it looked too wrinkled up to have been in my pocket so I thought maybe it was on the floor. I don't know though.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    A stripper you like may REFUSEto see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB because of a CRIMINAL
    Maybe if RL rephrases his topics, he might get more sympathy. Here is a rephrased topic right here for RL. "I really like this one stripper but she REFUSES to see me OTC. I know it has to be because of her big CRIMINAL boyfriend. Her boyfriend is probably real MEAN and can probably KICK my ass so I'm not going to bother HER anymore or HE will be on MY case. Those criminals scare me sh**l**s." rephrased for RL.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Has anybody seen Heidi?
    Give more details. Short, tall, blonde, brunette, any other names or alias she likes to go by? large or small frame, what club did she work at? I usually don't pay attention to names so if other guys are like me, it would be a really long shot.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any customer here "realize he can't have" a stripper
    RL must be in the isolation chamber if he is in jail, haven't heard much lately. I'm just wondering what dire warnings or horror stories RL might have if a stripper asks a customer to go out to eat or just hang around outside the club. Maybe a stripper could be looking for the dreaded criminal boyfriend. I know RL won't answer this question so I'll answer for RL. RL's probable response if asked to go out "I AM NOT A CRIMINAL!"
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any customer here "realize he can't have" a stripper
    Is Peanuts a club in Mexico?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any customer here "realize he can't have" a stripper
    For all newbies: RL's posts should be ignored or not taken seriously. He/she has been posting the same hateful stripper/strip club patron messages for years. There may be some truth in some messages but the overall message is still hateful or disgust for strippers and those who are strip club patrons. This is my opinion and I believe many others.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Ever had a stripper give you a tip one minutes, then take it back?
    GSP doesn't seem to be as progressive as CAE. I've asked for one dollar bills in change and just get no can do. They do have a better DJ or better sound though at GSP. I can actually hear people talk in most parts of the club. This may be off topic but do you know how you get free passes to the club? Maybe I'll ask a dancer if you don't know. I've seen people use passes at GSP.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    request for founder...
    Saves me an extra click. Good job.