How important is mileage to you?
Which club would you rather hang out in? The club that has really high mileage including extras but the girls don't really appeal to you all that much, or a medium contact club without extras but with girls who you find really attractive? Personally I prefer the latter.
I have never been in a sc that offered only air dances, but I would be gone from there within five minutes of so finding out (have to finish my drink. Let's not get crazy here).
If I was in a club that offered high mileage with women so skanky that it wasn't worth it, I would probably find some other, non-sc related way to spend my time, rather than go to a bar that had 10s who gave only air.
I should add that a lack of clothing can add substantially to the rating a woman gets.
I have had a lot of variety in mileage. My ATF gave me her email and we met up a few times in different places outside the club. She said she liked me because theres not a lot of white guys in that club and I always treated her with respect (A BIG tip for guys) and maintained conversation.
I have had some wierd experiences ranging from a BBBJ to a few Covered FS. Each one is different, but that WAS the point to the visit, get to the nut in the road.
I have had a few Fav's who were great for the time I was in the city of the club, we had a good time and moved on. I even saw one of the girls from a nearby club when I was out with the wife...close one...she was COOL. Thats why some form of truth and respect is so important.
I have given 2 girls a ride to their home or apartment or hotel room. Neither had extended contact after arriving there. I did get an AWESOME LD from one the next day and drove her home that night with some milk and cookies waiting when we got there. I did spend a lot of time talking with that one and she knew thats what the deal was. She said she'd done extras since she was 17 and stripping in SC (Actually got her first job because she extra'd the owner) and had never really had many guys take her as far as I had. A few, but not a lot. Very interesting conversation.
Mainly though I go for the grind and those who aren't are lying.
I prefer the latter as well.