
Comments by casualguy (page 144)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Would you be suspicious of a stripper who?
    Extra note here: I don't go to strip clubs to try to start any relationship. I only go to have a little bit of entertainment or fun. Therefore I am always suspicious of girls who want to see me OTC. It might have something to do with an attitude that these girls are used to using guys to make their money instead of working a regular job. I have met a few dancers who work a regular job most of the week though. Maybe I could try to do like a college roomate of mine did when others accused him of having like 26 girlfriends. I personally don't want to deal with all the hassle. He said he only had like 9 girlfriends though. He still lied a lot or had me doing it for him. I guess that's a bit similiar to being in a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Would you be suspicious of a stripper who?
    I thought you said you weren't going to post any more davids. Lol, you must have lied as well since we all do it on occasion.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How important is mileage to you?
    Sometimes mileage isn't at all important to me. Of course I'm not paying for any dances though when it isn't. I used to go to a club that had a number of 9's and 10's working there. I used to enjoy just sitting back and drinking a beer and watching all of the air shows performed nearby my area. I could sometimes watch about 7 or 8 dancers at one time and they were all 9's and 10's. That was about the only club I enjoyed going to when it was crowded. I had a lot less dancers asking for dances.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What would you have done?
    I used to get hungry all the time. Drinking a bottle of water helps for a little while but not for too long. Soda works better for me if I have to wait for lunch etc. and I don't want to feel the hunger pains. Of course soda is not necessarily good for you I've heard.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you prefer the thrill of the unknown or a guaranteed good time?
    If the regular routine becomes dull and tired, I'll try something new if I think there's any chance of it being fun. If I don't think there's a snowball chance in ... well I'll stick to what I know is fun. The reviews here help a lot as far as strip clubs are concerned. I no longer go to clubs without asking someone what a club is like or what type of club it is unless I'm taken there with a friend or some buddies. I remember one girl on one night had me visit about 4 or 5 different bars or nightclubs with her and I had never been to any of them.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    The EMOTIONAL needs of WORN OUT, MANIPULATIVE strippers
    I'll agree that there are a number of manipulative dancers and girls out there. They talk me into buying them a drink and then tell me I have to get one too. Then before I know it, they get me to leave with them and as soon as I get to their place, they jump me without warning. No warning at all and no time to even think about them jumping me, very manipulative.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If your goal is a RELATIONSHIP with a stripper OUTSIDE the club, do you spend
    I can clearly see the answer to the question above. It's a REALLY BIG NOOOO! RL has nothing else better to do. Therefore let us all feel free to act silly and have some fun on RL's threads. Don't take things seriously because it's all the same ol same ol and nothing has changed in the last few years except the humor.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If your goal is a RELATIONSHIP with a stripper OUTSIDE the club, do you spend
    Since I don't REALLY want to INTERRUPT a serious discussion on FAT strippers on another thread I will respond here. I remember seeing a fat stripper one time and a bunch of guys starting going MOOOO, mooooo, moooo. I think she got the message they were not interested in getting a dance from her. I thought that was a bit rude but it did get the message across.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Even more stripper shit, lol.
    I forgot to mention she believes she knows me from years ago. I don't remember anything about her except recently.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Even more stripper shit, lol.
    I don't really know her that well but we did hook up OTC on a couple of occasions. I thought it was just a temporary affair sort of thing since she lives out of state and was visiting in my area.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    She doesn't even remember your name
    If they remember you I'm usually impressed enough especially if it's been several months. Since I have trouble remembering so many names and am actually quite bad about it, I certainly don't hold it against anyone if they forget my name. Part of that reason is I will probably forget their name unless they keep reminding me. I have been surprised numerous times by a lot of dancers who remember my name and other things I have told them so many times it doesn't seem funny anymore. On the one hand though, I remember a few times in college when I think a girl I didn't know at all would suddenly say she knew me but she couldn't remember my name or hardly any real info about me. I think those girls were just pretending so that they could start a conversation with me. It's not a bad line when the girl looks good and she wants to introduce herself. In a strip club though, I want to hear personal info about me or a name to believe that I knew the dancers. Of course I just get dances from those girls I am attracted to anyway so it doesn't matter that much to me anyway. Sometimes it seems like over 80% of the girls in a club you went to one time last year remember you. I have a relatively simple name as well so it's easy to remember.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How long should she talk before asking for a dance?
    I live in the southeast and I never ever tip the girls for talking. I don't usually tip after a dance either unless it was extremely good. Every once in a while though, I do buy a dancer a drink so I guess that might be a form of tipping. I usually prefer not to but if I'm having a good time I might be willing. I guess other parts of the country have different tipping expectations.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How long should she talk before asking for a dance?
    If an out of state dancer comes here and expects a tip for simply talking for a few minutes, then she won't last long. Asking for a tip just for sitting and talking for a few minutes is what I consider rude where I live at. Of course drinks may be considered differently here than a cash tip. Since they stop serving drinks after midnight on Saturday night here in some clubs, I often can avoid buying drinks as well.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Customers PAYING strippers for CONVERSATION who have LOW SELF ESTEEM?
    I can only imagine one customer who might be willing to do as RL suggests. That person would be RL. Any comments RL? Do you do this?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers who have a "POLICY" of NOT DATING CUSTOMERS
    RL if you are such an expert on picking up girls that you can easily date any stripper, why don't you post how to pick up girls in regular bars and other places that have easier pickings? Or do you think more regular places aren't that easy either?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Customers who use TRICKS to get a strippers PHONE NUMBER - Are they PATHETIC?
    Please tell us about your bad of TRICKS RL, the curious want to know how an expert like yourself does it. I am curious so feel free to inform us.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Customers who use TRICKS to get a strippers PHONE NUMBER - Are they PATHETIC?
    meant to say bag of tricks
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Customer offering MONEY to a stripper OUTSIDE the club ONLY
    Why yes RL, I once did this. I told a stripper that she wouldn't get any money from me unless she meant me outside the club. I told her I had a big bill waiting for her. Anyway she agreed to meet me outside the club since she knew she wasn't going to get any money from me inside the club. I gave her the big bill. It had a big 5 on it and I could just tell that she was very impressed. Then she said, 'let's skip this joint and head on over to my place." There she jumped me and never bothered to ask me for any more money again. She can't wait to hook back up with me outside the club again. It's an amazing story isn't it?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Customer offering MONEY to a stripper OUTSIDE the club ONLY
    RL, your big 5 dollar bill can go quite far if you know how to use it. If you haven't succeeded so far, you must be doing something wrong.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Customers PAYING strippers for CONVERSATION who have LOW SELF ESTEEM?
    I should have read all the posts before asking a stupid question. I see that paying for conversation is #5 on RL's list for how to meet a stripper outside the club. RL, you will have to explain that to me since I'm certainly no expert like you are.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    She doesn't even remember your name
    I believe some dancers feel disappointed when you don't remember them. If I don't see them for several months, it isn't that hard to forget someone when I think of her as just another pretty blonde girl. Besides if you have been drinking and have to deal with extremely loud music and heavy smoke in a club, that's something you seem to want to block out. I guess more than what I want gets blocked out.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I'm not in the teaching profession and I certainly don't worry about being seen. In fact I have gone to strip clubs with other guys from work or seen some guys from work and waved over at them. The only reason I would be concerned if I was a teacher would be if the parents or school board found out. Some of those school boards or parents seem to be religious fanatics when it comes to doing things the way THEY BELIEVE things should be done. If word gets out you are an immoral teacher in such a situation, I could see lots of trouble ahead. If the school board and the majority of parents understand strip clubs just to be entertainment and don't have a problem with it, then I wouldn't be concerned if I was a teacher. However I have heard stories where some parent went bonkers because of some teacher going to a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How long should she talk before asking for a dance?
    I typically do not buy drinks for dancers. I guess that means that I typically do not tip for conversation as well. However I have on a few occasions splurged and bought a dancer a drink. Something about drinking down a few and not offering to buy a drink must make me feel like offering a drink on a few occasions. Of course that is the exception for me rather than the typical reaction. In a byob club or bring your own beer, I have in the past shared a beer out of my cooler when the dancer asked. I guess that could be a form of tipping as well. At $6 for a 6 pack, that would be about a $1 tip. Beer typically costs a little bit more now.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Aren't customers suppose to be treated with respect?
    Some clubs try to overdue the respect thing. I don't need a waitress to be seated when there are plenty of empty seats. I like to pick and choose as well and move around. Sometimes you may want to avoid certain dancers you know are going to come after you. On the other hand you may simply not like the way the light is at one location versus another (ie. too dark, too bright, etc.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Customers PAYING strippers for CONVERSATION who have LOW SELF ESTEEM?
    RL do you have ANY experience buying a drink for a dancer? I will agree with you if say spending more than $5 for a drink is UNREASONABLE and no drink should cost more than say $1 or $2 dollars and that is being generous.