
Comments by casualguy (page 136)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What % of the do you have a good strip club visit?
    I believe over 90 to 95% of my visits are good visits. I don't like extremely loud and painful music either so I bring ear plugs if I know a club has painfully loud music. So number one on Kyle's list is striked out for me (hopefully). Then numbers 2 through 5 of Kyle's list could be knocked off for me since I don't usually go to a club just to see one dancer. The clubs I go to don't have 200 pound girls working so that is not a problem. I don't go to clubs expecting anything but a good show from the girls and maybe some good lapdancing on occasion and almost always get it. Now the 2% to 5% of the time that I do not enjoy are when none of the girls give a good lapdance at a reasonable price or when someone scammed/stole from me.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The top earning strippers??
    Thanks for your input Makayla. I don't know if you call your club an average club in an average town but I believe many of the numbers you hear of what strippers earn or can earn are usually at the top end of the scale. The average is not as glamorous as some might be thinking. However for a pretty but unskilled worker, stripping can be a means to get money while pursuing bigger and better things such as a better education and job. I believe most strippers are forced out of the business or just quit by the time they reach their 30's if not sooner. That's not really alot of time to make a fortune for most dancers if they are only working for average stripper pay.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What % of the do you have a good strip club visit?
    I believe if I only enjoyed 20% of my visits to strip clubs, I wouldn't even bother going unless I was bored and just wanted to kill time.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper REFUSES to tell her (real) NAME because of SAFETY, is she a FRIEND
    After no one ever posted back about Houston which RL was always talking about for quite some time, he started looking at all the chat areas to spread his expertise so that no one would feel left out and possibly miss all of his expert advice on how to date strippers etc. etc., lol.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    "Don't get it" dancers!
    Shadowcat, I knew what you meant but was just having fun. :) You can't read body language by reading this text though. Just so any dancers reading this know, I don't mind if dancers come over and sit on my lap. I would say I would be ok with over 90 percent of the dancers in the clubs I usually go to. I'll let them sit on my lap free of charge as long as they want to also. If I want or need to move, I will tell them so. Of course I have to stop at a limit of two dancers sitting on my lap at one time. I only got two legs. :) Actually a dancer sitting on each leg is a good way to keep me in my seat.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Anyone here who is DESPERATE FOR AFFECTION from WOMEN?
    Somebody please donate a mirror to RL so he can figure it out. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Scene from verbal abusive boyfriend talking to stripper girlfriend outside of a club. Stripper: "urrr, some jerk in the club keeps asking me for my real name and phone number. I mean just how thick is this guy's skull anyway?" Verbally abusive boyfriend: "did you tell him you were his friend?" Stripper: "yes, then the jerk wanted to know my name and number!" Verbally abusive boyfriend: "you must keep telling him you are his friend, obviously he is not the brightest lad or he wouldn't keep asking you all of those stupid personal questions." verbally abused stripper: "urrr, ok"
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Thank you
    Thank you too. Just remember though that you shouldn't necessarily believe everything that you read on here though.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    On the average do the lesser attractive girls give better mileage?
    I haven't noticed any general difference between dancer looks and the way they dance. I often seem to get better friendly gestures from some of the prettiest dancers. However it's been quite some time since I've seen any dancers that looked that high on the looks scale. I have encountered a few stuck up better looking dancers but their attitude prevents me from ever getting a dance from them. It only takes one stuck up gesture directed at me to remember to not EVER get a dance from that girl. For example one girl who apparently was not from around this part of the country where I'm at sat down beside me. She talked for a minute or two then asked for a dance. I asked the dance price and she told me a high price. I turned her down. Then she asked for a tip which was very unusual. I offered her a dollar tip. She acted insulted and told me to keep my dollar because I might need it. (spoken in a stuck up attitude) She didn't seem too bright when she came back a few minutes later asking for another dance again.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    On the average do the lesser attractive girls give better mileage?
    Hmmm, maybe I should have asked that dancer if she was from Houston. Someone has posted for years asking about if some people pay dancers for conversation. If this was a dancer used to getting paid for just talking, then I might have a clue why she seemed upset after I offered to give her a dollar. I don't usually give any money to any dancer just for talking even if it's been an hour or two. So I thought a dollar tip was quite generous for just a minute or two of nothing.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Thank you
    For those of you who want a broader range of discussion topics I often go to http://www.abovetopsecret.com/ and click on the discussion board in small letters at the top left. Note: If you decide to become a member (it's free), please read the rules because they have several and it is moderated and no links to sites considered pornographic (probably like this one) are tolerated. The topics are interesting though.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Thank you
    I should mention the following if you get that far on the link above. after clicking on discussions, look for and click on New Posts to get a list of all the new discussions.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Really persistent dancers that aren't your type
    I'm actually attracted to some scents. I remember one that smelled like vanilla cake. Another girl had another scent that also made me feel a bit hungry but I forget now which food scent it smelled like. My sense of smell is usually more of an irritant to me most of the time since I can smell some people from several feet away and they aren't wearing any artificial scents. Of course the overpowering smell of cigarette smoke often drowns that out.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What do you think of strippers who have a FAKE "real name"?
    I have to say I have forgotten the dancer who told me her real first name and now only remember that name because it was the same name as a dancer I used to see OTC.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Would you be suspicious of a stripper who?
    I wasn't upset even though I thought it might be a line because this is what she told me when I first saw her recently. This dancer did know about the clubs where I used to live at including one that closed down years ago. She even mentioned a dancers name from many years ago that I remembered. I bet she just remembers seeing me in a club from years ago. I doubt I saw her OTC or anything like that. I think I would remember that.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Guys, how do you like to choose?
    I like to tip some dancers to see them up close. I rarely ask for dances. I can sit back and pick and choose from among all the dancers coming to me.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Where are the clubs where almost all the strippers rate 9 or 10?
    Thanks for the answers.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Signs that a dancer's S.O. is in the club
    I'm still haven't determined at what point you become a dancer's boyfriend. I remember other people once confused me as being a dancer's boyfriend because one dancer would just sit and talk to me for a long time without getting any dances. In hind site, I now see why some other guys asked if I was a particular's dancer's boyfriend. I thought it was funny at the time but they probably wanted to get a dance from her. She just wanted to talk to me for what seemed the whole night.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Had no idea people here could be so IGNORANT
    Some people on here obviously don't care about others feelings. Others will take offense at anyone who rates one of their favorite clubs with a low rating as if it's a slap in the face to them. I would just try to ignore them. I'm not afraid to give a club a one rating if I had an awful time when everyone else is having a great time. I've already done something like that as well. I say rate the club based on your experience. It doesn't do others unfamiliar to a club any good if everyone rates a club about the same rating because they are afraid someone will attack them. There may be an occasion though where I might give a club the benefit of the doubt if I had one bad night but other nights were better.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has a stripper ever LAUGHED at you when she didn't realize you could hear her?
    At the Platinum Plus club in Columbia, this wouldn't be a problem because everyone has to shout to hear someone standing right next to their ear. At least this seems to be the case in the evening. If someone laughed, no one would ever hear it. One stripper noticed me wearing ear plugs though and was amazed that I could hear her talking perfectly fine. I think she wanted to try on my ear plugs. Many years ago at a club far far away, I did see that some guy had given a dancer his business card. He probably would have been dismayed if he knew it somehow ended up in the men's urinal.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has a stripper ever LAUGHED at you when she didn't realize you could hear her?
    RL have you ever been stalked by a stripper? You know they pop up out of nowhere over 200 miles from where they live and say they know you. Then they tell you that there's a picture of you where she works at. She is just visiting a club that you happen to be at. Suspicious? Then she starts talking about all these sexual things she's going to do with you. aahh, you probably wouldn't ever believe a story like that would you? Lol, I just thought of a new stripper label you could use, demonic strippers hell bent on seducing innocent guys. Lol, I bet some guys would be looking for those strippers.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What would you do ?
    Caution, possible slippery ice ahead, oops got the weather forecast here by accident.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Oh no, we should all be worried because someone says we as customers are exploiting other people. Well I got news for you, all of us are getting exploited every single day we work for a living. We all sale ourselves to try to get higher wages and will offer our services to try to get a certain level of monetary satisfaction in whatever career we choose. If that's exploitation then we are all getting exploited every day by our bosses or whomever we work for. I don't see anything wrong with it. It's just a fact of life. You learn to live and deal with it. However, I know some people like to always complain about this or that constantly.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I don't know what kind of strip clubs some guys go to but the ones I go to no sexual services are offered by the strippers. Some people must go to strip clubs alot different than the ones I go to. I'm not surprised someone went to a few bad clubs somewhere and suddenly believes that almost all strippers across this country are selling sexual services and that only one or two do not. Times have changed in my part of the country now though, I don't believe as a customer you get kicked out of a club for asking something sexual but the dancers will avoid you like a jerk in a corner.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I'm curious what exactly would you define low sense of worth as? Would it be working a job with very low pay when you know you could make a little bit more somewhere else? If a stripper makes $200,000 a year then she must have a really low sense of worth doesn't she? Just think, she could be working at burger king flipping burgers instead. I suppose some people are going to always throw in their own personal distaste for anything sexual and equate that with low self esteem. A girl rated a 10 making minimum wage flipping burgers at Burger King would have a higher self esteem than a stripper making $250,000 a year in some people's opinion.