
What makes a winner?

Thursday, September 28, 2006 8:50 AM
I'm familiar with 2 of the top ranked (rated?) clubs. The only things that they seem to have in common are: both are on the smaller side, both are fairly seedy and not at all fancy, and both offer high mileage without high prices, though there are plenty of cheaper places around. Just wondering if all the top clubs are like that or are they all over the place?


  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    The dynamic in Providence over the last several years has convinced that the stupidity of other club owners can contribute hugely to a club's sucess.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    If this site was around about 9 or 10 years ago, I think I first found and visited PP in Columbia by locating strip clubs using this site around that time. I believe I even became a regular if you call once a week or once every two or 3 weeks a regular. I could visit late on Friday and Saturday nights back then and still find a place to sit except maybe around 10 PM. I can't remember exactly why I stopped being a regular unless I just wasn't visiting any strip club for a long stretch. I may have been too busy picking up girls in regular bars. I can't remember anymore. It's still fun to visit though.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I believe most strip clubs count on local advertising and local word of mouth. However nowadays, the internet does give some additional advertising. This website merely helps those who want to help themselves to avoid the losers and pick the winners as far as strip clubs go.
    18 years ago
    Bones, I agree. That's exactly my problem, the clubs that I like the best don't usually attract the kind of girl that I like. So I have to compromise on either the club or the girl, so I often end up at a club I don't much like. If I look back the best times I've ever had were those rare occasions when I happened upon a girl I liked in a club I liked, but it doesn't happen very often. But that really isn't the question I was trying to ask. I was wondering what it takes for a club to get high ratings. What is special about the clubs that are ranked the highest?
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Agree on the girl concept. Plenty of good times to be had with the right lady regardless of the setting. Unfortunately, often the setting influences the girl's options and thereby changes one type of girl into another type.
    18 years ago
    Yoda, I completely agree. I may like or dislike a particular club because of it's other features, but it's the girl I end up with who determines whether or not I have a good time. I've had lots of good times in terrible clubs and vice versa. Reviews can never tell you what kind of time you're going to have, they can only tell you what the club is like.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    When traveling I read what is posted on TUSCL about a club I may want to visit but it's not the deciding factor. The reason for this is that most of my home clubs get lower ratings on TUSCL even though I enjoy myself on every visit. I go to see certain girls. If those girls are working I know I'm going to have a good time.
    18 years ago
    I agree that ratings on sites like this have little impact on a club's business. I think that the vast majority of strip club customers are locals who go to the same club or two all the time and rarely if ever go anywhere else. If that's all you're going to do you have no need to use the internet. Most strip club customers probably never heard of TUSCL.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I am consistently surprised at how few people use the internet to find out about strip clubs. There are about four decent websites out there, this one being the most informative by a long shot. And finding them is a breeze -- you get to TUSCL immediately by simply googling "strip club review," or even simply the name of the club you want to go to in your town! But then when I get to the club, surrounded as I am wont to be with hundreds of middle-income middle-management white men who doubtless have internet access set up at home, in any conversation with them they're generally surprised to hear that they could have done some research first. What's that? Sex? Access to sexual information? On the internet? No way, why didin't *I* think of that?
    18 years ago
    Sorry, I just thought of another common feature: they're both located in out-of-the way locations on the fringe of cities, not downtown. Sounds to me like Shadowcat's favorite place which is also now in the top 10 is similar to my two.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Casual: another thing that many clubs (and other semi-sex-related businesses) rely on is their clandestine nature. A club will always have a number of uninformed customers, and the dancers / management rely on that fact. If you go to McDonald's, it's highly unlikely you won't raise a ruckus if they give you one french fry instead of the whole order that you paid for. At a strip club many customers can get intimidated into submission because of their lack of knowledge, and because of their lack of willingness to go public with their interest. Trick is, to be at a club that CAN get profit in any of a number of ways, but meanwhile NOT be the source of excess profit for them. Then you can enjoy what you want but still call the shots.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I wonder to what degree a high TUSCL rating helps a strip club succeed. Not as much as it's made out to, I suspect. TUSCL represents such a tiny proportion of customers. A good review is like good word of mouth within a small circle, but hardly anything that could make or break a business.
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