
Comments by casualguy (page 110)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fastest time in and out of a club and had a great time?
    If you can have a ton of fun in just 30 minutes that's great for you. For me, I have to drive at least an hour or longer and I want to stay a while at one club or another and take in the view. I just go to watch and enjoy the dancers. I haven't ever gotten off so to speak in a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    pussy revival
    I like em smooth. The pussy in the video link I posted above is a little bit too hairy for me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Remember when ...
    I'm still not that far from clubs where all of this is still true. . most of the strip clubs were located together in a seedy section of downtown, ... you'd get thrown out for touching. Of course I also remember being able to go to nude clubs and there wasn't any problem with girls spreading not just their legs but their lips as well. I don't know why nude clubs in my area don't seem to allow that anymore. Maybe it's not the law but the dancers stopped doing that years ago.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    You Must Become One With The Clitty Bling, Grasshopper
    Women wear jewelry anywhere they can think of nowadays. :) I still remember years ago going to a nude club getting close to Christmas time and was wondering why one girl was asking if I wanted to see Santa. She got up on stage later and opened her legs in front of me. I saw Santa dangling from a clit ring. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Remember when ...
    I suppose the laws changed the grouping of strip clubs. Most are spaced out a good distance now. You have to drive to each one.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    COMPUTER problems (not strip club related except when strippers have them)
    I believe a lot of problems seem to occur from doing those microsoft updates. Of course I've had some problems occur from doing other software updates. You happen to have some firewall running or something else that the creator of the software updates didn't take into account and then your system starts crashing. I wouldn't even do updates except you want to stay ahead of the hackers, viruses, and worms, etc. as much as possible. It tops the cake when system restore stops working and doing a windows reload doesn't even fix it. It's probably a corrupted file or some incompatible update or something checked somewhere. No easy answer. It doesn't make me rest too much easier when I know I've hackers in my pc. One even asked me to join them just a few months after I first started using the internet. Then I started getting strange messages as if my pc sometimes had a mind of it's own. Even weirder is playing against the computer in an offline game where the pc player started acting smart on occasion as if it was learning from me. That's a bit weird for an old pc game. Oh well, weird seems to be normal for me on occasion.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    COMPUTER problems (not strip club related except when strippers have them)
    I used to play pc games. I don't seem to have much time anymore. Entertainment was the primary reason for buying a pc in the first place. If Linux could support all those old games, I probably would switch right away. Those old games work to escape reality if you got the time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    COMPUTER problems (not strip club related except when strippers have them)
    Actually I do see a pattern. I once stayed up during all hours of the night playing strategy war board games with friends shouting at each other sometimes into the morning hours. That was fun. Then some years later, I seemed to switch to playing pc war games late into the night. Now I seem to go to very loud clubs watching strippers late into the night. If I found some very entertaining pc games, I probably would stay home for awhile.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fastest time in and out of a club and had a great time?
    I've been in and out of a massage parlor next to a strip club in a little over 30 minutes. I never intended to visit and those girls were very aggressive actually coming out onto the street and physically pulling me into their little parlor. My biggest surprise was the week after when I thought I could avoid them by sneaking into the strip club next door by approaching from the other end of the street. I got grabbed by some girls in another massage parlor. I managed to get out of that one though. All those clubs got closed down by the city. I think it was called Rick's and had been open since WWII if not earlier.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strippers often give EXCUSES not to see customers OUTSIDE THE CLUB
    Today's your lucky day RL. I took you off of ignore since I was feeling a bit bored. Explaining this subject seems like explaining why water comes out of a faucet. Most strippers are stripping to make money in a strip club. They didn't go there to find a husband or boyfriend so their main objective is not to be part of some big dating service. However after saying that, some strippers if the right guy comes along do seem more open to inviting the guy or suggesting to the guy that they have some kind of outside the club relationship.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Anyone ASK STRIPPERS OUT on dates WITHOUT spending MONEY on them?
    I'd be reluctant to ask any stripper out on a date since I think of strippers as the queen of girls who get all their money by manipulating guys instead of working a regular job. I'd much rather ask a girl out who gets her money from a regular job rather than relying on persuading a guy or guys to spend money on her. Of course if a stripper is only moonlighting when I see her then I may think differently about her. Going on a date or having a relationship with a girl who gets all her money by persuading guys to spend on her either means you're going to have to share her with a bunch of guys or she'll want you to pay her so she'll still have some income. Doesn't seem too good either way. Of course becoming a primary provider happens during marriage to many guys so maybe it's no big deal.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If a stripper is LYING to others, why would she be HONEST with YOU?
    This kind of stripper probably doesn't even remember who you are. Tell her a fake name the second time you see her. She probably won't correct you or ask anything about it because you don't mean anything to her except a source of quick cash for a dance or a drink.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How long do you wait before asking a stripper for her phone number?
    Depends if she is available and if you want to do anything with her outside of the club. Usually a dancer will immediately offer her phone number to me if she is available without me even asking or only with a slight suggestion after first meeting her. Of course meeting up with a dancer outside the club is a lot different than deciding if you just want to get a dance.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    To strippers comfort their BOYFRIENDS by saying they DO NOT CARE about CUSTOMERS
    I doubt a stripper will answer you. Many strippers will lie and tell other customers whatever they think about if it helps get the customer to buy a dance or spend money. Unless of course the stripper is considering that one customer might make a good new boyfriend to replace someone else.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does a dancer have to know some personal info to be a favorite?
    A dancer doesn't need to know any personal information to be a favorite and visa versa at least for me. If she treats me like I'm her hot boyfriend while I'm in a strip club and treats me good, that is all she needs to do. The second a dancer starts taking advantage of you or taking you for granted though, such as skimming on dances or claiming she danced more than she did, she won't be a favorite anymore. Favorites come and go like dust in the wind.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If a stripper REALLY LIKES YOU, do you have a chance of DEEP FRENCH KISSING her?
    It's not safe. You just don't know where that mouth was at with the last few guys she was with.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    A quote that discusses STRIPPER LYING!
    Good Halloween thread. ATTENTION EVERYONE! RL is raising the DEAD threads that is. Maybe you can find something even more dead.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    A quote that discusses STRIPPER LYING!
    By the way, anyone with any sense knows that many if not most strippers lie all the time. It's their way of life. The best liars may even throw just a little bit of truth in their lies to make it seem really good. What I think is really scary is when strippers start telling you the truth. I'm not sure why but that seems a bit scary. Lol, apparently a guy in white makeup with a big white sheet in a strip club can get a few scares as well.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    A message for "WHITE KNIGHTS" who try to "rescue" strippers from SELLING SEXUAL
    If you're looking for a white knight, I suggest either playing Chess or finding some pc games with castle building in them. You might have some luck there.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Often, it's not her SAFETY, it's her BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!
    RL has been pulling our legs all this time. He's really a bad ass former criminal who did hard time. He can easily get stripper phone numbers but he just tosses them away. It's all a big game to him. He just enjoys fucking strippers not dating them but I bet he doesn't want everyone to know that. If he doesn't deny this, then it must be true. Or is it?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Often, it's not her SAFETY, it's her BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!
    Strippers have been shut down by you and your friends. They probably already posted at stripper friendly sites to avoid answering your questions. Has a stripper even responded to you lately? I'm talking the last year, not years ago.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does a dancer have to know some personal info to be a favorite?
    I like it when a dancer says she isn't counting that short crappy song the DJ just did and then says the next song starting is the second of the two for one she is doing for me. In other words if the DJ cuts the song short, she doesn't go along with the DJ. Some of the weird DJ songs I can't make heads or tails of when a song is starting and stopping. If I keep hearing that crap and it causes problems with counting dances, I just won't bother getting a dance.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Memphis for Hallowe'en
    The only way I can make it is if I stole one of those superpowers on that Monday night tv show where the guy can stop time and teleport. However I'll be thinking about all of you ghostly ghouls. If the lights flicker, just remember all of us visiting in spirit. hahaha
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancer Communications
    I seem to be getting dancer phone numbers on occasion because a dancer says she wants me to stay in contact. I'm so busy, I never seem to miss not calling them unless I see them in a club and they ask me why I didn't call. I remember one dancer gave me her number and I eventually stopped calling her since I usually saw her in the club when I went to visit. A few weeks went by, then months. Then I thought, hmmm, I never even tried to call her. I figured she must not have wanted to make that long distance drive to where I live at especially after the police stopped her for doing 95. I didn't even feel a need to ask about that one. Seems like yesterday for me though and that was over a year ago. You can get discouraged from calling someone if their phone system doesn't seem to work correctly or they don't return your call quickly enough. I think I would be fine if I didn't talk to a single human for over a week. I already seem to talk to alot of people for business so relaxing for me is staying away from the phone.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    pussy revival
    Need a laugh? I watched part of this video again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItC5KmyYbxA Ever had a dancer try to get a dance from you by putting your hand on her pussy?