
Exceeding your limit in hopes of having a better time

Saturday, October 21, 2006 3:15 AM
I don't know if you guys have a set amount as to what you are going to spend before you go in, but how often do you exceed this limit hoping to have a better time? I had told myself I was only going to get a number of dances from my favorite. Well I made the mistake of getting the dances early in my visit(About 10minutes after I got there). Last time I did the same thing and she gave me some great dances, this time they were good but not as great. Maybe because security was there and the club wasn't as empty. Well that made the next hour or so of my visit kind of boring. I ended up going to the ATM and getting out more money because I wanted to end the night on a "High note". I ended up getting a few more dances, but it was from another girl not my favorite. So how often, if at all do you break your own budget or limit if you have one?


    18 years ago
    I only take as much cash as I'm willing to spend (usually around $200) and I usually spend only about half of that unless I meet someone very special. And like Shadowcat, I don't have an ATM card.
  • jimmyblong
    18 years ago
    I always budget my fun way before I go in to do battle. I've always regreted hitting the atm for more money as it usually is chasing futility. I do though try to maximize my club experience and leave with as much money in my pockets as possible and still have a good time. Never buying shots of alcohol is a good first rule of thumb on saving money in the clubs.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I prefer not to spend all the cash I have on hand when going to a strip club. However if I'm having a really good time, I'm willing to go that far.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I don't need a limit because I actually have a hard time spending too much money. I'm picky about the girls I'll buy dances from and skeptical about how much more fun I'll have with each girl after a couple dances. I find that I usually have a lot more fun with my first $100 of spending for the night than with any additional amounts. When I was a newbie, I used to spend like crazy chasing after some ultimate strip club experience. I kept telling myself I should stick to a limit. I tried all the schemes, but I always found a way of getting more cash when I wanted it and kidding myself that this was an exception, and I'd get back on my plan the next time. Sure, I had some good times with the extra spending, but nothing life changing, and nothing I can't pass up anymore.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Identifying the peak is a pet peeve of mine. I generally take cash and an ATM card with a low limit on daily withdrawals, so the overspending isn't too much of an issue with me (although Lopaw correctly identifies the greatest cause of overspending for most guys). My guideline is that if I'm spending because I'm having a good time that's OK. When I'm spending to re-capture a good time I was having a little while ago, I've passes the peak and it's time to go.
  • Jpac73
    18 years ago
    Bones I think I will take your plan of leaving the extra cash I don't plan to spend in the car. At least that way I won't have to pay the fee for using the ATM that I don't bank with.
  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    I guess I am so jaded (or juss loathe to try new things in a SC) that I am not a real big believer in spending more for the potential of a bigger payoff in the future. I've been to a club so many freaking times I doubt I have the ability to be surprised at what happens. It's hard to build a level of trust with someone that has bounced on your lap for 10 or 20 minutes and if all I was looking for was a good time I could prolly go to craigslist or a massage parlor for a better payoff.
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    When I stopped drinking alcohol at the club was about the time I stopped exceeding my $$$ limit. Funny how booze makes multiple visits to the ATM seem like such a great idea.....
  • DailyGrind
    18 years ago
    In any club, the Hotties usually have 2-3 rotations to seduce me into the private dance area. I prefer to use the first round to relax and reconnoiter. If they don't approach me on my terms (the mental fulfillment of an intimate one-night-stand with a stranger) I will teasingly inform or remind them of my expectations and move on. I will fork-out big bucks for the perfect 30-second seduction, but also understand that on any given night a dancer may not be in the mood to create this illusion of intimacy. This is why I give them (and myself) a clean slate to start with on every subsequent visit or encounter. In the meantime I'm perfectly content to kick-back, soak-in the atmosphere, and concentrate on the stage from a discreet distance. The benefit of this default expectation is that I never leave disappointed. If the perfect/acceptable approach hasn't happened in, say, 3 rounds, I can leave satisified that I haven't wasted any money. (I do have the luxury of a half-dozen other clubs to visit if necessary.) But when it *does* happen, it happens big time. I'm usually so mentally exhausted that, after escorting the Hottie out of the PD area, I'll stay and crash on the couch for another song just basking in Afterglow. Those watching me eventually stumble out of the club would have no doubt that it doesn't get any better. Kind of an 'All or Default' approach to Mongering, I guess. 'An Ounce Of Intimacy Is Worth A Pound Of Grind.' DG
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    "I'm gonna hit on the next hand/spin/pull". As countless gamblers have muttered that phrase, many PL's are asking your ?? Answer- It depends. My "budget" is rather loosely defined, but a one still asks, "should I stay or go". In your case, if mileage continued to be lower than customary, that would be a good sign to bail, and head for a viable "Club B". If , however, there seems to be a hot prospect, and there's no other clubs around, playing another hand just might be worth it. I too like to end on high note, but sometimes 1st dance is the best 1( will you chooose curtain #1, #2, #3......)
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