
Comments by zipman68 (page 93)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ass Play
    Juice dude...don't argue with yourself so much. The TDHQ characteristic boring. More LordxBetty my brother!
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    11 years ago
    Friday the Thirteenth
    Not superstitious...but today is a good day to post so groovy music www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQAbzLUl9ns Why don't clubs play more stuff like that. That dude was a friggin' musician, not an auto tuned crap singer.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, fl
    to the customers who dislike tattoos on dancers
    I've seen several dancers with no tats, but they are few and far between. Don't know why girls get them. Hard to improve on a naked chick after all!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    420 users
    Ya! Fuck yeah 420!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Look what happens when you legalize prostitution and marijuana.
    Testify! What a wonderful world it would be if cops focused on criminals rather than folks gettin' a little somethin' somethin' or smokin' a little Mother Nature.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Cherry Pie
    Right on for the Carlin clip Mr. Kat... Now that is music
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    BlankSpace has been deleted.
    BlankSpace was clearly Juice/TDHQ. Glad he's no longer with us...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    PSA: Shorting RICK Stock
    DBJP101... Dude, this site is loaded with multi-millionaires and billionaires. Can't you tell? Juice/TDHQ/BigTuna1/LordxBetty/etc. is actually Warren Buffet. I'm Bill Gates (well...Bill pays me $100K a day to write shit as zipman, the name he always wanted to use as a kid, but he gives me big picture ideas of where to go). Brother Alucard is actually Elon Musk. I think the dude from twitter is also posting as a wacky pervoid too. So Dougsta is *totally* manipulating the market.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    BlankSpace has been deleted.
    Wow! Pretty fucking responsive. When I got home and checked I found that got a email from BlankSpace. It was truly amazing reading! That guy could weave a yarn!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    A public service for rickdugan...
    Yep Juice...oh, sorry, it is TDHQ now...that is why Dougsta is attacking Rick. Did you feel bad for posting "*** SLAM DUNKED THAT FAGGOT RICK-BOY ***" now that Rick's a big fan of yours that has been feeding you "intel". I wouldn't, but that is just me...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    i have a confession
    Oh yeah... "I am no one man. I am the collective will of board members, past and present, who wish to deliver righteous suffering unto these trolls. For cursed is he who trolls his neighbor treacherously, and let all who have seen and heard say, So be it; and the member who has seen and facilitated, let him be accursed as the troll." You slipped man. This is TOTAL JUICE! A total classic "Juice the prophet" post. You know dude, you keep slipping up in your TDHQ character. Maybe you should retire him an bring back a funnier character. ooooo... bring back Pootie! That would be coo-el!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Peppermint Hippo
    Yep. I think we need some reviews of that place though. Maybe you should suggest Juice...sorry, TDHQ...add the club, go there, and write a coo-el review. He has written SO MANY high quality reviews. I'm sure he can do any fictional place in America justice. I bet he would even get a dance from the chick that tried to sell Kyle a dance.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    9/11/2001: 12 years Later
    Alucard. Thanks for posting a serious topic. The answer is a resounding "no". What got us into 9/11 is excessive entanglements in the mideast and now we have more entanglements. The only thing we got out of 9/11 in this country is security theater in the airports and more excuses to invade privacy.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    i have a confession
    I knew it! I KNEW IT!!! Bravo on the TDHQ idea my friend. You totally have some of the biggest Juice-detractors waiting in line to suck your dick. I really loved coming back to read the stuff about how you gave me a good "ass raping". LOL!!! So there you have it TUSCLers. TDHQ is nothing but da'Juiceman havin' fun as always! The question now is whether TDHQ will be a short term character, like Pootie, or a more long term character. I see that LordxBetty is already being phased back in. Perhaps Juice will replace TDHQ with Betty. Perhaps they will coexist. On the other hand, perhaps Juice will change his mind and have the TDHQ character protest that he is NOT Juice. After all, how else is the TDHQ character going to get the lame brains to play along. If you can pull that off it will be hilarious! I can see it now...that racist bonesbrother racing in to back you up, you giggling away at him. MAGNIFIQUE!!! OK Juicebro...you do whatever you're gonna do. Just remember that I've got you sussed!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    What we learned last night - DOUBLE BLUFF ANTI-TROLL LOLZ OPERATION
    Oh, and Juice my friend. This TDHQ was almost perfect. You have txtittyfag and his idiot friends eating out of your hands even though they hate you. BRAVO! I almost feel bad about outing you. But consider it a challenge. I hope you understand why I'm going to have to take the TDHQ alias down. Yep, you're correct... 'cos it gives me the LOLZ!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I want a refund!
    COO-EL!!! I just got the piece of evidence I wanted. Does anybody recognize the last statement in TDHQ's post? Yep... TDHQ is our bud juice trolling away! I knew that he'd slip if I pushed him enough. But I can't stay mad at you Juice. You're an asshole but you give me the LOLZ! That has gotta be worth somethin'. Oh well, that was a worthwhile to waste an evening. Humiliated Txtittyfag...check! Showed that TDHQ is actually Juice...check! Good evening to all!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot TDHQ...
    So TDHQ... if you are here for your own LOLZ rather than mine why am I laughing my ass off at you? You're too stupid to understand what I write so you ridicule it. That makes you look smart...sure does. Then the thing you've "got on me" is a perfectly accurate review of a club that happened to have a few girls that didn't inspire me. Apparently, TDHQ *always* gets a dance. Even if the girls are ugly. 'Cos that is the "smart" thing to do. Yep, TDHQ is a friggin' "genius". In fact, TDHQ just went to a restaurant and saw a health evaluation of "C". He ate the crappy food anyway 'cos he planned to write a review. Now he's sitting on the can with the shits posting away. But it was worth it 'cos now he can write a detailed review. Now most people with half a brain would show, evaluate the data available to them once it becomes clear, and call it a day when it is clear that fun will not ensue. Perhaps others might even be interested in that. But no...TDHQ is hardcore. He'll stick it out for days even if he is having no fun whatsoever. What a "genius"!!! Yep dude...show us your "brilliant" reviews. Or are you lying about being an "old timer".
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I want a refund!
    Hmm... TDHQ, perhaps you can point to some of your high quality reviews. Oh yeah...you've got jack. You claim to be an old timer, perhaps you could point some of those gems out. How do we know you're not just Juice fucking with all of us. Or maybe you're Dougsta. Yep, that's the ticket. Or maybe you're just a sad little troll that doesn't read basic English that well... Run along now BOY. The grownups are talking.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I want a refund!
    Here you go mo'head www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQaavQNGsMY You be a coo-el dude, and we coo-el dudes have to stick together.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    North Carolina
    For the last time
    The sad thing bang69-dude is that I tried to help you. Told everybody that I thought brother Juice pulled a dick move on you. But, alas, TDHQ has zero reading comprehension and undermined that voice for sanity. TDHQ is upsetting our delicate ecosystem. LET'S ALL PUT THAT TDHQ ASSHOLE ON IGNORE!!! That'll fix his little red wagon.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    I want a refund!
    Hmm... I guess you always get a dance TDHQ... even if the girls are UGLY! Yep, you need to force yourself to suffer through dances with uggos just to get material for a review. And, unlike some folks here (** cough ** txtittyfag ** cough **) I don't consider reviews an appropriate venue for creative writing. It seems that the members here are better served by an accurate representation of events. However, I can see how a troll with no reading comprehension and 0 reviews might not understand that. Perhaps you can post a review and show me how to write a really good one! If you're gonna cross brains with me boy you better find some friends to help. 'Cos you've brought a nail file to a gunfight.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot TDHQ...
    Tsk tsk TDHQ...you seriously need my help if you are to win this. I thought you were going to lose and I guess you're fated to do so. C'est la vie... I hoped you would provide some LOLZ but I worry that you're just going to get covered in poo and run away. Sad :-( Perhaps you should start by showing that you have better reading comprehension than Txtittyfag. That ain't hard...the dude is a retard after all. You seemed to have some limited skill with words. Your requiem showed some actual skill, despite being a little too workmanlike and degenerating in last stanza. Keep working on it little buddy!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why would I want to do that?
    Wow...just wow! Txtittyfag, you are truly stupid. Were you dropped on your head as a child? Did your mommy smoke crack every day when you were in her widdle tummy? Wait...I know what it is...your mommy smoked crack an then dropped you on your head. Repeatedly. (Sorry to others 'bout the overly simple phrasing but I'm trying to ask the question in a way that our slow friend can understand) Poking others really can be like placing them in a crucible to see what they are really made of. I got Bonerbreath to admit he is a racist asshole now I'm getting you to demonstrate that you have zero reading comprehension. You're fucking hilareous! If you could read basic English you would understand that I fundamentally reject the premise regarding "ball" that you put forward. But apparently you can't understand that despite the fundamental question being the friggin' title o' the thread. And I explicitly stated that your "challenge" was stupid. I was accuse you of being obstinate, but I know you're just too stupid to understand me. You can't help that! I put Camby on ignore 'cos he bores me. You give me the LOLZ. So I'm not ignoring you. Yet!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot TDHQ...
    Now for lesson two...thinking like Juice! What you gotta know TDHQ-bro is the essence o' Juiceness. You see, ol' Juicebro is (metaphorically) a lot like Steve-o. Remember the Jackass where Steve-o did the porta potty bungee my friends... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YS2O_lWKRrs Well TDHQ-bro. Imagine that the porta potty has been sitting outside of an Indian restaurant that serves tequila shots. Cheap tequila shots. And ex-lax brownies for dessert. So you get the porta potty all full of every kinda bodily secretion produced by dudes who had too much vindaloo. What then happens is Juice hops into said porta potty and then they do the bungee to make the shit cocktail. Then Juice hops out, shakes like a dog, and the shit flies onto ANYBODY nearby. The part that makes it funny is staying far enough away that you don't get any of the shit onto you. That way you get to watch the Jackass-eque performance and lots of folks get covered with the poo. Funny. Riddle me this, how are you going to fight that my friend? Think about it my friend. You've gotta aim some smart bombs at that dude if you're going to avoid getting covered in poo. Here endeth lesson two for fighting legends grasshopper.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Spartacus in reverse
    But Esta...seriously...we've got more important issues. Which three-breasted whore do you prefer?