
Why would I want to do that?

the speed force!
While away I was propped both by 23cambyman and Txtittyfag. Tittyfag *** challenged *** me to leave his prop up because...not sure why...perhaps he thinks we are on the playground and in the third grade. Dude...this is a joke. I don't take it seriously. That is why it is fun. You would think that a dude whose purpose in life began with trolling Txtittyfan would understand that this is a joke.

Unless you actually have a hard on for Txtittyfan that is. 'Cos that would be funny. Please confess your undying love that dare not speak its name...I needs me some LOLZ.

And 23cambyman. I've largely disengaged from you 'cos I can't picture you saying anything more that will give me the LOLZ. I was poking you 'cos i found it funny. You posted as many as 20 props in one sitting all saying the same thing. I could comment on the lack of creativity in doing so but I will chose to focus on asking you why. Did it give you the LOLZ? If so, keep it up. If not, stop it. You do what you gotta do and I'll do what I gotta do.

We all responsible for our own LOLZ in life. Do what you need to get them.


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    " I was poking you 'cos i found it funny"

    You find it FUNNY to mock &/or attack people? You're just like all the other Assholes who do the same thing. It isn't funny, despite you thinking it is.
  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago
    so why do you mock and attack other people alucard? hmmm…
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I reply to attacks on me & call out other things for attacking other people. Why do you do NOTHING but ATTACK me DoctorPhil? You're likely just an alias of some other attacking thing. Certainly being OBSESSED with me isn't healthy.
  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago
    my health is fine unlike yours so fuck you alucard.

    i will always remember your unprovoked attack. you are a mistake of nature and a HEARTLESS one at that. thankfully as Mr. Darwin explained, nature gets rid of her mistakes soon enough. until then may you regret your own stupidity and ASSHOLE comments every time you see my name.

    Just get used to it and accept the FACT.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Founder had good intentions when he introduced the prop feature but thanks to juicbox69 and a few others, it is nothing but a joke now.
  • BigTuna1
    11 years ago
    Lol...I thank juicebox69 came up with the prop idea and founder went with it and put his little spin on it.....its a thread just find it and post it...it was a kool thread were a lot of members was kicking around ideas for founder to do to the site
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    @shadowcat...I don't mind the insulting props. Can always be removed. I do think propping me more than 20 times with the same BS is a bit over the top. But hey...if it was making the dude smile it is really no sweat off my back. Takes me less time to delete than it takes him to post. So I really hope he was having fun...

    I think motorhead is right that the board is heading toward a new equilibrium. I don't know what it will be. All wacky shit all the time? Maybe Founder will bring down the ban hammer for real before that. No stupidity at all...many will be bored and leave. Really, the purpose of TUSCL for me is finding good clubs on the road. The board is funny to me with the occasional interesting post. If others get more out of it than that good for them. And for me...well, if it stops being funny it isn't that big of an issue. I'll drop TUSCL.

    I'm also not interested at hammering away at folks who aren't laughing. I think Alucard is genuinely offended by things directed at him. Others will do what they want but I don't see the point in throwing brickbats his direction.

    I do think fake reviews are seriously uncool though...that eats away at the utility of TUSCL.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "No stupidity at all...many will be bored and leave"

    HOPE so!
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    I got the shits and giggles
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^ Is SHIT all you can talk about?

    Oh wait...since you obsessed about shit, it naturally follows.
  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago


    so why do you mock and attack other people alucard? hmmm…

    we both know that you just intentionally threw out the bait so that i would shit on you so here it is. happy now?
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I already explained. Did you have your head buried somewhere. Most, if NOT the overwhelming majority of your posts are attacks on me. You're OBSESSED with attacking me. Go back & stick your head where it was. LOL
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    You've become BORING NOW!
  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago

    “I already explained”

    your explanation: “I reply to attacks on me & call out other things for attacking other people.”

    so let’s review. crazyjoe’s post did not attack you or anyone else but you mocked and attacked him. hmmmm

    “You find it FUNNY to mock &/or attack people? You're just like all the other Assholes who do the same thing. It isn't funny, despite you thinking it is.”

  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Are you a man or a boy because your whining like a baby.

    "You're just like all the other Assholes who do the same thing. It isn't funny, despite you thinking it is."

    That's whining and as a grown man it isn't cute and looked upon like a far cry for attention. Grow some balls quit the bitching and stand up dor yourself instead of whining about why everyone is mean to you. And don't sidestep the problem with how not everyone is a dick or why nobody will listen. Dont want to read the bitching. Or should I buy you a pack of tampons? Because your old one is starting to smell.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Wow...just wow! Txtittyfag, you are truly stupid. Were you dropped on your head as a child? Did your mommy smoke crack every day when you were in her widdle tummy? Wait...I know what it is...your mommy smoked crack an then dropped you on your head. Repeatedly. (Sorry to others 'bout the overly simple phrasing but I'm trying to ask the question in a way that our slow friend can understand)

    Poking others really can be like placing them in a crucible to see what they are really made of. I got Bonerbreath to admit he is a racist asshole now I'm getting you to demonstrate that you have zero reading comprehension. You're fucking hilareous!

    If you could read basic English you would understand that I fundamentally reject the premise regarding "ball" that you put forward. But apparently you can't understand that despite the fundamental question being the friggin' title o' the thread. And I explicitly stated that your "challenge" was stupid. I was accuse you of being obstinate, but I know you're just too stupid to understand me. You can't help that!

    I put Camby on ignore 'cos he bores me. You give me the LOLZ. So I'm not ignoring you.

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