
I want a refund!

Boys, I wanted to perform a public service by giving you a template review that you can use for about half the clubs in this great nation. No need to sweat it out or even visit the club, this review will serve you in almost any geographic location. ;)

Here it is fellas:

Visited on: Saturday Afternoon
Dancers on Shift: 1-5

***Note: the original author included ratings of 4 stars for the dancers, 4 stars for value and 7 stars for atmosphere, but feel free to juke these stats a bit based upon what other reviewers give you.***

Not impressed. In the [insert city here] area and thought I'd try the [insert nearby region here] clubs. [insert club name here] is one of the better reviewed so I figured I'd try it.

Arrived about 3pm on Saturday, sat down, and ordered a diet coke. Watched the girls dance on stage but as they kept cycling through it became obvious that none of the girls were particularly exciting to look at. Perhaps the private dances are good, but none of the girls inspired me to try. I blew a little cash stage tipping hoping that a real beauty would appear from the dressing room, but no luck.

My sense is that [insert club here] my not be a great day shift club. Physical features of the club were nice and it had the vibe of a club trying to be upscale. Will reserve judgement overall and try in the evening at some point. But, for now, I left without getting a private dance.

This review really works. It was used recently with an actual club, gents! Glad I could be or service.

But as a paying member of this site, I can only say after reading this review: I want a refund! LOL. If this is all it takes to get my VIP status for free then I should just do that instead!


  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    I don't need help with reviews & I flag POS reviews all the time, particularly 1st reviews that are POS.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Fuck you troll
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    TDHQ, I think the powers that be try as much as they can to screen reviews, but it's a difficult judgement call with something like this. As I'm sure you know, we have a number of threads floating around here in this vein and I suspect that this issue isn't going away.

    Joe: Wow dude, I thought that this was rather funny. And he's right, we could just insert specific locations and names in and use as needed. Why such a harsh reaction?
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    @ rick...I thought it was funny too but these kind of threads where people are trying to tell everyonelse how to write reviews are getting old
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Fair enough Joe. I'm kind of tired of the topic myself now, truth be told. I've been wading in the mix on this issue for some time and will be in the future as it is too important to me given my use of the site for travel purposes, but right now I'm as fatigued as anybody.

    But I somehow suspect that Defense was trolling someone in particular with this. He doesn't strike me as the type to really give a shit about review standards or pretty much anything else. LOL.
  • Troll_Defense_HQ
    11 years ago
    That remarkable masterpiece was authored by zipman68. :)

    Bad creative writing? Just sheer laziness? A $5 investment in a diet coke for just enough material for a drive by review?

    YOU be the judge. ;)
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Hmm... I guess you always get a dance TDHQ... even if the girls are UGLY! Yep, you need to force yourself to suffer through dances with uggos just to get material for a review.

    And, unlike some folks here (** cough ** txtittyfag ** cough **) I don't consider reviews an appropriate venue for creative writing. It seems that the members here are better served by an accurate representation of events. However, I can see how a troll with no reading comprehension and 0 reviews might not understand that.

    Perhaps you can post a review and show me how to write a really good one!

    If you're gonna cross brains with me boy you better find some friends to help. 'Cos you've brought a nail file to a gunfight.
  • 23cambyman
    11 years ago
    Wow...how hypocritical is zipperturd! He criticizes others for crappy reviews, defends his boyfriend juicebox on his reviews, yet he writes shitty ones himself. I am definitely seeing the relationship between juicebox and all his other minions/aliases...the relationship that they are worthless contributors to this site! It's time for you to go zipperturd!
  • Troll_Defense_HQ
    11 years ago
    ^ Not surprising camby. Zip's hype apparatus isn't limited just to the other trolls. He's so convinced that everything he's posting is gold that he can't even recognize when he just left a shit stain on his computer screen. ;)

    zipman68 posted: "It seems that the members here are better served by an accurate representation of events."

    Don't set the bar so high for yourself zip. After reading that drivel we'd settle for ANY representation of events. LMAO.
  • Troll_Defense_HQ
    11 years ago
    Refund! I'm gonna just copy and paste zip's shit from now on. I want a refund dammit!
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Here you go mo'head


    You be a coo-el dude, and we coo-el dudes have to stick together.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Hmm... TDHQ, perhaps you can point to some of your high quality reviews. Oh yeah...you've got jack. You claim to be an old timer, perhaps you could point some of those gems out.

    How do we know you're not just Juice fucking with all of us. Or maybe you're Dougsta. Yep, that's the ticket. Or maybe you're just a sad little troll that doesn't read basic English that well... Run along now BOY. The grownups are talking.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Thanks Zip
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    I ordered a regular Coke not a Diet Coke.
  • Troll_Defense_HQ
    11 years ago
    Where are all the "LOLZ" now zippy? Seems like you're startin to get a little hurt about all of this.

    A little while ago you were making creepy offers to share your vast insights into the art of trolling and now you just want me to go away? I'm hurt too now. ;)

    Looks like I touched a nerve.....TDHQ wins again!... ***Boooom !***
  • zipman68
    11 years ago

    I just got the piece of evidence I wanted.

    Does anybody recognize the last statement in TDHQ's post? Yep... TDHQ is our bud juice trolling away! I knew that he'd slip if I pushed him enough.

    But I can't stay mad at you Juice. You're an asshole but you give me the LOLZ! That has gotta be worth somethin'.

    Oh well, that was a worthwhile to waste an evening. Humiliated Txtittyfag...check! Showed that TDHQ is actually Juice...check!

    Good evening to all!
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    OP - In case you weren't aware there are a handfule of us women reading & posting here, so please be cognizant of that when addressing folks in your posts. Thank you. That is all.
  • Troll_Defense_HQ
    11 years ago
    @lopaw: Duly noted ma'am. :)

    @zippy: I'm juice, right. Roger that and great logic there. I came here to abuse myself and burn my most ardent fan and defender (that would be you in case you're confused). Ok then. ;)
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