
A public service for rickdugan...

the speed force!
Rick my friend...your post:

commented 20 Hours Ago

"Interesting Zipman. You're neck deep in troll activity all over this board, yet whine when you are the subject of the trolling? Idk what to say dude. I guess trolls are only amusing to you when you are not the target. I'd like to see all of the troll nonsense leave the building, but guys like you seem hell bent on perpetuating it.

You reap what you sow I suppose..."

Shows a really fundamental misunderstanding of what is going on here. Here is what happened: TDHQ developed a hard on for me 'cos i didn't behave the way he wanted. We said a bunch of shit to each other. It was like a dance. I could give a shit less whether folks actually follow my advice regarding the ignore feature. I could give a shit less whether I "win" or "lose" individual arguments. After all, how would other people putting TDHQ on ignore help me? It won't. The point was to keep the TDHQ character engaged.

This is why Dougster keeps attacking you. You try to respond rationally. Dougster is NOT going to respond to that. He'll just fling shit at you and hope some sticks. He doesn't care what you say -- except when you slip and give him ammunition.

The fact that you posted what you did show a fundamental misunderstanding of what Dougster (or whoever he is) is doing. Your reactions give him the LOLZ. We're all responsible for our own LOLZ in life. You helping Dougster get his, and you will no doubt continue to do so.

My dance with TDHQ ***cough*** Juicebro ***cough*** was funny to me. Doesn't matter whether I "won" or "lost" any individual skermish. I'll put TDHQ on ignore if he stops being funny. Other folks should do whatever they want. But it is hilarious to see some of Juice's biggest detractors sucking TDHQ's dick...not knowing that TDHQ is actually Juice ;-)


  • Troll_Defense_HQ
    11 years ago
    Zippy, Dougster gives shit to Ricky-boy and others because he's a faggy, obsessive homebound troll with no life. A poor substitute for human interaction this is, but it's all he has. Most people don't like him here but I think he's a hoot! Fuckin with that assclown is gonna give me my LOLZ for as long as he can take it. I'm gonna give him the man attention he truly craves. ;) See below for more info about the Dougsta'!


    As for you creepy boy, each composition essay you post about how you don't care about what I say just tells me that you do. LOL. Keep it up!

    You're right about one thing. If these fuckheads had any clue they would put Dougster on ignore. Dougster may even be right about Dugan's narcissistic need to know what's being said about him. But you're just as bad. Maybe worse since you spend your days sucking troll dick on here. LMAO. Put me on ignore already. But you can't, can you? ;)
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Calling RickyBoy and his fast talk rational is a pretty good troll, zippy. LOL!
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Actually I think you described in reverse pretty good Zippy. RickyBoy tries to flip the most random outrageous shit he can at me and hope some it sticks. My mistake is trying to respond rationally up it, especially when trolls like Troll, txtittyfan, or the jestie-girl are just mindlessly repeating parroting it. How the guy is able to pull he wool over so many people's eyes about what he is is what amazes me the most. Guess it's a trick he picked up in salesboy school that you'll rarely go wrong telling people what they want to hear - whether it's true or false.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Zipman, I think I understand what is happening quite well. You keep trying to run this voice of reason gig from one side of your face while egging the trolls on with the other. You're also claiming that you are unaffected by being trolled yourself, yet your breakdown in the thread from the other night and your continued need to write long and torturous posts referencing Defense tell a different tale.

    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

    TDHQ, leave me out of your shit already. I started out liking your gig and even fed you intel, but I have no interest in getting caught up in troll flame wars. Honestly I just wish that all of you trolls would fall of the face of the screen. And if you really are juice, as zipman believes, then I'm a double troll dupe for buying into your game.

    Firs the trolls, then the anti-troll troll, and now we even have a fucking troll whose sole function is to post empty bumps to shitty threads. Un-fucking-real.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Yep Juice...oh, sorry, it is TDHQ now...that is why Dougsta is attacking Rick.

    Did you feel bad for posting "*** SLAM DUNKED THAT FAGGOT RICK-BOY ***" now that Rick's a big fan of yours that has been feeding you "intel". I wouldn't, but that is just me...
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