
Comments by zipman68 (page 94)

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    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Spartacus in reverse
    For me it is 1990 Total Recall is better than remake (by far) but paradoxically the remake had a better three-breasted whore. So I'd do it with 3-tits 2012!
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    11 years ago
    Ode to a friend...
    And his poetry has improved if BBJ is TDHQ. C'mon TDHQ...more poetry!
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    11 years ago
    Something's got to change
    If TDHQ is actually BBJ he is doing a better job this time around... Troll on TDHQ... troll on indeed!!!
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    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    And TDHQ-dude...I don't remember davids. For a long time I just used TUSCL to find clubs. No posting 'til a few years ago. I honestly don't know how Dougster will react if Rick ignores him...really ignores him. Maybe it won't work. I think it would be good for Rick's sanity. His prerogative whether he wants to try...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    TDHQ I think you misread me. I'm not saying your strategy isn't going to be funny. Im just saying it isn't going to calm down the real troll activity. But if it makes you happy to troll the trolls have at it. Prediction: posts directed against Dougster/etc. will lead to little change in troll threads but those directed against BigTuna1/Juice/etc. will be correlated with an uptick in trolling activity both by Juice and Dougster. You may however increase the overall humor level of the trolling. Nothing better than good troll foil. And you've exceeded my expectations. You're stuff definitely beats the hell out of the whiny little "stop trolling because you're an asshole posts" that used to pollute threads. The cool thing is that you aren't kidding yourself that you're actually combatting trolling. Your initial posts made me think you thought you were. You aren't. You're just giving them a dose of their own medicine. If that gives you the LOLZ go for it dude!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    @Shadowcat... Juice is certainly implying that he is bang69. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if TDHQ was actually Juice, trolling himself and Dougsta. If so, I would find it pretty funny. Who knows who anybody is. None of us are exactly what we seem. Even in real life. However, I will say... It seems clear that BigTuna1 is Juice. No reason for him to out himself in truthfully. Plus he is playing the Juicebox character circa June of this year. Originaljuice is probably Juice...playing Juice circa 1 year ago (or so). Mellower but still Juice. Joker420 is probably Juice...not sure why he was introduce. Pootie was probably Juice...don't bain da dillys on dat. Juiiceman69 probably isn't Juice...too hostile in a generalized way. And I'm mercurial!...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    Rick...I'm not sure how my comments interfere with TDHQ. Perhaps you can explain. I do question whether TDHQ will be effective. But I do think he will create some LOLZ. So go for it TDHQ. I'll go get me some popcorn. You clearly want less (or no) trolling. Whatever you say about Dougster, he clearly goes after you with a vengeance. That counts as a big part of the trolling. Since the line between trolling and joking around is fuzzy let's just assume that everything you call trolling IS indeed trolling. Moreover, let's not count TDHQ-dude's posts as trolling, since he is trolling the trolls. With all of that in mind I'll just ask three questions... 1. Has the trolling decreased? 2. Does Dougster's hard on for you really not concern you? (If it doesn't it should...after all HE creates much of the problem you're concerned about) 3. Have you tried ignoring him? And by this i mean really disengaging completely. If you answer no to #3 I have one more question: WHY NOT TRY IGNORING DOUGSTER? My credibility shouldn't matter. How does it hurt you to ignore the dude? Will it make anything worse? I can't think of a damn thing it will hurt. Give it a go. Im sitting back with my popcorn for some primo TDHQ/BigTuna/Dougsta cage match. I'm actually rooting for the new guy...he has potential!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    JuiceBox69 Most Discussed Member on Tuscl
    Ya think maybe...just maybe...ol' BigTuna/Juice/etc. is implying that he is bang69? I don't know if it is true or really care if it is true...but let's move the joke toward the inevitable punch line my brothers. OK...let the LOLZ ensue!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Ode to a friend...
    Hmm...different poetic style than TDHQ. But many poets work in different styles. I'm open minded about the possibility that TDHQ & BBJ are one and the same. On the other hand TDHQ has more sticktuitiveness. Who knows. Moreover, who cares. But def tone it down from this if you're actually BBJ, okay Monsieur TDHQ.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    VIP or run?
    VIP my bros. and an offer o' $$ for a BBBJ!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    True dat Rick. I HAVE played straight man to JuicyJ's wack-a-doodle-doo character. I both admit it and provide a simple explanation...it was fun. But do you really think Juice needs an "enabler"? He might have posted different crazy stuff...but that dude is a force of nature But if the point is really to bring some balance to the TUSCL section of the INTERWEBZ I don't think TDHQ's approach will work. Has Dougster quieted down since TDHQ posted info about him? He is in this thread chanting "Juice! Juice! Juice!" Now imagine what is going to happen with a dude that ENJOYS getting attention. Wait...you don't have to imagine 'cos it is happening. Rick my bro...I'm going to give a piece of advice IF you really want to get rid of Dougsta. Say that you're putting him on ignore and do so. THEN DON'T ENGAGE HIM. Engaging him is what he wants you to do. Keep engaging in the thread with NO MENTION of Dougster whatsoever. If there are two many blue "Dougster" posts you can't read clogging things up just start another thread on the same topic. I give it one month before her gives up. OK, more like two or three months 'cos that dude has a raging hard on for you. But I guarantee this WILL work. If TDHQ is just doing a put-on...GREAT JOB!!! But if he think trolls are gonna stop trolling because he wrote a poem (admittedly a coo-el one, at least up to the last stanza) or 'cos he posts some allegations regarding their identity (unverifiable to anybody with ANY LIFE outside this board). Let's just put it this way...I'll be shocked if it works.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    C'mon TDHQ. If you ask me I think Juice should stay on the reservation a bit more. But the dude is gonna do what he's gonna do. You do what you're gonna do. I'll comment if I find it entertaining. Seems like a good system. But dude...you need your own THEME SONG. Something that evokes Alexander the Great, Patton, John Wayne, Ollie North, and Arnold Rimmer all rolled into one. Trust me...it will be EPIC!!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats the going rate for all night OTC?
    @shadow...interesting. I'm surprised $450 was all it took. Of course, I'm used to seeing ads in big cities (NYC, DC, etc). Not really interested in partaking. I joke around about it but (in reality) keep my clubbing a notch or two below most of you guys. Even if I did OTC routinely i wouldn't be interested in o/n. ilbbaicnl hit the nil on the head. After all, you don't pay the girl for sex. You pay her to leave and not bother you afterwards.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    the speed force!
    Why would I want to do that?
    @shadowcat...I don't mind the insulting props. Can always be removed. I do think propping me more than 20 times with the same BS is a bit over the top. But hey...if it was making the dude smile it is really no sweat off my back. Takes me less time to delete than it takes him to post. So I really hope he was having fun... I think motorhead is right that the board is heading toward a new equilibrium. I don't know what it will be. All wacky shit all the time? Maybe Founder will bring down the ban hammer for real before that. No stupidity at all...many will be bored and leave. Really, the purpose of TUSCL for me is finding good clubs on the road. The board is funny to me with the occasional interesting post. If others get more out of it than that good for them. And for me...well, if it stops being funny it isn't that big of an issue. I'll drop TUSCL. I'm also not interested at hammering away at folks who aren't laughing. I think Alucard is genuinely offended by things directed at him. Others will do what they want but I don't see the point in throwing brickbats his direction. I do think fake reviews are seriously uncool though...that eats away at the utility of TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats the going rate for all night OTC?
    @Shadowcat-bro... What did she look like? $450 for an allnighter...can't be that good. $450 an hour for a fine girl is much better than the kind that you could get o/n for the same cost.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    TDHQbro...you're drifting a bit out of character. You aren't supposed to say that Juice can start funny threads if he wants. No my brother, you're supposed to say "Whiskey tango foxtrot what is that boy's major malfunction? Is he from Texas? Only thing they have in Texas is steers and queers and I don't see no horns on that Juice-faggot!" Then threaten to firebomb his ass with napalm 'til he runs away like a little baby. Remember...keep it classy. Juicebro likes to roll around in the poo. You've got to surprise him in you're direction of attack. Be like a stealth bomber my friend. Better yet, be a Romulan. They have cloaking devices. But always maintain the military demeanor. Dude...just remember. I'm trying to help you. Shoot 'em up yeah yeah yeah!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    Keep it up TDHQbro...you're slaying me. Im almost in LOLZ overload!!! Put in some more military speak. Give ol' Juice some shock 'n awe roger dodger whiskey tango foxtrot and all that... (and just do you know...I think a few of us...just a few of us...suspected Juice wasn't a straight up gangsta that paid his hos in the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay...though some were no doubt fooled) But BigTuna...that dude be an authentic three spirt follower o' the left hand path. He just realized that he is the reincarnation of Jack Parsons you see. That is why he was compelled to post os Juice. And light a lot o' bottle rockets.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Shanah Tovah
    @slick...don't you know it...the angels manifest themselves to me regularly. Always in the form of a stripper though. I see the angel wing tats on their back when they're drinking my cum...angels dig cum for some reason.
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    11 years ago
    Shanah Tovah
    @Slick...did you tell him 'twas an homage to Genesis 11:9? That would have been coo-el.
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    11 years ago
    Shanah Tovah
    Mo'head I received a message from Metatron telling me that masturbation was not a sin. NOT masturbating is a grave sin. Masturbating is a way of prying to the LORD. Just remember Matthew 6 my friend...don't jerk it in front of others. Unless they are strippers. Or Smurfettes. >|:-)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A Requiem for Juicebox69
    Is TDHQ really growing on anything else? I go away for a week expecting to come back to the aftermath of another shitstorm of threads with the message ***SLAMDUNKED THAT FAGGOT TDHQ*** (or RickyBoy...there be some folks on here with a real hard on for that Rick Dugan character...that shit is getting a bit old though) What do I see instead? Poetry...pretty DAMN good 'til the last stanza my brother. Leave it to the reader to infer the impact. Will be different for all readers. But you've got real potential my brother...just remember there is but one person here that has taken on Juice and emerged victorious. But do not succumb to fear. Oh...and 'tis the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay. Different pronunciation. XXXtra Crispee chicken is served on the right hand path. It be kinda CREEPEE! And Juicebro has officially announced his reemergence as the prophet BigTuna...who now follows the left hand path. Be guided by Baphomet my friend. Be of three spirits and have five aliases for each.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Club Reviews (Free Membership)
    And some reviews are pretty low quality...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    some warning signs if juice is in your club
    TDHQ... I was with you 'til you pull the "Even fags use you as their bitch". Even the pope don't judge, at least according to twitter. Stay above the fray my brother. Remember... www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFnFr-DOPf8 That said...the winking happy face emoticon redeemest thou. We should end all insults with a happy emoticon. Good for the soul! Keep on keepin' on TDHQ-bro... &:-) (Emoticons don't have to follow insults...sometime they's jus' to make the writer all happy and shit...)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Divine Message for.Today
    Juicebro...feel hate if you must. Sometimes we all must walk the left-hand path. But feel not fear. For we know that fear ultimately leads to suffering... www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFnFr-DOPf8
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Have u given up on traditional dating?
    Testify mo'head...testify! 'Tis a new equilibrium dawning. The evolution of something new. But is it for good or ill?