
Comments by zipman68 (page 52)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Founder did it
    Papi, I don't think Fanky is Juice. You never know, since da Juiceman has mire personalities than you can shake a stick at, but he lacks a certain "Juiciness". Not that there is anything wrong with that -- Fanky seems like a nice enough dude.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Doctor Crazy Joe!
    @steve229 -- Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk
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    10 years ago
    the morning after
    So LMN…I bet you cut a striking figure in your suit. What with the "tie" that is actually a set of pins reading "do you want curly fries with that?" and "I'll supersize your meal deal for an extra dollar". Though, to be fair, Mr. LMN is a rebel. He has taken a sharpie and altered the last of those pins to read "I'll supersize your meal deal for an XXXtra dollar".
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    10 years ago
    You ever have any dreams where you're alone with a bunch of horny girls?
    Damn typo...you're Sharkdude...I wouldn't call you dud 'cos you're pretty coo-el my friend.
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    10 years ago
    You ever have any dreams where you're alone with a bunch of horny girls?
    All the time Sharkdud...all the fuckin' time.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Founder did it
    If LMN had a groovy avatar I'd suspect he might be Juice a fuckin' with us. But don't worry Mikey. It's probably just that the person with a wifi router closest to the van down by that da Juiceman calls home realized what was going on and changed their password. We'll be treated to Juice's return as soon as he makes it to the public library to use the computers there. As long as he isn't arrested for jackin' it while he uses the computers. Alternatively, Juice may break into the home of the person whose wifi he was hijacking and then find the password. Or he bribe the family with a big bucket o' the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay. Whatever...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Absurd Creature of the Week: This Marsupial Has Marathon Sex Until It Goes Blind
    Wow! It turns out Juice is a marsupial. You never know!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the weekend has begun
    I don't know Mikey. There isn't enough rum in the world to make Charlie Sheen throw up. This LMN fellow is clearly a lightweight.
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    10 years ago
    stippers and drugs
    Nerd159 wins this thread. I'm all for doing whatever you want as long as: 1) it doesn't hurt anybody else; and 2) everybody involved is a consenting adult. But c'mon dude, you're describing a pretty extreme lifestyle there. You've got to expect some strong reactions and questions regarding the plausibility of your story.
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Odd coincidence
    XXXtra KRIS-pay cucumbers?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Mc D
    You'd fuck up the shitter too if you were a 500 lb dude that ate only cold cut trios with XXXtra mayo!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Yet another fake review by juice.
    But riddle me this .juicebox68 -- why did Bat_Mane taxi home. Couldn't Alfred pick him up?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Yet another fake review by juice.
    This seemed totally plausible 'til I got to the part where the Batmobile is a Chevy. WTF?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    choice in VIP
    Shit Slick....I get the BBBJCIMNQNSQWERTYUIOP in the aisles of Whole Foods. Them hippy chicks are slut-tay brother! And you don't want to know what goes on at the KFC. Just imagine what you can do with one o' those double down heart-stopper sandwiches...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strangest thing you heard a stripper say?
    Shark dude -- were you moving stuff wit' your mind?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    You cock suckers don't know what a racist is.
    @BonesBrother -- "I refuse to argue the point because I would just be wasting my breath and it pisses you trolls off if I don't respond." So why did you start this thread, Mr Attention Whore? Seriously dude, if you mean what you say about disliking Juice's impact on the board I can respect that. I disagree, but I respect it. But becoming a hyper offensive troll to fight a troll some of us like isnt helping. Why don't you just admit that you enjoy being a troll?
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    10 years ago
    You cock suckers don't know what a racist is.
    @GoVikings We're all playing a character to some degree, so it depends what you mean when you say Juice isn't real. There is one way that Juice is far more real than BonesBrother. The person playing Juice doesn't wrap himself in a robe of faux altruism when challenged. The person playing Juice knows that some people enjoy his character's antics whereas others hate them. Look at BonesBrother's answer above. Basically, his position is "I'm not a racist, I just use racist language to show contempt for Juice because he's ruining TUSCL". Hmm...he uses racist language to show contempt for a dude of unknown race playing a character that sometimes uses stereotypical rapper language. BonesBrother should know that racist language will get a negative reaction. So I question whether this is a useful tactic, if he is sincere. Personally, I don't think BonesBrother is sincere. He is a butthurt dude just like TDHQ that devised an obnoxious character to troll a troll. Indeed, I suspect he is the same butthurt dude as TDHQ. Vikings my friend, you've always been a good guy. We may disagree regarding the amount of funny stuff vs crap that the guy behind Juice puts out there. Personally, there are times I'd like Juice to dial it back. Other times he makes me laugh like a motherfucker. If you or the guy behind BonesBrother don't like ANYTHING ol' Juice posts that's cool. But there is one difference between you and BonesBrother -- you don't troll Juice and pretend you're doing a service for the rest of us, BonesBrother does.
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    10 years ago
    Donald Sterling Is a Pretty Smart Man!
    @DoctorPhil -- Weak
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    10 years ago
    Obama's DOJ forcing banks to decline adult workers accounts?
    That's some fucked up policy. It doesn't surprise me. Republicans wear their anti-porn credentials on their sleeves to placate the religious right. That shit hit its apotheosis with the Meese commission back in the day. The Democrats do this shit quietly, behind the scenes. When o when will we have a pro-porn and pro-weed party?
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    10 years ago
    Donald Sterling Is a Pretty Smart Man!
    To whomever is playing the BonedBrother character... Dude, say what you want. I'll defend anybody's right to say whatever stupid shit they want. It's founder's house and if he doesn't care it is fair game. However, that doesn't mean that I won't tell you that this racist shit isn't funny, even if you intend it as a parody. BonesBrother comes by his racist posts honestly -- he really is a racist moron. He has a right to say his shit but TUSCL would be a better place if he would STFU. You can say what you want, but you aren't helping. And DoctorPhil dude, TUSCL would also be a better place if you would STFU too. You're neither smart nor funny and you make zero contribution to the site. You should deal with whatever drives your "some dude pissed in my Froot Loops" attitude. I'm sure that attitude reflects the fact that your dick is minuscule. Sorry about that dude. I can't feel your pain 'cos I'm smarter than you, funnier than you, better educated than you, and I'm swingin' some major pipe. So get over the fact that you're a dullard with a tiny dick and TRY to have as much fun as you can.
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    10 years ago
    stripper in need
    Right on Brother tlkDo...right on. $60 is chump change so if it can create an opening for you to have more fun with her you seriously need to go for it. However, I seriously hope she charges way more than $60 for OTC. Remember, you get what you pay for. I'm a mellow clubber...I just dig lookin' and gettin' lappers when I travel since I have an SO. But if I was into gettin' the strange for cash I wouldn't WANT to touch it unless it was at least $300 per hour. Girl that sells it for less has got to have problems IMHO. Party on bro...party on indeed!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Billionaire PL
    And she kind of looks like a tranny. Maybe the old racist dude digs chicks with dicks. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I'm a firm believer in "whatever floats yo' boat, as long as ev'rybody involved is a consenting adult". I'm just raising a question about Shadow's assertion that she's expensive pussy...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    stripper in need
    But...but...but...Rick...what about dudes like BagBoyJames? That dude has to make $60 last. Maybe the OP is by James' brother. Perhaps he lives even HARDER than James!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Who is going to church today?
    Try it my pervo bros...you'll dig it! Just show up in your panel van with a tear-stained air mattress in the back and tell the hotties that you're makin' a reality porno. Be sure to have a pizza box with a hole in the bottom so you can off the really hot chicas some sausage pizza. Weeee-yaaaaw!!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Did LDK go to school in Houston?
    When he was in middle school our bud LDK was "Squire Stickypants". He wasn't knighted "Sir Stickypants" 'til later!