The Billionaire PL

avatar for jackslash
Donald Sterling, owner of the Clippers, was recorded telling his girlfriend he did not want her to be seen with black people like Magic Johnson. His concern, I think, was that he would be viewed as a PL if she was fucking black guys.

Here is some info on the kind of gifts a billionaire PL showers on a girl:…


That is some expensive pussy.
And she kind of looks like a tranny.

Maybe the old racist dude digs chicks with dicks.

Not that there is anything wrong with that. I'm a firm believer in "whatever floats yo' boat, as long as ev'rybody involved is a consenting adult". I'm just raising a question about Shadow's assertion that she's expensive pussy...
She doesn't look like a trans( but Idk what they look like) but she doesn't look worth all that money either. Even if I had that much money she wouldn't get that much from me.
Fuck,take it from me, Money changes everything.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
Actually, if you listen to the tape, I think he told her she could "bleep" anyone she wants or maybe it was Magic. Whatever, he basically said, keep it private and don't post it on "Instagram" or whatever. Never said he didn't like blacks and in fact said he loves minorities. Damn, anyway, she is half black herself, and Mexican. Bottom line, hw wanted her to keep things private and not spread everything in social media.

The race baiters seem to be using this incident as just another way to try and keep the country divided. No different than if one disagrees with a policy of obama's. Right away, they are identified as racist. What a fucking joke the left has become!
avatar for 23cambyman
11 years ago
^^^that was my take too clubber. I am also shocked at the amount of athletes who are appalled and want him out of the league before we 100% know its him. It seems whenever an athlete is in trouble with the law, the athletes and organizations are like that individual is innocent until proven guilty and to not judge until all the facts are present.
LMAO! I'm not sure how you guys can say those weren't racist comments. he said he didn't want her posting instragram pics of herself with black people and didn't want her bring them or magic to his games. And you say the left is a joke? This is not the "liberal media" as fox would call it blowing something out of perportion. Anyone can listen to the tape.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Seems you can't read what I typed. I specifically said, "Bottom line, hw wanted her to keep things private and not spread everything in social media." Suppose it was some white guy, some Mexican guy, some Russian guy, or ANYONE, we wanted it private. Even said as much.

These days the left and race baiters are synonymous.
I don't even understand your response clubber..LOL! But I can say this is not the shawn hannity show. You can't blame everthing on the left. It's not about politics. And i'm sure he did want the conversation private. If I said something like that about a race people I'd probably prefer it didn't get out too. I just listened to the whole conversation again on ESPN. If it is determined that it is his voice on the tape it's pretty cut and dry.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
The recording is a subset of conversations made with an obviously conniving, manipulative woman intent on getting the dude to say something incriminating.

I once dated a woman (the finest looking and best fuck of my life) that had my head spinning so much she had me saying and doing things that were way out of character for me.

Overall, what he said was racist on the face of it but probably could be explained if given more context and sympathetic ear.

Man, some these women are downright evil.

avatar for Clubber
11 years ago
I don't find her that attractive. I know some will disagree, but in these cases, the women are always gold diggers. Don't believe it? Think in your personal experience. Ever see was regular working class old guy with a smoking hot lady on his arm. I didn't think so. Well maybe his daughter. :)
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Fuck Donald Sterling. Fuck the Clippers. The Lakers will have their revenge. This town ain't big enough for both teams.
avatar for sflguy123
11 years ago
You all are missing the big picture here...I'm impressed he even knew what Instagram was. :)

Not sure why he would be ok with his GF having sex with someone with Aids but didn't want pics of that some person on her website.
avatar for Caprisun69
11 years ago
I am waiting for ranucam too join this discussion and blast clubber and cambyman for their anti black stance
@clubber If this were a one time thing then you can brush it off as just a jilted lover out for revenge LA we know him due to his long and despicable history of being a racist turd.

For the record the bitch was clearly out for revenge by taping him. And should get sued no matter what he allegedly said.
avatar for GoVikings
11 years ago
The Clippers players considered boycotting playing game 4 against the Warriors because of this. They're still going to play, but they were thinking about not playing because of what Sterling said.

But yeah, Clubber clearly doesn't know much about Sterling , this guy has a history of racist behavior.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

I'll defer to your intimate knowledge of him. As stated, I am basing what I said on the evidence I was presented. I still don't find her attractive. Guess I am anti black and Mexican.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I'm like Clubber except I'm anti Mexican and anti Black.
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Good one! :)
bonedbrother has now endorsed sterling's comment's in a new thread. Does that say anything to this argument clubber?:)
seems like you could get a lot more/better p4p for 2.5-3 Mil net
avatar for Caprisun69
11 years ago
Tlkdo u do know tgat boned brother is a troll amongst us 🚷
avatar for DoctorPhil
11 years ago
some people just can’t tell the players apart without a scorecard. boneDbrother is a troll created to troll boneSbrother who is a troll created to troll mostly juicebox69, Dougster and zipperhead68.

do try to keep up
Is doctorphil and his 0 reviews in the last year also a troll?:)
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
People, please. You must, and I mean MUST see the bigger picture. These upstart assholes otherwise known as The Los Angeles Clippers need to be stopped, goldarn it. Their fans have the nerve to talk down to us Laker fans. Fuck a The Clippers.
avatar for Caprisun69
11 years ago
The only way I would support the clippers players and their boycott is if the played did free!! Now that would be an attention grabber, but instead they opt for red shooting shirts hah
avatar for Caprisun69
11 years ago
Bye if the clippers lose today u know they are going too be all crazy about how sterling distracted them blah blah blah
avatar for Clubber
11 years ago

Please tell us how you really feel about the Clippers. :)

Seriously, must be difficult to see them still in the picture while the Lakers are on vacation. I never cared for the Lakers at all, except when Lew Alcindor was there. He came into the league just about the time another favorite, Bill Russel, was leaving. Not having a real home team, I was forced to sort of pick one and in happened to be the Celtics, ergo, my dislike of the Lakers. I respect them, but don't like them.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Very, very difficult. I remember watching Maguc play his rookie season, 79-80. My Nono Orlando took me to watch the Lakers play in Inglewood. I was 5. Only remember so much.

Both sides of my family are die hard Lakers fans. When Bynum first was injured, my Nono was in the hospital. He's eighty-something. I ask him how he's doing. His reply-forget about me, I'm old. How's the tall guy doing? Bynum.

Grampa was a true fan. He'd call me up to remind me that the Lakers are playing. Damn I miss that old man.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
^^^I like the Lakers. But in San Diego, I followed the aweful Rockets. Then they got the great Elvin Hayes and there was something to root for. Then I followed the horrible Clippers, tho they had some good players. I think World B. Free led the league in scoring one year. They traded for Walton and.....he broke his foot. Waa. I have a fondness for these guys.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
@slick - what was Magic doing going to Clippers games in the first place?
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Steve-Magic can do whatever he wants.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
Pretty sure I know what Sterling thought he was doing there.
Apparently the NBA thought it was a big deal, they just banned Sterling for life.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
11 years ago
Wow. They are setting a very dangerous precedent here.
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