
stippers and drugs

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 2:17 PM
Admittedly I have a tendency to like doing drugs with strippers both itc (champagne room) or otc (preferably otc). I recently had an experience where I became the sole income for a stripper, to the point where she stopped working at all, and would just do drugs all day with me. She went to jail. It seems my proclivity to insist on hard drug use (it really isn't very fun to me unless it's a good 48-72 hour party rather than some otc "date" - I'm not going to pay some chick to eat dinner with me and have sex with me, that seems lame) has overwhelmingly bad consequences on the strippers (eg addiction, jail). Anyone else enjoy this type of activity? Please be objective. I was flamed off another board for speaking about this in candor.


  • knight_errant
    10 years ago
    HI LMN! There's a pot of coffee in the back of the discussion tab.
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    Ive been seeing a dancer who is a heroin addict and she and I have spent days together getting high. I've pretty much stayed away from the heroin, but have enjoyed lost days of using crack, speed, coke, etc., fucking and getting high. She can't control her use once she starts and I've never had a problem knowing when to quit. After awhile the drug use gets pretty lame and she just wants to keep it up. The cost (both financially and emotionally) is just too much so I've weaned myself off my addiction to her pussy and found other holes to fill. She, as you point out is now in the criminal justice system and I can't afford that either. I'm now leaning towards paying some chick to have dinner with and fuck me. Pretty lame, huh? In fact, sometimes I skip dinner.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Gawker,you're high right now aren't you?
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    I was paying approximately 4k/month to the stripper (I say "was" because I needed a break from the drug use, it was affecting my work life). Plus the cost of procuring marijuana, cocaine, mdma, adderall, painkillers, etc. The money really wasn't the issue for me (as in, I was okay paying that much without it hurting my finances) but a major contingency is that she does drugs. When I first met her she was vehemently abstaining from drug use except pot, until I told her she would not receive any more money unless she did drugs with me. Ironically, she turned out to be a very bad cokehead. I'm not sure why it's such a necessary requisite for me that the strippers do drugs. I find myself completely unable to have any fun unless it's a 48-72 hour binge. I could, for equivalent or less money, pick up a night club slut with expensive bottle service but there's no guarantee she'll do coke. My demand for drug use ended up causing the young girl (she was like 19 though she claimed 22) to develop a massive, all paid for, blow habit. I find myself bored and wanting to rekindle this. Just curious if for anyone else OTC and drugs go hand in hand? BTW - I know that these strippers would probably not be so inclined to do the drugs I demand if I wasn't able to command such a premium dollar amount. The first time I ever went to a strip club, I fucked a stripper (after doing a ton of white with her in the champagne room) for 2 grand. At the time I didn't realize it was a ripoff!
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Also regarding knowing when to quit, I'm successfully employed with a relatively high paying job monday to friday at 5pm. From friday 501pm to sunday, I do not sleep, use amphetamines, cocaine, drink til blackout, etc
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Suck my dick Juice.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    You're a real wolf of wall street, huh pal?
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    Tumblingdice: I'm just back from an hour spent with a young damsel from Backpage. For $250 she even shared some of her primo weed.
  • tumblingdice
    10 years ago
    Gawk,my current sizzle won't even get out of bed for $[view link]'s good to be me.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    It always amuses me how "butthurt" people get at the concept of how much money I spend on strippers/drugs. Its all relative. I'm not a "wolf of wall street". If you don't have 4k of disposable extra income, you are failing at life.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    I'm not going to stick my dick in something that charges $250. Any welfare recipient could easily have a piece of that. No thanks. Just my 2 cents.
  • knight_errant
    10 years ago
    Much better to "stick my dick" in something that every Tom, Dick and Harry with "4K of disposal extra income" toasted on "amphetamines, cocaine, drink til blackout, etc" has already? I guess not only are you not "failing in life" but have an unerring ability to select strippers who are clean and monogamous with you. Thanks for coming to the meeting LMN. Help yourself to some coffee in the back.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Op, yup nothing like ruining young girls lives with drugs. You deserve my autograph....on the cast of your broken arm.
  • GoVikings
    10 years ago
    LMN says "If you don't have 4k of disposable extra income, you are failing at life." haha, what? Man, you were an alright guy until you made that silly comment
  • Nerd159
    10 years ago
    LMN, you know that all your $4K of disposable income isn't going to save you from the STDs and other health risks of your lifestyle, right? Not to mention your future coke-induced heart attack. You're a Jack Chick tract waiting to happen, dude. Do you really want to prove Jack Chick right?
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    I need drugs to resist the urge to pluck my eyes out when I read your posts.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    To the poster who implied I should have my arm broken for doing drugs with young girls...oh brother, an internet tough guy. Something tells me that your the type who "dates" sex workers. Regarding the disposable income statement...finance is important to me so I personally believe if you live paycheck to paycheck or lack a large disposable income, you are doing poorly in life. just my opinion. I already had a major "issue" transpire with this girl I was "seeing." by the time shit went down, she was probably not seeing anyone else, living entirely on my payroll, not working and used my payroll to actually move and get herself a new car. But the drug binges were getting pretty out of hand, and some "thing" happened that I'd rather not mention even with the anonymity of the internet (IP's still exist, etc). It happened because we were so loaded for so long and was a temporary wakeup call. Temporary for like a week. After she went to jail, I told her I'd help her with the lawyer, etc...I ended up not returning her calls and blowing her off. She ended up homeless, strung out and charged with a felony. Recently I've been bored and reconnected. The sex was fucking phenomenal and worth remembering. I'm still doing a lot of blow and other such party favors. FYI this all started when I fucked her in the club for 2k. She gave me her number and kept texting me to meet up. She pretty obviously knew what she was getting into with me.
  • joker44
    10 years ago
    Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction. Another newly minted troll posting BS to stir up conflict OR ....it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Mayor Rob Ford. Hey man, hear your suspending your re-election campaign and entering rehab after new videos emerge of your latest intoxicated bullshit. Either way another addition to my rapidly growing ignore list.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    None of this is fiction. I was booted of [view link] for having, what I felt, was an objective, honest conversation about the scenario. I was generally considered a villain for not falling in love with a sex worker and doing cocaine. I tried this site because it seemed less "censored". I'm just venting. I can't talk about this shit at the conference meeting tomorrow.
  • gatorfan
    10 years ago
    Because you are supposed to fall in love with cocaine and do a sex worker
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    I'm already in love with cocaine and fucking a sex worker, so no prob
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Don't feed the trolls.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Hey LSD, that was a line from a Blue Oyster Cult song. Seemed proper.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I heard all those drugs were not good for your health. Been using them long? just curious.
  • LMN
    10 years ago
    Cocaine has done wonders for my health. Its practically a panacea.
  • minnow
    10 years ago
    The last that I looked, OP hasn't been banned from SW, he just had 2 of his threads there locked. Either site, I'm not sure if OP is looking for sympathy or an "attaboy" from us. You'll find sympathy between scumbag and troll in the dictionary. Attention,or attaboy can be found between asshole and bastard in the dictionary.
  • mmdv26
    10 years ago
    LMN. It's my opinion that you are just wasting your life away. If you continue on this track, before long you will not have that extra $4k (per month??). You may be invincible now, but the chemicals will take you down one small, but methodical, step at a time. You're the evil pusher we've been told about. Stop before it kills one of your playmates.
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    My recommendation: If you have the money and the means, go to a therapist and get yourself cleaned up. Might also want to pay for your dancer friend to do so as well. We're not going to help you any more than a therapist would, especially since you probably consider many of us to be "failing at life."
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    "Cocaine, it's one hell of a drug."-Rick James
  • Fanky
    10 years ago
    @O.P. you can't worry about others. Just focus on making yourself happy
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Nerd159 wins this thread. I'm all for doing whatever you want as long as: 1) it doesn't hurt anybody else; and 2) everybody involved is a consenting adult. But c'mon dude, you're describing a pretty extreme lifestyle there. You've got to expect some strong reactions and questions regarding the plausibility of your story.
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    I'm well aware of addictive lifestyles. I'm not sure what the OP is asking though...no one is going to condone it. Nor should we judge it though. Is it okay? Well, it sounds like a slow death spiral to me. I've seen it before. Yes, you can get out of it but hardly anyone ever does without lots of help and support in real life.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Rockstar-True words.
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    If I see drugs I am late for the door and immediately bail even if it is not the girl I am with doing the drugs. I seldom drink alcohol in clubs. I was in a club in Houston a while back and went to the toilet and there was a dancer and patron smoking a joint in the entrance to the can. I did not even go into the bathroom I turned and left, leaving the dancer sitting at my table with her drink and a fresh bottle of water coming for me. There was an off duty cop at the door for security. The last thing I want is to be anywhere near a drug bust and dopers that do it in the open are stupid.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Gangsters and thugs Criminals and hoods Some of my friends sell records, some of my friends sell drugs
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    tweakers suck ass
  • rockstar666
    10 years ago
    TiredTraveler: I think you're being a little more paranoid than necessary. Two strangers sharing a joint in a bathroom when you need to pee is not like you stumbled into a KKK meeting by accident to use the toilet, and your reputation is in jeopardy if there's an undercover reporter there.
  • knight_errant
    10 years ago
    I would think this is the guy (LMN) except for the end of the story [view link] Drink. Trade. Refill. Lose $10 Million. By JULIA WERDIGIER NYTIMES Published: June 30, 2010 LONDON — Alcohol-induced behavior has produced many unintended consequences, but pushing up the global price of oil and losing $10 million must rank among the most novel. Britain’s financial regulator disclosed on Tuesday that Steven Noel Perkins, a former oil futures broker, single-handedly engineered a jump in the price of oil a year ago and cost his firm millions of dollars with a string of unauthorized trades after a weekend of heavy drinking. Mr. Perkins had just returned from a liquor-soaked golf weekend with colleagues in June of last year when he sat down in front of his laptop at his home east of London and started to place bets on Brent crude futures, according to a report by the Financial Services Authority. He continued to drink and place bets through the night, and by the morning of June 30, Mr. Perkins had placed more than $520 million worth of trades, at one point pushing the price of oil to $73.05, an eight-month high. The trades by Mr. Perkins were the main reason the price gained about $1.65 a barrel in just over two hours in the middle of the night, according to the report. “Mr. Perkins’s explanation for his trading on 29 and 30 June is that he was drunk,” the F.S.A. said. “He claims to have limited recollection of events on Monday and claims to have been in an alcohol-induced blackout at the time he traded.” Just before 7 a.m., Mr. Perkins realized what he had done and tried to unwind his positions. To gain time he sent a text message to his boss at PVM Oil Futures saying that a relative was ill and he would not be in the office that day. When a back-office clerk called Mr. Perkins at 7:45 a.m. on June 30 to ask for details about the trades, Mr. Perkins lied and said he made them on behalf of a client. PVM takes commissions on fulfilling orders from its clients, which are banks and other institutions, and does not trade for itself. But by 10 a.m., PVM, where Mr. Perkins had worked since 1998, had discovered that his trades were unauthorized and suspended his access to the trading system. The trades cost PVM almost $10 million, the company said last year. The F.S.A. fined Mr. Perkins about $107,600, for market abuse and barred him from working in the financial services industry for at least five years. The regulator reduced the fine from about $224,000 to avoid causing Mr. Perkins “serious financial hardship.” Mr. Perkins joined a rehabilitation program last year and has stopped drinking, the F.S.A. said.
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    I may be just paranoid but I has been to parties and left as soon as things started to get out of hand and missed being arrested and have left a club in upstate NY because the dancers and patrons were smoking pot on the smoking patio. I read later where the club got busted for selling. My motto is better safe than spending the night in lockup in a strange town.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    In the Socialists states of California and Colorado, you wouldn't have to worry about people smoking cannabis. In those states, people have freedom and agency over their own physical body.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    I guess we should feel kinda honored that the Mayor of Toronto, Ontario is an active member of our site now.
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