
Obama's DOJ forcing banks to decline adult workers accounts?

Sunday, April 27, 2014 12:11 PM
Oh yea democrats. They are so into everyone - not! [view link] "Now, news is slowly surfacing that shows the US Department of Justice may be strong-arming banks into banning porn stars." Cuz you know, dancing is like selling pot...


  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    I recall a time that my ATF wanted to know if I knew a place she could keep money not in a bank. She said there were a lot of questions asked there. She ended up with a firm that just handled safety deposit boxes. This was waaay before obama, but after the war on drugs started. They looked at any large sums of cash. Seems just a expansion of government intrusion into our lives.
  • DoctorPhil
    10 years ago
    how does obama know who the porn stars are? he’s gonna have some ‘splainin to do if michelle ever finds out about this.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    That's some fucked up policy. It doesn't surprise me. Republicans wear their anti-porn credentials on their sleeves to placate the religious right. That shit hit its apotheosis with the Meese commission back in the day. The Democrats do this shit quietly, behind the scenes. When o when will we have a pro-porn and pro-weed party?
  • Caprisun69
    10 years ago
    I agree 💯% with u zipman
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    zip, A bit difficult to place an individual in any single political entity. I am registered (R), but then , here I am. Years ago there was a (D) by my name, but they have become so wacky, I left. Were it possible, I'd have a (C).
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    They are discriminating against this group and I see lawsuits coming. What I cannot understand is banks accepting deposits and accounts from pot dealers which is clearly against the RICO laws. If I was a bank executive I would not allow my bank to do business with known supplier because you can end up in jail via a a RICO prosecution years from now for "money laundering" . The law says if you process money from an illegal enterprise you go to jail. While pot may be legal in Colorado it is illegal under federal law and if a bank does any business our side Colorado at all they are subject to federal regulations and laws and technically normal checking accounts could be considered money laundering.
  • 4oureyes
    10 years ago
    *Are* banks knowingly accepting money from pot dealers? Seems I heard a news story from Colorado that many of the new pot businesses are having a lot of trouble with exactly that -- they are unable to use banks for either deposits or loans. They are forced to run their business on a cash-only basis, which not only is limiting in a business sense but also has made them more vulnerable to crime since criminals are aware how much cash is there.
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