
Comments by zipman68 (page 46)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Mom and Dad are super pissed!
    LMN had the perfect handle for parodies. Plus he was pretty easy to parody. We shan't see the likes of him for some time. Well...we shan't see more until the heat is off and his parent stop recording his computer activities via nanny-cam.
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    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Philanthropy
    @rickdugan, all -- use charity navigator for information on how much the larger charities spend on overhead. An advantage of larger charities is that, if run well, they can have a bigger impact. With the exception of youngsters (who need something to open and play with) I forego gifts at Christmas and just give about $250 to $500 to causes my loved ones support. I always find the stats on charity navigator before choosing the specific charity though. I also give for myself to the homeless, humane treatment of animals, and scientific research.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Urine Sample?...........WTF!
    I figured there should be a drink called the Golden Shower if there is one called Urine Sample. And there is. And it made me retch. Recipes varied from tequila and galliano to equal parts Crown Royal, coconut rum, and peach schnapps. Sometimes google is not your friend. Why anybody would drink such a concoction is beyond me. Might as well pick randomly and mix.
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    10 years ago
    Mom and Dad are super pissed!
    Bravo LNM...bravo!
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    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: Airport Codes
    Always assumed the Y was something For Canadian airports -- YYZ for Toronto, YVR for Vancouver, YHZ for Halifax
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Is "RichStud" sending coded messages?
    Yep Sharkdude...Ahh-nold actually IS a cyborg from the future that has invaded your computer. But don't worry. He just uses it to google for nekkid pics of ugly housekeepers. (Or was the ugly chick he boned a nanny? ...can't remember)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Leaving - Need to Delete Posts
    LMN dude, don't delete your posts. They were frickin' hi-LAR-EEE-ous. I'll tell you two secretes -- you've said nothing that will get you into trouble. We all think you are just makin' shit up. So no harm no foul dude. And if there is any truth to your posts -- if you even use 1/10th the drugs you claim to use -- please get help. That part isn't a joke.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Is "RichStud" sending coded messages?
    And I do actually hope ol' Alucard is enjoying himself, whatever he is doing right now. I used to think he was trolling us, but I think he just has an odd sense of humor. And there ain't nothing wrong with that. Let's all raise a glass and say "live long and prosper, dude".
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Is "RichStud" sending coded messages?
    C'mon Rick. Don't you have a fanciful side? I find it much more entertaining to suggest that "RichStud" is a spy, that Juice is a prophet of the LORD, that Alucard is currently enjoying the clubs on the planet Vulcan, and that LMN takes photos of his private space station while going all EVA on us Note that I did NOT say I believe any of that crazy shit. But what's more entertaining -- a strange dude with an unexplained hard on for you posting shit or a spy that we have to engage in an existential struggle lest he inspire underwear bombers that really dig KFC? I say the latter is funnier!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    EXTRA! EXTRA! J Lo's boyfriend is totally NOT banging a trans bikini model
    Well Hugh dude, to be fair to the tabloid, if I were Bill Clinton and I was dying I'd get a whole bunch of hookers to come over dressed as interns and bang the shit out of them. I'd get 50 -- one from each state! What the hell...also get one from Puerto Rico and on from Guam. But I'll leave out American Samoa. That might push me over the edge if I was already on my deathbed.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Which superhero should tak on this case?
    Soooo...CJ is more of a Punisher man. Check!
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    10 years ago
    My Insights Into the Minds of Hookers Are Genius!
    Rattdog, since you've been with us for a while but seldom post (and may not read regularly) I'll interpret your question as sincere and not as a "RickDugan" slam. "RickyBoyDugan" is a troll character used to slam ol' RickDugan. Not sure if that answers the 'tard question. Some might consider it 'tard behavior to create a character only to mock someone. On the other hand, RickyBoyDugan does spin an entertaining yarn. Soi guess it is just "come to your own conclusions" time.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Local couple launches "short bus" tours to Portland strip clubs.
    I like weird shit like this mroo. But think I would be cooler if the just charged more and dropped folks off near their homes rather than the odd "pick up and drop off are different locations". But still, next time I'm in PDX I'll have to check it out. Support local businesses my brother.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    New York Times: Strip Club in Manhattan Proves That Vice Is Hard to Kill
    ^^^ PM LMN. I suspect he flies up to NYC every few weeks so he can school the big Wall St firms and then go out to the high roller underground clubs. Only problem is that the underground clubs that dude goes to are probably way more expensive and exclusive than that club Bliss.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    cat lovers scored higher on intelligence than dog lovers
    But turtle lovers score the highest of all! Turtles are the perfect pets!
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    10 years ago
    Try it ArtCollegeDude and let us know how it goes. Maybe "lil' Connor MacLeod" will "accidentally" slip up her pussy during the lapper. Go for it bro!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Local couple launches "short bus" tours to Portland strip clubs.
    You shouldnt smoke weed just before you proofread. Evidence from the short bus website: Drop off is less than 2 miles away from Sassys at 12:am. At Portland Short Bus we have a vested interest in keeping drunk drivers off the road. So, be forewarned that pick up and drop off are not the same location. They ARE however, less than 2 miles away from one another so you can SAFELY decided your next course of action for getting home. You may purchase shuttling services for an additional $20, and get the Portland Short Bus will drop you and your crew and your desired location (within the blob map). - See more at: http://portlandshortbus.com/#sthash.3HdAFVZQ.dpuf
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Fair enough Clubber. I agree with your point and I would ignore him if he irritated me. But it isn't that I find RichStud that irritating at a personal level. He doesn't post *that* much. He doesn't target me (and if he did he'd be a random internet dude to me, so no sweat off my back). I'm more curious than irritated. The thing I'm curious about is why he does what he does -- well, why *he* thinks he does it.
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    10 years ago
    O.T. - Golden Eagle
    Art, alas, the last time I was in Vancouver it was just a walk in Stanley Park (with a fun visit to the zoo) and a visit to Brandi's. I suspect No 5 Orange would have been more fun based upon what a now know. Stanley park is beautiful in August though.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Drug detox
    You're a crazy mofo gawker-dude. But a good soul for taking care of your wife. I'm sure it's difficult and that is why you pull your crazy antics. Keep on keepin' on and keep outta jail my brother!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    The most interesting aspects of "weird shit that gets posted on the net" comes down to two questions for me. The ""does _____ actually believe this?" And the "why would ______ even want to say that?" I understand flame wars. To me they are a joke, but I can see how they can be addictive (in the mild, metaphorical sense -- not in the literal gawker's ATF sense). If I'm actually offended enough that it is more than a joke I'll just ignore the person. For example, it got seriously unfunny when ol' TDHQ started posting his bizarre fantasies about Dougster chaining women to his radiator. Just sounded too much like TDHQ himself *wanted* to be doing that IRL. Fortunately, I suspect (and really hope) the TDHQ dude is harmless. But there was a sick turn to his posts that made them not fun to read or engage with. So I clicked ignore. I was sort of hoping that "RichStud" would break character and provide some insights into his motivations. Unless, of course, "RichStud" is Dougster...
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Right on Slick!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    O.T. - Golden Eagle
    Yes. Breeding only really far north. But I thought they were year round throughout Alberta. Have to double check a range map. Love peregrines hunting on the wing. They do great in cities.
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    10 years ago
    O.T. - Golden Eagle
    Coo-el sighting! Most widely distributed eagle, but despite the broad distribution is has the good sense to steer clear of FloriDUH. Not like those goofy Bald eagles! Actually, I shouldn't make fun of Florida -- though it is fun to do so. I love to visit and when it comes to avifauna it is a great place. Swallow-tailed kites may not be as big as Golden Eagles but they are beautiful birds. And it also has another really cool raptor -- the burrowing owl. Very unimpressive from a size standpoint (just a bit larger than an American robin) but active during the day and really fun to watch. And dissing Bald eagles is a joke -- they're impressive birds. Most raptors are reverse size dimorphic so if it was really large it could have been a big girl off for the hunt. Have you seen gyrfalcons up there?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    stripper asking for a car
    @Slick - pretty twisted bro. @shark - did she say "cinema"? Somehow that seems incongruous from a stripper that asks random dudes to buy her contacts. I picture said stripper as more of a "wanna go to the movies" girl.