

the speed force!
I'm curious about one particular poster that puzzles me. I get the class clowns like Juice. Some folks may not like him given the juvenile nature of his humor -- I don't find everything he posts that great but he's had a few that make me laugh so hard I can barely control. Most other people behave in a manner that makes sense. I may or may not like individual posts, but the underlying psychology isn't that hard to fathom.

Even ol' LMN. A lot of folks are skeptical of the guy, but he spins an entertaining yarn. Plus, he triggered the FUNNIEST post in many moons -- the "here's a photo of my villa, taken while hang gliding". Bravo Monsieur LNM, bravo! So I say LMN = contributor even if he isn't you're cup o' tea. Still not sure why he won't provide any groovy photos of his antics. Nothing identifiable LMN dude. Hell, we don't want you in the pic. Not even your thumb holding a "LMN TUSCL" sign. Nope, we want sick ass photos of your strippers! I still say sharpie in the pooper is soo-pah groov-EE! Go for it!!!

But then there's "RichStud". Being a "RickDuganSlammer" I initially thought it was Dougster. But the dude has one joke. And that's how he *starts* threads. Often the Dougster threads start out elaborate and then get bumped long after folks stop paying attention. I responded to one saying that the RickyBoyDugan character covers the same territory with more panache. But other than that I haven't seen any responses. Why do you folks think RichStud posts? Is it a slow burn like Pootie? Is it just personality damage? Could it be Dougster feeling low energy? As the ads say, "enquiring minds want to know".


  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Why do the children starve? There's enough good to feed the world.
    Why when they're so many of us are there people still alone?
    And why are the missiles called peace-keepers when they're aimed to kill?
  • Lone_Wolf
    10 years ago
    Why? That's a good question.

    A few of these posters contribute nothing but vile, negative, insulting comments day after day on everything. A few have been doing it for years.

    This miserable negativity surely must transcend TUSCL and permeate every aspect of their personal life.

    Always, negative, insulting, miserable comments that do nothing but tear down and never offer anything positive. Day after day, non-stop.

    I can imagine what miserable personal lives these trolls must live with such constant negative thoughts constantly brewing in their head. Sad.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Hard to say, Lone_Sheep, for some their personality online is probably similar to what it is in real life. For others it might be completely different.

    I think the norm is that people try to present slightly improved images of themselves online, but not everyone plays by those rules. Some may want to present worse.

    I think the key is how consciously aware of themselves and what they do is, i.e. if it's conscious it's more likely to be deceptive than if it is not.
  • chessmaster
    10 years ago
    to remind us all that he is the true richstud. not rickyboy.
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    rickdugan has definitely made alot of enemies over the year between his idiocy, arrogance, and (attempted) controlling behavior. Doesn't surprise me at all that his enemies will occasionally take a shot back at him.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Why ask why? I ask when. Sometimes where and what. But never how. Don't ever ask how.
  • jester214
    10 years ago
    "rickdugan has definitely made an angry internet hater out of me over the year between his calling me on my bullshit and pointing out my own idiocy. Shouldn't surprise anyone that I will constantly take pathetic and unamusing shots at him."

    Fixed it for ya Dugly.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Right on Slick!
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    The most interesting aspects of "weird shit that gets posted on the net" comes down to two questions for me. The ""does _____ actually believe this?" And the "why would ______ even want to say that?"

    I understand flame wars. To me they are a joke, but I can see how they can be addictive (in the mild, metaphorical sense -- not in the literal gawker's ATF sense).

    If I'm actually offended enough that it is more than a joke I'll just ignore the person. For example, it got seriously unfunny when ol' TDHQ started posting his bizarre fantasies about Dougster chaining women to his radiator. Just sounded too much like TDHQ himself *wanted* to be doing that IRL. Fortunately, I suspect (and really hope) the TDHQ dude is harmless. But there was a sick turn to his posts that made them not fun to read or engage with. So I clicked ignore.

    I was sort of hoping that "RichStud" would break character and provide some insights into his motivations. Unless, of course, "RichStud" is Dougster...
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    One word, ignore.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Fair enough Clubber. I agree with your point and I would ignore him if he irritated me. But it isn't that I find RichStud that irritating at a personal level. He doesn't post *that* much. He doesn't target me (and if he did he'd be a random internet dude to me, so no sweat off my back).

    I'm more curious than irritated. The thing I'm curious about is why he does what he does -- well, why *he* thinks he does it.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    I'm speaking of just wading through the "trollisms", no matter their source.
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