
Comments by zipman68 (page 42)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Floating strip club near Kodiak navigates regulatory trouble
    This looks kind of low rent. Getting a bigger ship where folks cruise out to international waters and all the clothes come off...that would be coo-el! Like an FKK on the high seas. Staff that bad boy with the HOTTEST Eastern European chicks you can hire. That would be frickin' fun. But keep it classy. No "GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS" on the side. Name the ship something subtle, perhaps "Zaria". But once you're on it becomes the debaucher boat...and what happens on debauchery boat stays on debauchery boat!
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    10 years ago
    Slightly OT: Dancer transition to other work
    @SuperDude-dude...why have you "opened career and educational opportunities for many a dancer"? I'm not being cynical or putting strippers down here, but that implies a level of life involvement that seems excessive. Indeed, I think it is looking down on strippers more to make offers out of the blue to "help" them. Imagine saying the same thing about baristas at coffe houses. Neither stripper nor barista is something you're going to do as a lifetime career. Maybe I'd offer help or advice if I got to know a particular woman well. But in both cases they are doing a job. Maybe there the rare case where you connect. In those rare cases may becomes appropriate to offer help. But I just can't see it happening many times. Just sounds a bit white knight-y... Mind you, I don't wish anything negative for a stripper (or barista or whatever...). I'm just saying I like boundaries. You're a customer and she's doing a job. Even if you're doing some sort of ITC or OTC activities it is still a business transaction. That said, there is a new barista at the place I regularly get my Latte with INCREDIBLE tits. These were the kind of tit-TAYZ that make want to motorboat and then go at the tit-fuckin'. And she was wearing a top that revealed a lot of cleavage. WEEE-YAWWW!!!
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    10 years ago
    Slightly OT: Dancer transition to other work
    @DandyDan -- and remember that LMN dude is high all the fucking time. And he makes millions a day! Frickin' millions! Well, he makes millions of curly fries for his job at Arby's. But still, the dude is high all the time and he usually doesn't burn himself with hot oil. That says something!
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cock sucker?
    Amazing that blowing 24 dudes for cheap booze gets you 15 minutes Hell, I think Paris Hilton calls that "Thursday evening". Friday and Saturday are reserved for REAL debauchery!
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    10 years ago
    Meet the Millers
    I could go along with that Lion dude. Especially the DEA agent's daughter. WEEE -YAWWW!!!
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    10 years ago
    off topic: cars - daily driver
    Oh, and LMN dude. I know you want a four door... perhaps a Hornet? '77 was a great year!
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    10 years ago
    off topic: cars - daily driver
    LMN my brother, I'm going to give an answer regarding the car question may sound like a joke but it isn't. It is, howeve, 100% a personal perspective. The Merc holds only slightly more than zero interest for me. I say "slightly more than zero" because a Porsche holds exactly zero. I IF I were going to get a "vanity" car it would be a mid-80s El Camino tricked out as a lowrider. Why would a middle aged white dude want that? I spent a lot of time in New Mexico and lowriders looked REALLY fun. An El Camino I worked on would be a labor of love -- getting it working and looking good would be the point, not driving. But I can't pull that off as a middle aged white dude. Just bought a car recently -- I considered the Camry and Prius. Did the former. Still own my older Camry, which Mrs. Zip and I use as a second car. I get no pleasure out of driving -- it is a way to get from point A to point B, period. Don't need more car than that. But my DREAM car? That would be a '74 Gremlin. Am I joking? NO!!! Why? I had one as a teen. Bought it for $75. Only the passenger side door worked. Stalled all the time and something weird went on with the starter solenoid. BUT I LOVED THAT FUCKING CAR! I replaced the transmission with my buddy. Two stoned dudes listening to the dead working on the car. Loads o' fun. I still remember the time we forgot a can to catch the transmission fluid and used the can we were using to store nuts we took off. Burned out three solenoid a so we decided to drill a hole into the engine compartment and ran a heavy gauge speaker wire out to it -- would press a switch inside to start. Used to tell girls it was a Led Zepplin car 'cos you "went in through the out door". If a chick doesn't find that shit funny she isn't going to fuck a dude that drives a Gremlin anyway. So it was a screening tool. What does that piece of crap car mean to me? Youth. Fun. Friendship. Good memories. Cruising to the "hippy hole" in the Jemez (a hot springs where you'd mostly get naked and smoke dope). And you CANNOT get that for the $100K you'd spend on an S550 (or whatever you lease it for). That piece of crap AMC kicks ass compared Mercedes, Porsche, Lamborghini, etc. AMC -- BORN TO BE FREE!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    [OT] Supreme Court Kicking Butt This Week!
    jabthehut dude...the plural of anecdote is not data. What DATA would you or Che propose to be the most appropriate measure of the efficacy of health care in various nations? I'm tempted to ask why US diabetes rates are so high if early diagnosis of diabetes is so good. But the answer to that is actually clear... This discussion is, of course, independent of whether the ACA is good policy. The discussion is also independent of Hobby Lobby -- Hobby Lobby says more about RFRA being bad policy than ACA being bad policy. RFRA could be rephrased as "all animals are equal but religious animals are mre equal..." If you don't like ACA try to repeal the law. Try to challenge it legally for everbody. Both have been tried and both were largely failures. But -- even if you think ACA is horrible -- don't cheer on the SCOTUS for declaring some people special and above the law.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    What is your favorite porn sites online?
    Mikeydude -- a splash screen? There is a fuckable iPad case my friend. That's what HARDCORE people use! http://gizmodo.com/how-to-clean-a-fleshlight-yes-you-need-to-clean-your-1597138512 And no...the fuckable iPad doesn't actually appeal to me. Any of you pervs tried it? Maybe LDK can give it a test!
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    10 years ago
    T Town
    new way to piss dancer off
    Wow. Does anybody have a translator? Lovethepus appears to be using standard American English words but he often strings them together in interesting ways.
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    10 years ago
    How do you tip strippers outside the U.S.?
    Sounds like Alberta strip clubs ain't nothin' but class. ;-)
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    10 years ago
    Happy Canada Day Farmerart
    Hey Steve dude...no dissin' our neighbors. Canada be coo-el. Just wish the exchange rate was closer to what it was when I was a kid... Happy Canada day folks!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Comments... well, lets say they are lively
    LOL Steve dude!
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    10 years ago
    mollies, strippers and vomiting
    Tell the truth LMN dude. You made a really big batch o' curly fries at your Arby's job so Mr. McGee (your manager) let you take the extras home. On the way home you got a bottle of Boone's farm (that's what you meant by "bottle servic"). You ate the fries and drank the entire bottle so you threw up all over your Ford Escort. Sounds like good times! WEEE-YAWWW!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    All you lesbians behaving badly ... are strip clubs what liberation is for?
    I'm in favor of hot lesbians behaving badly. Especially if I can watch. Uggos and fat lesbians...do what you want, but do it behind closed doors.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    [OT] Supreme Court Kicking Butt This Week!
    Ugh! ...your reply...
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    10 years ago
    [OT] Supreme Court Kicking Butt This Week!
    @Che -- wow, even when cut off for reasons I'm unsure of (is the new TUSCL layout correlated with other problems?) I get an essay as a response. I decided not to analyze you're reply deeply because 1) it had little likelihood of entertaining me; and 2) even a cursory reading showed major lapses in logic. Just to be clear: the US scores poorly in the ratio of per capita spending vs OUTCOMES. The latter is measurables like mean lifespan. This is amply documented in reliable medical publications. Back up your bloviating with citations from NEJM, JAMA, etc. and I'll take you seriously. Whether the ACA is a good or bad thing is another issue. Whether people should get a "get out of jail free card" because their religious is still another.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    [OT] Supreme Court Kicking Butt This Week!
    Damn, hit "post" w/o intending -- anyway -- you pay indirectly if you have insurance the high cost/poor outcome of the US health care system. The US spends far more per capita on health care that virtually all other industrialized nations (I believe we beat Ireland -- yay -- though their health care spending is <50% of ours). These are facts from medical journals. Why are costs so high? The baroque insurance system we use and the way we deal with the uninsured. So I suppose you could argue that this is not paying for uninsured directly but rather paying a penalty for our inefficient system, but that becomes semantics. Folks who defend the US system like AEI invariably point to intangibles precisely because all quantitative measures say we suck. Big time. If you have to go for intangibles you've lost any reasonable public policy argument and are simply bullshitting. Whether ACA is a fix is a separate issue. Personally, I think we've replaced one baroque system with another. Contrary to crsm's assertion it is too early to declare it *worse* than pre-ACA. But I doubt it will be much better and it may still make things worse. The Hobby Lobby decision, which sucks, is also a separate issue. You like the idea of letting people off the hook because you don't like the law. But that is horrible policy. We shouldn't let folks declare "due to my religion I don't believe X is moral and the law mandates X so I don't have to follow the law." Hobby Lobby case is narrow so it won't have that result, but it is still corrosive. Don't like a law? Elect people to turn it over or find a constitutional lawyer that can argue against it. And if you lose you lose. Tough. Don't cheer for the court saying "yes, this law can stand (mostly...as they decided in Natl Fed Indep Businesses v. Sebelius) but it doesn't apply to special religious people..." Hobby Lobby is nothing more than "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." Not a good thing...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    [OT] Supreme Court Kicking Butt This Week!
    @Che -- you pay indirectly if you have insurance the high cost/poor outcome of the US health care system. The US spends far more per capita on health care that virtually all other industrialized nations (I believe we beat Ireland -- yay -- though their health care spending is <50% of ours). These are facts from medical journals. Why are costs so high? The baroque insurance system we use and the way we deal with the uninsured. So I suppose you could argue that this is not paying for uninsured directly but rather paying a penalty for our inefficient system, but that becomes semantics. Folks who defend the US system like AEI invariably point to intangibles precisely because all quantitative measures say we suck. Big time. If you have to go for intangibles you've lost any reasonable public policy argument and are simply bullshitting. Whether ACA is a fix is a separate issue. Personally, I think we've replaced one baroque system with another. Contrary to crsm's assertion it is too early to declare it *worse* than pre-ACA. But I doubt it will be much better and it may still make things worse. The Hobby Lobby decision, which sucks, is also a separate issue. You like the idea of letting people off the hook because you don't like the law. But that is horrible policy. We shouldn't let folks declare "due to my religion I don't believe X is moral and the law mandates X so I don't have to follow the law." Try to change the law or, if you can find a lawyer make a legal argument that applies broadly, file suit to strike down the law for everybody. And if you lose you lose. Tough. There are plenty of laws I don't like. I'm actually not crazy about ACA, but we need to shift to a healt care system that works so going back to the "good ol' days" isn't the solution. This "I'm religious so I get special laws" bullshit is dangerous. Hobby Lobby was narrow but it is corrosive.
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    10 years ago
    food for thought
    Ah...the good ol' days.
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    10 years ago
    I Dated a Pyscho
    Relax sharkdude. I think this was just an attempt to poke the LMN dude. However, I would dig the LMN network..LMNN if you will. 24/7 exploits of the drugged-out scion of a rich family. Just strap a GoPro to the dude and let him go! (OK, it would probably be footage of a 17-year old kid making Arby's food and typing on his computer while jackin' it...but it is still a coo-el idea) For the *real* LMNN do you think we'd see him jackin' it INTO the curly fries? 'Cos that would be a bit disgusting. Though it would explain the special sauce.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    How do you tip strippers outside the U.S.?
    Art...lil' help? When I was last in Vancouver I was told I should just tip with C$5 notes. Not sure if that is standard. The place (Brandi's) was a ripoff.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    South Carolina
    @Rick -- I find the pics to provide an interesting window into the minds of fellow TUSCLers. Sometimes a bit like a journey to the Black Lodge, but still pretty coo-el. Plus, the absence of pics will make it more difficult for LMN to post images of his debauchery. I keep telling the dude that he will become a LEGEND if he pays a groovy stripper chick to do something coo-el like put a Twinkie up her snatch and write "LMN RULZ" on her stomach in Twinkie cream. Don't you want to see that shit?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Interesting article about the old Twin Peeks club owver in Charlotte
    @jack -- that ones easy. BOB. Do you think the Twin Peeks club had a groovy midget stripper that spoke in a distorted manner? And a Red Room with a groovy zig-zag floor? Perhaps a giant as well? That would be seriously coo-el.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Have you ever wanted to fuck your iPad?
    ATACdude...have you been douching your fuckable iPad case?