
Comments by zipman68 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Jes' to make you perverts all happy 'n shizzle I be postin' a link fer y'all! Th
    Shoot. I'm genuinely sorry dudes. Nothing untoward came up for me except scans of old Hustler mags. I may get some lulz by convincing the more unhinged and illogical of the conservadudes (cough...ski dude 6-oh-9...cough) that the Chinese are going to invade and depose Trump. But I draw the line at intentionally exposing you guys to malware. That jes' ain't coo-el. I retract the nekkid last suppah...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Well, it kooks like trolls are ruining TUSCL
    No such thing as TRUMP derangement syndrome, Gammadude! Trump be the most dangerous man ever elected president. I heard through reliable sources that he wants to build a Shkadov thruster to move the ENTIRE solar system closer to Proxima Centauri. Why? So he can build a big ol' hotel on the habitable zone planet. That could DESTROY the sun! Crazy! Why do you conservadudes want to destroy the sun?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    The perfect face for a blow job
    Good one Juicebro! I'd love to facefuck that chick! In a respectful sensitive new age guy kind of way, of course!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What's with all your changing tranny profile pics?
    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Doogie?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    So has ev'rybody I've offended ('cept DoogieDumbass an' his aliases) mellowed en
    Thx Doogie! You have a good thanksgiving too...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Poker, Food, Stripers, Friends and a $180 well spent
    Good luck Juicebro!!! Eat yosef silly on the Colonel's XXXtra KRIS-pay turkey! Y'all know whut strippers dig on turkey day? Turkey drumstick up the asshole! WEEE-YAWWW!!!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
    Hell, I'll facefuck yo' niece even if she's jes' a college liberal an' not a stripper. Long as she be HAWT that is. But don't worry, I'll get signed an' noterized consent forms before givin' her the ol' zippycup full o' yoghurt! WEEE-YAWWW!!!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
    Unless yo' niece IS a stripper. If she is an' she be HAWT she'll be gettin' a zippy deposit in her throat! BOOM...zippycup wins again! WEEEE-YAWWW!!!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
    Peace Mikeyman. Hope you have yosef a gooood turkey day. I'm proud o' y'all fer not interjectin' a "you're not funny" into my threads. Reward yosef wit' some good cornbread stuffin' an' cranberry sauce. Not the gross canned stuff...stuff wit' real cranberries! An' don't freak when your niece complains 'bout yo' microaggressions. There are many things worse than her bein' liberal. She could be a stripper!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    OK... OK... Ima stop trollin' y'all. You guys should be ashamed o' yourselves. I
    Conservadudes, c'mon...peace out! Y'all need to take a chill pill. I wasn't even tryin' to bait y'all 'til you started responding. My main target was Doogie and his many aliases. I just couldn't resist when some o' y'all responded to my xie xie President Xi stuff. Peace! Even to Doogie...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Results Are In: Only SJG Disagress That Zipman68's Brain is Made Out of Shit!
    Doogie, in the interest o' clarity I still believe that y'all is fair game fo' me trollin' I'm jes' layin' off the conservadudes. Some o' those folks are ok people, even if they're a bit delude and can't pick up on the whole "xie xie President Xi" thang as a joke. Nope... I still thank y'all be an asshole. I'll jes' come up with a way to poke you that doesn't offend the conservadudes too much...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    According to Revelations, Trumpets will announce The End
    Nope. No end coming 'cept when the sun becomes a red giant. Then the eventual heat death o' the universe. The end of America will come when Trumpsta sells us out to the Russians. Say March 2017. Then the glorious PLA will liberate us. Xie xie President Xi!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    I'm so over this election
    I've accepted this election Goon boy. Jes' sayin' that y'all conservadudes gonna fuck up so bad that our country will end up a thirds world nation where our daughters will be forced to suck Putin's dick! Why do you want virginal American girls to be forced to suck Russian oligarch dick at gunpoint? Why Goon boy? Do you hate America that much?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    What if I'm a good conservadude that's been taken over by George Soros' mind-con
    Or psychedelic drugs allowed me to break free of the mind control lasers that you are subject to. Prove to me that George Soros isn't beaming mind-control lasers into yo' head!!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Black folks protesting = riots. Right-wing thugs committing hate crimes = good c
    DoogieDumbass, how do you know it's not George Soros' lasers making you think there are riots but no hate crimes...when it's tha other way 'round! George Soros is kind of a tricksta that fucks wit' da weak-minded and stooooopid...like y'all!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Black folks protesting = riots. Right-wing thugs committing hate crimes = good c
    Meat moron, so you admit that there are hate crimes. That's progress. But protests are worse than hate CRIMES. Good to know. And the black people protesting are "so called". Seems to me that you could observe skin color...but okaaaay! Your conservalogic differs from actual logic. BTW, y'all better watch out or George Soros be beaming thoughts into yo' head via his mind control lasers! They come from satellites doncha know!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Good News for vincemichaels (HIV)
    DoogieDumbass, wassa matta you? Not getting enough response from me so you hafta troll Vince dude? LOL!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Results Are In: Only SJG Disagress That Zipman68's Brain is Made Out of Shit!
    DoogieDumbass, I love how you created a new thread when you discovered that even people that don't like me refuse to indulge your stupidity. Here's the difference between the two of us: you're a mean spirited dumbass. I'm just stirring the pot for some laughs. I don't mean much of what I say. You do. And that's kind of sad...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Black folks protesting = riots. Right-wing thugs committing hate crimes = good c
    I could explain to tired "traveler" dude how all serious scholars view Nazism as a right-wing movement. I could provide exposition regarding the use of "socialism" in the comment. I could even write a dissertation on different philosophies within the Nazi party... By why bother? The tired "traveler" is a broke ass loser that's never been more than 10 miles from his birthplace. Plus he's an uneducated moron that wouldn't understand what I say. "Traveler" dude, why don't y'all go back to your loser job where your biggest responsibility is establishing whether your customers want fries with that meal deal and enjoy the fact that your fellow morons got conned by Trump. Smell ya later loser!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Hey NotaDoctorPhil (aka DoogieDumbass), I don't want a European-style parliament
    Cute. There were apparently Romney riots in 2016? Cute one Deuce dude. Talk 'bout the factually impaired. At least I know which year each candidate ran. Also, the left aren't a bunch o' frickin' Nazi thugs that commit hate crimes when they frickin' win! President Xi, please save us!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    the speed force!
    Hey NotaDoctorPhil (aka DoogieDumbass), I don't want a European-style parliament
    You're so cute ski dude! Y'all still be cryin' over Obama. I bet you popped Effexor like tic-tacs during the last eight years of our mooslim president! I'm advocating a specific course o' action. Good Americans should form a fifth column to facilitate the Chinese liberating us from our Russian overlords (who control Trump as a puppet). You got a problem wit' dat? I guess you hate America!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Did that Dumb Whore NinaBambina Also Call the Election Wrong?
    Random dude, it's always good for folks to research their points, unlike the conservadudes who either make shit up whole cloth or do "research" using the "insanos r us" news website. However, y'all hafta realize that Doogie don't work in finance. His work is cashing disability checks, sitting in his own filth, popping his zits, an' trollin' TUSCL. An' that's 24/7/365 buddy!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    zipman68's Brain is Made Out of Shit!
    Doogie, even if I was gay this wouldn't impress me. Pursue somebody in your league. I bet there are homeless guys that'll let you suck their cock for a bottle of Everclear and some Kool-aid.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Did that Dumb Whore NinaBambina Also Call the Election Wrong?
    Wouldn't you like to know DoogieDumbass. Suffice it to say that I was born into more money than you, went to a prestigious university, graduated summa cum laude, and make more money than you can imagine.