
Black folks protesting = riots. Right-wing thugs committing hate crimes = good c

the speed force!
Friday, November 18, 2016 11:19 AM
Fucking Nazi hypocrites!


  • ime
    8 years ago
    Don't care about post above but if I can post some Dead Kennedy's so be it. [view link] Punk ain't no religious cult Punk means thinking for yourself You ain't hardcore cos you spike your hair When a jock still lives inside your head Nazi punks Nazi punks Nazi punks-Fuck Off! Nazi punks Nazi punks Nazi punks-Fuck Off! If you've come to fight, get outa here You ain't no better than the bouncers We ain't trying to be police When you ape the cops it ain't anarchy [Repeat chorus] Ten guys jump one, what a man You fight each other, the police state wins Stab your backs when you trash our halls Trash a bank if you've got real balls You still think swastikas look cool The real nazis run your schools They're coaches, businessmen and cops In a real fourth reich you'll be the first to go [Repeat chorus] You'll be the first to go You'll be the first to go You'll be the first to go Unless you think
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Little is worth comment other than calling conservative NAZI s (NAZI = national socialist german workers party)(in other words the government and its cronies own everything) is so far off base from what true evil of NAZI ism and socialism really are demonstrates how little you know! Trump won so just let it go and move on! Checks and balances!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The center did not hold. This is a dire situation. SJG
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Oh - nos! How dire we talkin'?
  • mikeya02
    8 years ago
    SJG has an AK-47.....this is a dire situation SJG talks about death to Christians.....this is a dire situation SJG rants against white people.....this is a dire situation SJG advocates violence against middle class parents.....this is a dire situation SJG wants to put a bullet in Motorhead.....this is a dire situation SJG relates to serial killers.....this is a dire situation
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    I could explain to tired "traveler" dude how all serious scholars view Nazism as a right-wing movement. I could provide exposition regarding the use of "socialism" in the comment. I could even write a dissertation on different philosophies within the Nazi party... By why bother? The tired "traveler" is a broke ass loser that's never been more than 10 miles from his birthplace. Plus he's an uneducated moron that wouldn't understand what I say. "Traveler" dude, why don't y'all go back to your loser job where your biggest responsibility is establishing whether your customers want fries with that meal deal and enjoy the fact that your fellow morons got conned by Trump. Smell ya later loser!
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Zippy I suppose we could entertain your post if the comparison was even close. There have been literally hundreds of protests involving hundreds of thousands of so called "black people", yet the # of hate crimes are minute in comparison. Sooooo yeah? I guess I made the mistake of posting on this, because you and George Soros would be a better comparison since you have more in common with him than the accord you just purported. Slam dunked that faggit George Soros for calling him Zippy!!!
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    Meat moron, so you admit that there are hate crimes. That's progress. But protests are worse than hate CRIMES. Good to know. And the black people protesting are "so called". Seems to me that you could observe skin color...but okaaaay! Your conservalogic differs from actual logic. BTW, y'all better watch out or George Soros be beaming thoughts into yo' head via his mind control lasers! They come from satellites doncha know!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Who exactly is calling these protest "riots" other than they do, um, actually riot?
  • zipman68
    8 years ago
    DoogieDumbass, how do you know it's not George Soros' lasers making you think there are riots but no hate crimes...when it's tha other way 'round! George Soros is kind of a tricksta that fucks wit' da weak-minded and stooooopid...like y'all!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    I think there's both riots and hate crimes since the election. And lots of peaceful protests. All plays into Trump's hands though. So yeah, Soros had a good run, but Trump outsmarted him in the end and it's his day now.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Three words for all the liberals (like ziptard) melting down about the election: GET A GRIP! Actually another three words: DEAL WITH IT!
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    mikeya02 is correct, the situation is dire, and we probably are very close to violence. SJG Living his grey flannel life [view link] Tijuana Street [view link] [view link] [view link]
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    @SJG: would you advise TUSCL'ers to start exercising their 2nd amendment rights?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I don't think it is time for that yet. I mean the idea of having a gun is to use it. That people would collect guns just in case they decide to shoot their neighbor, is ridiculous. At the time it becomes necessary to have a gun, the Second Amendment won't make any difference. They way the Second Amendment is used is the opposite of what it was intended for. I think we still need to try and resolve the problem peacefully. Best would be just for Obama and 2/3rds of the Congress to amend the constitution right now. Dump the Electoral College and Trump. They can ask the Supreme Court Justices to write the amendment. These kinds of extreme actions are not necessary very often, but right now they are if our nation is to continue. Amending the Constitution averts needing to have the same congressional 2/3 to impeach Trump. SJG Mick Taylor & Keith Richards - Gimme Shelter (Fabulous Outtake) [view link] [view link] [view link]
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Zipman: You are an ignorant tool. It was communist Soviet premier Stalin who characterized the Nazi fascists as a propaganda tool to galvanize the Soviets into fighting. The truth is NaZi= NAtional Socialist, which grew from the German Workers Party. So it is all very left wing. But defining things as left and right paints an inaccurate dichotomy. In America, it's about those who work for a living, versus those who vote for a living. It's about those who want to think and do for themselves, versus those who want to do all the thinking and doing for them AND force everyone around them to think and do the same. It's about the individual's freedom, versus the extinguishment of individuality and dissent. THAT is why the liberals are afraid, and anxious, and rioting. Be cause this government will allow individual freedom, choice, dissent, and achievement; and they do not get the cradle to grave nanny state they think they are entitled to.
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