Family vs Strippers

avatar for shadowcat
In the last two days I have gotten two emails from 2 different TUSCL buddies that they could not make the convention because of medical problems with their parents. I have been through this too. What it says to me is that even if we are "dirty old men" We still take care of family first. I applude you!


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avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
I believe the saying is, "Bro's before Ho's."
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
My daughter made a special trip to my house this evening to give me some photo's of me with my grand daughter. Born on Apr 9th. Weighing in at 9lbs. She knew that I wanted to shared them with my favorite strippers tomorrow. Women eat that up. Even some guys. It may not get me laid but I will bet that it lossens some thongs. As she left she told me to have a good time. I'll bet that I do.
avatar for thedirk444
17 years ago
Congrats cat on the new granddaughter. May see you in Cola thursday.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
You know, shadowcat, after a post like that. you are just asking for an attack from feebleimitationludicrouslydifferentman.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
And he will deserve it!
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
A special trip to give you a photo of your new born grand daughter. To your house even! What a lucky guy you are to have raised a daughter to possess a moral compass that will allow her to use a picture of her baby to help her decrepid old pervert of a father try to get laid.

With family morals like that the kid probably has a hell of a future on the pole. And it wouldn't supprise me one bit if you were her number one customer. Your complete lack of character has never shown through as brightly as it has with this post.

If I wewe that kid's father and I saw this I'd come visit you at your house too. To drop the hammer on you.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words by that idiot will never harm me.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Seeing as how it responded to a message without mentioning it's display name, but rather it's real name, this seems that proves that it knows it is a feeble imitation and is ludicrously different.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Clubber your insistance in polishing Shadowcat's belt buckle is a bit strange. But the fact that you continue to back a loser like him speaks volumes about you.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Thank you, feebleimitationludicrouslydifferentman. I would expect no less from you. I mean really, would I wish to be compared to you? I think not! Now, go away. I prefer not to use the "ignorant" button.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Clubber you are by far the most unoriginal bastard on this board. All you do is repeat yourself. Why is that? Shadowcat must be in up to his elbow for you to be such a puppet.
avatar for IDleStripper
17 years ago
Yeah Jeanne is a real piece of work, she's daddy's little strumpet.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago

Not cool to use her name on this board she does not particiopate here. As much as I think Shadowcat is a scumbag it is not fair to discuss his daughter other than what he voulenteers in his posts.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
The pictures were an enormous success. I don't think that hey helped me get laid but I did get FS ITC yesterday and today for $100 a pop. Those of you who have met me in the club know by whom.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Congratulations on using a picture of your new born granddaughter to help you procure the services of a prostitute at a price that would make an AARP member smile! With smooth moves like that it is no wonder you consider yourself the "King" of TUSCL.
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