I'm interested in an airport-mongering trip. I want to fly in to a city in North America, have minimal expenses, and go to some kind of strip clubs where full service extras are the norm. I think this would be an exciting and enjoyable way to spend a long weekend. What city would you recommend?
I've done this kind of trip to Houston, for instance. I had to get a rental car, however, and I wasn't thrilled with the distance from airport to monger-zone (I visited Treasures, Centerfolds, other Westheimer / Galleria neighborhood clubs, and did receive the desired level of extras). I think you could likely do it in Tampa, but you'd want to stay in Drew Park (which is, thankfully, near the airport) and finish off your evening at Lipstixx.
What about other cities? The questions to answer aren't, just, whether or not there's good full-service strip-clubbing nearby. It's also, which clubs are readily airport-accessible, whether there's a cheap-enough no-tell-motel near the clubs, and so on. I'm thinking in fact of flying in to Buffalo NY, taking the (free?) shuttle to the Niagara Falls Canada casinos, and working from there to Seductions. What about Detroit? Others?
Fly into TF Green airport in Warwick RI. Drive north about 20 minutes to Providence. Go to Cheaters where you can get Full service for about $100 if you find the right Brazilian
BG- It sounds to me like you're interested in going to a place where you don't have to rent a car. Where some cheap hotels just happen to have complimentary airport van shuttle service AND happen to be within walking distance of several stripclubs.
Sorry, can't help you there, because everythings a tradeoff. The $60 you save on rental car 1 place can translate into $60 more airfare or wasted lapdances in another place. Just pick out club(s), you'd like to try, and if total cost (airfare, hotel, transportation, etc.) fit your budget, to paraphrase Nike ad: "Just do it".
I agree with Yoda, but if you can make it across the broder into the Canadian Niagra Falls area...that's a great option too. Our money sucks in Canada right now though.
Sorry, BookGuy, I didn't read the question closely enough. I have only been there--while taking a rental car back to a place by the Tampa airport--but I do not understand it to be an extras club.
I would agree with the others that have said Detroit. I have the luxury of being close enough to drive there. Several choices in the area. Not close enough to walk from the airport, but you could take a short cab ride or rent a car without the fear of getting lost.
There are many business class hotels near the airport and some more budget priced motels on Michigan Ave. in Inkster where the Flight Club is located.
The nice thing about is Inkster is take your pick:
the Flight Club - expensive, valet parking, Gentleman's Club, beautiul showgirls
Bogart's - cheap, somewhat of a dive. So-so girls but plenty of mileage
ROFL ... one fun thing to do is check out the airport departure lounges in New Orleans just after a major sports event like the SuperBowl. It's a smallish city relative to most NFL venues, with a tiny airport hub, so there are really not a lot of flights out, so the escorts and strippers are more concentrated for your viewing pleasure.
Baltimore might not be a bad shot if you want extras and get in and out...cab ride from the airport - plenty of dives within walking distances of each other and they are sort of in business for extras.
Baltimore and Providence are definite options where FS can easily be had and if you can fly southwest, get there cheap. It's been a while but last time I was in Detroit, the airport clubs had good mileage, but no way full service.
last commentSorry, can't help you there, because everythings a tradeoff. The $60 you save on rental car 1 place can translate into $60 more airfare or wasted lapdances in another place. Just pick out club(s), you'd like to try, and if total cost (airfare, hotel, transportation, etc.) fit your budget, to paraphrase Nike ad: "Just do it".
Thee Dollhouse in Tampa...about the same drive from Tampa Internat'l.
Bare Elegance in LA...about 15 minutes from LAX.
There are many business class hotels near the airport and some more budget priced motels on Michigan Ave. in Inkster where the Flight Club is located.
The nice thing about is Inkster is take your pick:
the Flight Club - expensive, valet parking, Gentleman's Club, beautiul showgirls
Bogart's - cheap, somewhat of a dive. So-so girls but plenty of mileage