
Soft core or hard core?

Atlanta suburb
Monday, May 12, 2008 1:16 AM
It has been a little over a year since I last had any kind of OTC experience with a stripper. I now find myself in a position of knowing two that say they trust me enough to meet me OTC for paid sex, etc. The are both 30'ish, single and no children. One has fake tits, a loser boyfriend, does drugs, has fucked me ITC the club 3 times and given me numerous BBBJ's. The other has given me high mileage but not gone all of the way ITC. She says that she is not a drug user and broke up with her last boyfriend in December and is living with a girlfriend. She has shown me a great knowledge of medicine. Stuff that I believe. But says wait " I have to woo her first" Crunch time! Assuming that my information is correct. Which way would you go or would you try to do both of them?


  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I like the softcore, but then from your posts it is difficult to see you in that light. Sounds like you had enough NOs in hellish marriage to last 100 lifetimes. At the very least get the hardcore first and when you're worn out a little hard to get might not be so horrible. Good luck! :)
  • formerATLclubguy
    16 years ago
    When in doubt, go with answer C) All of the above. While I don't recommend 2 dancers at once in the club, back at the hotel I'm all for it!!
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Are you asking for help from your buddies here on TUSCL? Someone take the girl on the right and I'll look for the girl on the left and then we can compare notes. Better yet to be scientific, we buddies need to sample all the girls along with a third control group girl to make our evaluations scientific. hmmm, this could take some time. Are you sure you want our help on this shadowcat? I didn't really want to hook up with any dancers but if a buddy really needs some help evaluating dancers... :)
  • chitownlawyer
    16 years ago
    If you have a choice between a dancer who offers hot, meaningless sex and one who offers hot sex with the possibility of emotional involvement and a meaningful relationship, I say go for the hot, meaningless sex every time.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    Go for maximum return on minimum investment.
    16 years ago
    I'd choose the one who looks like there's less risk of potential problems, eg. #2. The first girl looks like major problems just waiting to happen.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    Well the hard core dancer won't be at the club-got fired for drug use ITC. Stupid! Her co-hort will have to suffice for your BBBJ-got one from her today.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Shekitout: That is why it is important to have a stable. One trips and falls and there are others waiting to take over.I am not sure of which cohort you are referring to but I still plan to have a good time. BTW you miss spelled cohort. LOL...
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I'd be very tempted to go for the softcore girl, but only if it turned out to be guaranteed that she was a REALISTIC conversion of softcore-to-hardcore. And the realisticness of that proposition is a rather subjective judgment which only you can make. Hope you're accurate! :) Also, I'd be tempted to abandon the soft-versus-hard question and just say: post the pics! Then I'll tell ya! It's all about the ass and tits, babe!
  • gk
    16 years ago
    Go for the sure thing, because, after al, we like it. But I would still pursue the other one to se what happens. might be fun. The chase is sometimes more fun than the capture. Of course, she may be saying the same thing.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I guess that the question has been settled. Shekitout posted that "Hardcore" had been kicked out of the club for drug use ITC.
  • ShotDisc
    16 years ago
    to have such problems
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    You got me! But you misspelled 'misspelled'-it doesn't have 3 s's in it.
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