
TUSCL names..

Atlanta suburb
Thursday, July 10, 2008 12:11 AM
I know that there are people on here always changing their names. I am shadowcat. I have a cat whose name is shadow. My email address is "I give up". That goes back to the brief time that I was banned from this site. Inside my favorite club I am known as shadowcat, candy man, baby, or John. Depending on how well they know me. I have no problem being known as John. All of my TUSCLers brothers know me as that. I have no fears!


  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    Because I am.
  • chitownlawyer
    16 years ago
    Because I practiced law in Chicago for a couple of years at the beginning of my career.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Because I was.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I've had this name for over 2 years I believe. Casual because well that's the way I prefer to visit strip clubs. However some require collar shirts (dreaded dress code) so I'm often not as casual as I would like to be. I do wear shorts most of the time since it's almost always hot where I live. If a number of the dancers are freezing, I'm probably comfortable. If I drink enough beer, I can stand it to be warmer since beer cools me off and temporarily slows down my metabolism.
  • lopaw
    16 years ago
    lopaw is chinese for "wife". It's what my SO & I call each other. Most of the girls from my fave clubs know that I post under "lopaw", but they only know the zbone website, not this one. So far I've met only one other TUSCL member, and I think he's the only one on this site that knows my real name.
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    More than once I've been described as a larger than life figure. I talk the talk, but I also walk the walk. At one job, I frequently pulled off the impossible. I would walk in and the boss' favorites would say "Dudester" (in a reverent surfer type tone).
  • snowtime
    16 years ago
    Snowtime was a typo that I decided to live with. I had originally chosen "Show"time which was the name of my favorite stripclub in Nashville when they used to have good clubs,
  • minnow
    16 years ago
    Because I'm not a whale. (lol).
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    Well, my real name is Dan, and most of the time, my friends always called me Dandy Dan. I understand there is actually a stripclub in Denver named Dandy Dan's, but I have nothing to do with that.
  • evilcyn
    16 years ago
    evilcyn has been my nickname for years, so I use it here, its my email.. It was our web site for many years...
  • CarolinaWanderer
    16 years ago
    Born in Carolina, lived in many, many other states, but eventually Wandered back.
  • AbbieNormal
    16 years ago
    Abbie Normal comes from Young Frankenstien, and was a pen name I used long ago in college.
  • blockbird
    16 years ago
    Because I hung around Baltimore's Block quite a bit at one time, when, if my rapidly receding memory is correct, it was often a pleasant and economical way to consume a few watered-down drinks and have certain physical needs addressed.
  • large
    16 years ago
    I once heard that Indians chose the names of their children by naming the baby for the first thing they saw after the baby was born. So if they saw a deer running, the child was named Running Deer. Don't know if that is true but, at any rate, when I was about to give myself a name I saw the word large on a piece of paper and decided to go with that. Actually, I am probably of average size.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    wondergrl5 Cause I aint wonder woman (due to copywrite infringement laws) and I wonder what the hell people are thiknig sometimes. Girl cause hell im young till I say im not. Now which one of you fuckers is gonna welcome me back??? LOL
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    yeah and there are typos in my posts deal with it ha ha ha
  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    WB you fucker...
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    I did welcome you back under the "wtf" thread.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    My name came from a comic, Angel Salazar, I saw once locally. Obviously he was Hispanic and when he would say 'Check it out' it sounded like 'Shek it out'. If you ever get a chance to see him, he is a funny guy.
  • brainiac
    16 years ago
    Because of the near dominance of strictly mental processes over other aspects of my life.
  • nj_pete
    16 years ago
    'Cause I could not think of anything more original or creative when I registered.
  • trojangreg
    16 years ago
    My given name is Greg graduated from THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA so trojangreg.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    Ha Ha this is a good thread!!
    16 years ago
    One of my first blogs (now called "articles") described the origin and meaning of FONDL in great detail. If anyone cares, look it up, I'm too lazy to repeat it.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Friends Of Naked Dancing Ladies by FONDL January 8, 2008 Welcome to the official web site of Friends Of Naked Dancing Ladies (FONDL) Cosgrove C. Congrove, executive director "Feeling down and out? FONDL someone today." FAQ's (1) What is FONDL? FONDL is an organization that supports the welfare of strippers through better relationships between strippers and customers. We believe that by cooperating with each other both parties benefit. We actively support club policies that are favorable to strippers and their regular customers actively oppose those that are not. We encourage open and honest communications between strippers and their good customers and encourage them to have fun together. (2) How old is FONDL? FONDL was founded in 1997 in Washington, DC. (3) How does one become a member? Membership is by invitation only. (4) How many members are there? Because of the sensitivity of the subject, FONDL is a secret organization, and information about its membership is a closely guarded secret. (5) What activities does FONDL have? FONDL regularly inspects and reviews strip clubs and reports on items of interest. to strippers and customers. FONDL will also on occasion single out strippers of note for special praise. FONDL has an annual Stripper of the Year award, which is given out at our annual banquet (both programs are currently being revised.) FONDL answers questions and provides advice to strippers free of charge. FONDL also makes available to strippers free of charge it's guide on How To Make Money Stripping, which is currently out of print and is being revised. For further information please contact C. C. Cosgrove at [view link] or by leaving a private message on this site.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Damn, that was work! ;)
  • magicrat
    16 years ago
    ....And the Magic Rat drove his sleek machine over the Jersey state line....... great song by the Boss
  • Felt apprehensive registering for a stripclub site, and for some reason I connected that with a quasi-bigoted joke about Asians. And then I realized that I blocked spam from the e-mail address I registered with, so when I re-registered, I couldn't think of anything more creative than to just type it again. Story's boring, but it's my reality.
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