TUSCL names..
Atlanta suburb
I know that there are people on here always changing their names. I am shadowcat. I have a cat whose name is shadow. My email address is "I give up". That goes back to the brief time that I was banned from this site. Inside my favorite club I am known as shadowcat, candy man, baby, or John. Depending on how well they know me. I have no problem being known as John. All of my TUSCLers brothers know me as that. I have no fears!
So far I've met only one other TUSCL member, and I think he's the only one on this site that knows my real name.
Now which one of you fuckers is gonna welcome me back??? LOL
January 8, 2008
Welcome to the official web site of Friends Of Naked Dancing Ladies (FONDL)
Cosgrove C. Congrove, executive director
"Feeling down and out? FONDL someone today."
(1) What is FONDL?
FONDL is an organization that supports the welfare of strippers through better relationships between strippers and customers. We believe that by cooperating with each other both parties benefit. We actively support club policies that are favorable to strippers and their regular customers actively oppose those that are not. We encourage open and honest communications between strippers and their good customers and encourage them to have fun together.
(2) How old is FONDL?
FONDL was founded in 1997 in Washington, DC.
(3) How does one become a member?
Membership is by invitation only.
(4) How many members are there?
Because of the sensitivity of the subject, FONDL is a secret organization, and information about its membership is a closely guarded secret.
(5) What activities does FONDL have?
FONDL regularly inspects and reviews strip clubs and reports on items of interest. to strippers and customers. FONDL will also on occasion single out strippers of note for special praise. FONDL has an annual Stripper of the Year award, which is given out at our annual banquet (both programs are currently being revised.) FONDL answers questions and provides advice to strippers free of charge. FONDL also makes available to strippers free of charge it's guide on How To Make Money Stripping, which is currently out of print and is being revised.
For further information please contact C. C. Cosgrove at [email protected] or by leaving a private message on this site.
Damn, that was work! ;)
great song by the Boss
Story's boring, but it's my reality.