
Comments by ozymandias (page 10)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Waffle Houses...
    When people talk about enjoying "the simple things", one of those things they mean is the classic diner. "The House" just happens to be the Southern version of that classic place. When I was at Georgia Tech, friends and I would spend hours just getting refills of coffee and studying in a booth at the Waffle House on Northside. They never did throw us out... so I have a special affection for them. And yes, the "all night" quality of "The House" makes it stripper-friendly. I suppose the same can be said for any diner. O.
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    16 years ago
    Some more bad news if the economy doesn't improve
    I got a 45% raise last week, on top of a 30% raise in March... so my income has nearly doubled this year. On top of that, my own side business is off to a good start, a grand or two extra a month to invest. I just see this as a huge stock sale - amazing time to slam as much money into the markets as possible. America is still on top of the world politically and militarily, populations are increasing (more customers) and plenty of people are making money - I can honestly say I don't know *anyone* myself who has actually suffered in this "bad economy". While the elections are important, the fact of the matter is that the USA is still a juggernaut. Things will improve, as they always have. We'll adapt, equilibrate and eventually conquer energy security, terrorism, and climate change (whatever that is.) And fear not, the hoeification of America will continue - skirts will shorten, sluttiness will prevail. It's a bright future! O.
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    16 years ago
    Should Bobbyl inform his blow-up doll every time he pays to have sex with men?
    I'm just stunned by the clearest example EVER of pot and kettle! :D O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Should Married Men Who Have Paid Sex with Strippers Inform Their Wives?
    It's a well-known fact that wives are immune to STDs from strippers... so the whole argument is moot. Also, there is no greater expression of marital loyalty than fucking a drunk stripper on a vinyl couch in a VIP room. O. *always making sure to match the logic of my answers to the logic of the questions posed!*
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    16 years ago
    GA Town Buys and Closes strip club
    They could have used that $1 million to replace the aging cinderblocks in all the town's trailer parks. Plus, now they have to build, what, 3-4 Waffle Houses to employ the laid-off strippers? Friggin' waste. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers hooking up with Managers/Bouncers
    If I managed a strip club I would absolutely use that to leverage non-stop blowjobs and fucking. Probably a good thing I don't manage one ;) As far as "how often do stippers hook up with managers and bouncers" - well, in any club the population of strippers greatly outnumbers the collective managers and bouncers, so even if ALL the managers and bouncers hook up with strippers it leaves a lot of strippers unpaired and hence is *not* common. The big exception being Mormon strip clubs in Utah, of course. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    why strippers can be bad at business.
    Actually the smartest play a stripper can make is no interactions with customers beyond just dancing for them - no OTC, so VIP hijinks, just do your dances and move on. That, and basic money management. The smartest (businesswise) stripper I've ever known practiced the following: - as above, no interactions with dancers beyond "the job" - she didn't "hang out" with friends, other dancers, etc... she worked. - she actually made an effort to dance, worked out a routine, wore costumes that got her noticed on stage, worked on her stage presence. That is, she was actually a good performer. - she wasn't shy about closing, ie. asking for the dance. She wasn't pushy, but she did go for the sale. - she kept a ledger of her daily income, tracked her expenses, and paid taxes on all her earnings. She operated as a business, or at least as a professional independent contractor. - she didn't socialize with other dancers or other "nightlife" people outside the club. - she had very specific goals, like "save such and such to open a tax managed fund" and "save this much for the down payment on the house". She saved at least half her money, and invested it (maxed out Roth IRA, etc) She was in school, and didn't have a boyfriend (no time, and I don't think she wanted a boyfriend who would be willing to date a dancer, anyway). I have rarely met a more laser-focused *person*, much less a dancer. If she'd been in my field I would have hired her in a heartbeat - dream employee. The key to being a smart *anything* is goals, which she had in spades. Sadly, very, very few dancers have concrete goals... so they don't seem smart or focused. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    As an infrequent reader of this forum - mercifully unclear about the various politics, factions, and the like - I just have to say that jablake's writing style feels to me a bit Cormac McCarthyish. It has that same kind of punctuation-light stream of consciousness quality, only with more bonhomie. I rather like it. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Harleys are fast? Since when? Get the Honda. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    19... went with some friends, and wasn't carded. It was at the Cheetah in Atlanta. The strippers found me so cute, which infuriated me at the time ;) O.
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    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Stripper Names: A to Z
    What, no love for the real classics? Amber Asia Brandy (oops, I mean Brandi) China Jade Tiffany If you've got a stripper commando team, those have got to be the names. "I love it when a plan comes together" - Jade (smoking a cigar) O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who Fucks Better: Strippers or Escorts?
    The girls I see are strippers, and they're great. I've been with some escorts, though, who just blew my mind. Until you experience true "skills" you don't even know what you're missing. Note that by escorts I don't mean the $200 chicks who post on Craigslist (those are mostly streetwalkers whose pimps happen to have internet access), but actual agency girls or talented independents. The agencies sometimes are best because a good agency trains its girls... I used to know a guy who trained girls for a Brazilian agency (like how to suck a dick really well (slow, teasing, worshipful, etc), how to do porn-style cowgirl and reverse cowgirl, the right sounds to make, and so on), which is certainly not too bad a job for a young fellow to have. Those girls were amazing, too! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ethnic groups as dancers
    It really is impossible to generalize. I will say, though, that when a dancer comes from an ethnic group that is very conservative, then often they have to be *really* far gone to actually strip. This is why the Chinese strippers (very rare, almost all Asian strippers in the US are Viet, Lao, Thai, Korean or Pinay) are usually really wild. Likewise I've known some wild-as-hell Jewish dancers. There used to be an Egyptian dancer at Tattletales who was quite something, as well. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's your favorite dancer line?
    "I don't have a gag reflex" - "Richelle", Gold Club Atlanta, mid-90s "I'll get the room, you can get a condom from the machine in the bathroom" - "Jamaica", 24K Atlanta, January 2008 "R we fucking 2day?" - text message at 7am - "Angel", March 2008 And my least favorite line: "You can touch my tits, but if you touch my pussy I'll slap the shit out of you" - bitchy dancer, Boomers Club, after VIP room and tip had already been paid. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If you're talking cross-country, you want reliable. Honda, hands down. O.
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    16 years ago
    Saving strippers
    To quote Confucius: "Jesus Saves... Moses Invests" I got bitten by the "Save the Stripper" bug once; it was a waste of time, money and effort. Never again. Maybe consider, like Moses, investing in a stripper instead. Examples: - Kingpin a deal with her drug dealer boyfriend - Set her up as an escort for a percentage - Pay her to provide "company" for a political rival while your PD snaps photos - and so on... be creative! See, this hobby *can* be self-sustaining. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Who Fucks Better: Strippers or Escorts?
    An escort literally is a professional at fucking and sucking - while some strippers do it as a sideline, they aren't pros. I've had good and bad from both categories, but an escort wins on balance. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: I must have been drunk.
    What's the line from Shakespeare? "I fear he doth protest too much?" I'm likely paraphrasing. I doubt parodyman is gay, but it is DAMNED creepy the way he shadows any comment made by shadowcat. The replies are really quick too, which means he must be checking posts all day long, several times per hour. Now THAT is pretty odd. O.
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    16 years ago
    Am i Normal?
    Why did you have a measuring tape in your bathroom? >.>
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    16 years ago
    How Many Strippers Have You Fucked?
    Just tagged another one an hour ago! Nothing like piledriver mish after a day of meetings. So, +1 O.
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Which do you prefer: Dancer approaches you or you approach dancer?
    If I want her, I'll go get her. I do NOT like being approached - I'm just way too picky. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How Many Strippers Have You Fucked?
    I fucked two today (ages 21 and 23, spinner types, yum), a threesome, $200 for a bit over an hour ($100 each). In the past year maybe 12-14? Lifetime, no idea... quite a few. I have a thing going with a brazilian stripper, sometimes I play, sometimes not, just kind of depends; we've sort of become semi fuck-buddies, basically because I've helped her build up a clientele. So not free per se, but paid in-trade. It may sound odd, but I prefer to play for it - free usually is just an entree to hideous drama. Give me service, dammit! O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Question for guys who have sex with sex workers
    Things I'm willing to pay for: Maid service Lawncare Medical Expertise Live Entertainment (music, plays, etc) Sex And so on... It's just another service IMHO. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Question for guys who have sex with sex workers
    I don't go to SCs lately because I've developed a network of "escorts" and dancers I can fuck pretty much whenever, usually for $100-$150 per hour, depending. My current thing is a pair of dancers (two girls from Strokers in ATL) who are girlfriends/roommates, and we play together about once a week, so that's about $200/week. So I probably spend $10-12k per year. I used to spend far more, before I was more settled. I'd say my spending peak was probably 2000-2004, since I had a heavy cash side business which was pretty lucrative, but which faded after '04 due to changing market conditions and technology. I'm guessing I spent $75k/year during that period. It seems crazy, but wow, what a blast - that was a mix of SCs, partying with dancers, AMPS and escorts. And I lived! Since I "discovered" strip clubs in 1989, and "pay for play" in 1991, I've probably spent $500k+ easily... Frankly, golf still costs more, though. O.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    It's always about the money. Is It?
    I'm completely *not* a sugar daddy - I don't make that known per se, but everyone knows it. Strippers know they won't get paid if they sit and talk... I pay for dances only, and I pay precisely the fee, no extras. Funny thing, many dancers wind up as friends. Basic charm and respect are completely underrated. If you are paying people to talk to you, and they don't have either a law degree or a PhD in psychology, you are doing something dramatically wrong. O.