Strippers hooking up with Managers/Bouncers
A cliche no doubt, but how common do strippers hook up with manager and/or bouncers? And what stories have you've heard about managers exploiting their position to get perks from strippers? I've heard firsthand from a stripper i knew who did a bj to get off her shift early.
As far as "how often do stippers hook up with managers and bouncers" - well, in any club the population of strippers greatly outnumbers the collective managers and bouncers, so even if ALL the managers and bouncers hook up with strippers it leaves a lot of strippers unpaired and hence is *not* common.
The big exception being Mormon strip clubs in Utah, of course.
Although I think it's a totally slimeball move which I could never do, I can get pretty turned on by hearing a stripper tell about being pressured like that. Classic power imbalance fantasy stuff. The reality is quite dreary, I'm sure.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the manager should have stepped in and told him to cut it out. The boyfriend/bouncer can play kissy-kissy with her after the shift all he wants, but when she was working, he should have left her alone. Not only was he depriving her of the chance to make money but he was probably pissing off customers too.
If you work at a strip club, seems like the best way to get laid is to date the stripper that's the most hated on by the high-drama strippers. They'll all fuck you in the interest of further high drama.
Often the girlfriends end up bartending until the boyfriend gets tired of her. They're usually crappy bartenders too.