
avatar for BartleJoe
Am I the only one who thinks jablake is a bit too wordy? ;-)


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avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
You aren't the only one.

Although, at times, it can be a horse race with BookGuy and David9999, these days jablake is the undisputed king of verbosity. (I am sure it all goes in phases though, and other will have their day.)
avatar for BartleJoe
16 years ago
Well stated, Bobbyl.
avatar for jablake
16 years ago

Reminds me of Felicity. I'm a former bookstore owner and happen to have read thousands of books despite deranged customers who kept demanding that I work. I don't know how many times I needed to point out what should have been clear as day. HELLO, if I wanted to work then I wouldn't be the owner of a bookstore. Even the simplest concepts can elude some folks.

Anyway, I digressed slightly.

Getting back to Felicity she claimed to be reading 3 to 5 books a day. Yeah, she was SUPER BRIGHT. Still, that's a lot books. I put that bitch to the test. Dang, that little frilley filly was better read than me. So why the hell wasn't she shopping at my store when I owned it. She did, but just made sure I wasn't there. :)

Why does this thread remind me of Felicity you may inquire? :) Simple, this is a dancer who could easily read big thick books like they were mere newspaper blurbs. I can just imagine how frustrated she'd be with my laconic posts. :)

Yes, in my mind's eye I can see and hear her SCREAMING MORE WORDS, MORE WORDS, I NEED MORE WORDS. Even if I quickly typed the equivalent of a large romance novel per day it just wouldn't be enough for her greedy eyes and voracious brain. That was one hell of a woman.

Book Guy, you want to tell me about replacements? I've met thousands of dancers and I never met anyone like her. And, her body. OH YES. And, her skill. WOW!!! And, conversation? She talked my ear off and except that I was afraid of the club closing before I could get my hands on her, I wanted a lot more talking out of that sweet brainiac. :) I never did get to sample her writings, but I'm sure it would greatly disappointment in that it would probably be too lovey dovey or too naive intellectual for me.

I tried to get Gambling dancer to . . . temporarily interrupted. :(

avatar for BartleJoe
16 years ago
Jablake: I gotta luv ya! ;-)
avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
jablake has some tall tales to tell. He must have nothing better to do than bore some of us with his long posts. He is not malicious and never gets obnoxious. There is no doubt in my mind that he is Kyle1111 reincarnated. The long posts, subject matter, style of writing and his constant mention of black dancers and the same south Florida clubs. If he gets too wordy for you, just bypass his posts.
avatar for BartleJoe
16 years ago
Shadowcat: to be honest, I mostly bypass his posts and others of excess length.
avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
I must say, he does make some very good points if you have to the time to actually read his posts, and he also has an excellent sense of humor.
avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
I must say, he does make some very good points if you have to the time to actually read his posts, and he also has an excellent sense of humor.
avatar for Yoda
16 years ago
Who cares? It's a free country. Just don't read his posts...
avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
Wow. Brilliant Yoda. We never would have thought of that one on our own. You must have an IQ of what? 180? 200? Shit, I think there is a Nobel Prize in this for you.

How about this? Don't like this thread: YOU DON'T READ IT.
avatar for parodyman-->
16 years ago
Here is King Shadowcat telling the TUSCL peasants who to ignore. What a sad old man he must be. He can't even carry off being a bigshot on TUSCL.

Post on jablake! If people don't want to read them that is their business. The board is better off with people who aren't here just to feed their egos.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
Kyle1111? I think so as well. Does it matter? Not one bit.
avatar for jablake
16 years ago
Hi shadowcat,

Well, imo, it beats the hell of watching CNN. How can you stand it? Force me to watch that garbage for about 3 days and I'll repent or apologize or whatever it takes to stop being punished. Yep, I'm a wimp. :(

You're really mesmerized by Kyle1111. :)

I have even more unbelieveable tall tales that I haven't shared. These experiences are why when you speak of strippers having real affection for you I *can* believe it is possible.

Based upon what you've posted, I have a lot more experience with strippers and stripclubs than you. Yes, it is very different in that it is just the cheap clubs so perhaps what I've seen and experienced just doesn't apply to you in the least.

Let me attempt to refresh your memory yet again. Some months ago you posted some hateful rants about ALL strippers because you were supposedly were a sweet guy who basically got treated like dirt when you helped a stripper by giving her $1,000. At the time I was thinking what a dirtbag shadowcat is and he is really stupid when it comes to strippers in general. Well, my judgement was overly harsh and you may have been lashing out because it was painful when you understood that the stripper who you thought cared about you only cared about your MONEY.

So the old memory switching on?

The point is these other strippers may definitely care about you. I can believe that. I also believe it is more likely that they see you as just a sucker with MONEY. It would be nice if you were prepared for that when and if it hits because it can be horrible feeling as you undoubtably are aware from personal experience(s). If you learn that these current "affectionate" strippers just see you as a sucker that doesn't mean all strippers are like that. My best bet without knowing you or the strippers is that they don't even like you and it is just about the MONEY.

I noticed none of your supposed legion of buddies who know you *in person* charged to your defense. They didn't pipe up and say shadowcat is a true sweetie who the strippers just adore. Now, if your buddies had piped up and supported your unlikely claim of being liked by these strippers, then it would seem like less of a tall tale. WAKE UP!!! Or, live the fantasy and don't get so hurt if an unpleasant reality slaps you in the face. From what I can gather your only real value is MONEY. :(

avatar for jablake
16 years ago
To repeat: You're really mesmerized by Kyle1111. :)

I'm thinking this is another replay of David9999 where mountains of evidence are needed to address penis size? You know I think Ebay has pay for play verification services. There was never any need for Founder to ride to the rescue on a grand white stallion and slice and dice the disbelievers when "fairtade" or "squaredeal" or "honest-transaction" could for a few doves be utilized with devasting effect. :) (Not to mention too stentorianly that the only blood spilt would be some federal reserve notes.)

avatar for shadowcat
16 years ago
jablake: I did not mean to offend you and I did not think that my post was offensive but I must have really hit a nerve. Sorry.
avatar for jablake
16 years ago
Hi shadowcat,

I've talking with a very depressed friend almost since I got back from Angels. Hours and hours and hours of depressing conversation. :( I've never seen my friend so depressed or needing to talk for hours. In fact, today I've spent many more hours talking.

Perhaps my depressed state of mind----I'm depressed without other people's help just normally-----was a little in overdrive due to the hours of non-stop talk. Anyway, I didn't give my posts that much consideration and didn't think they were that serious; they could be out of line. Just typing away to release stress and people's feelings can be hurt over seemingly nothing. A perfect example is wondergrl5's breasts: I didn't see anything negative in any posts about her breasts. Other people or person did and I'm thinking since when is a stripper modest about having big breasts?

As far as my tall tales, if someone told me the type of stories that I tell, then I wouldn't believe without solid proof. So, I don't expect you or anyone else to believe. Even little things like FREE dances shouldn't be believed without some type of verification because I don't think it is common in the least. I hoped some of the details that I provided might help others. I've hours and hours and hours in stripclubs talking with dancers and as such my experience is different than the customer who goes a couple of times a week. It is also very different than a customer who sees sex workers in a negative light------anything negative and I just think of real evil at the highest levels of society for a true wake up call.

Wordiness? Well, I need to work on my typing skills and waste time. If I had more $$$, then I'd be at the stripclub. :)

avatar for jablake
16 years ago

Speaking of crazy stories and their veracity or lack thereof Gambling dancer is aware of some because she was there. She didn't believe the stories about FREE dances in the least, which I thought was beyond strange since she was pushing supposedly FREE dances on me and she knew Shy (an enemy of hers at Angels). I like Gambling dancer a lot, but sure as hell don't trust her, with money or without money. She is a skilled pro and I've seen it firsthand.

Another thing she didn't believe was the strange stories involving the insane. Shockingly she didn't believe in insanity even a tiny bit. I guess if a person hasn't seen it repeatedly then it might be difficult to believe. It was a hell of shock to me that she just thought insanity was fakeness.

avatar for ozymandias
16 years ago
As an infrequent reader of this forum - mercifully unclear about the various politics, factions, and the like - I just have to say that jablake's writing style feels to me a bit Cormac McCarthyish. It has that same kind of punctuation-light stream of consciousness quality, only with more bonhomie. I rather like it.

avatar for jablake
16 years ago
Hi ozymandias,

Unfortunately, I've never read Cormac's books. Probably the biggest void, however, is "fine literature." I always searched for the down and dirty before picking up anything else. I had, they sold quick and weren't easily replaceable, a mountain of old he-man "romance" novels and reading those was just like machine gun fire. :)

Bonhomie is a real classy piece of prose for this here philistine. I thought I knew its meaning based on its *look* and I did, but still ran to the good old dictionaries: Thank you. :)

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