Ugliest dancer before make up.

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Sparkle. I have seen her in the parking lot in broad day light. Petite. Nice body. But a face that only a mother gorilla could love. I think that her BF might be a gorilla. He has been 86'd from the club. She spends an hour in the dressing room applying make up. Verified by other dancers. She comes out presentable. I would not want to be seen in public with her without the make up. BTW, from observation, lousy lap dances.


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avatar for SuperDude
16 years ago
Four, or five at the most, teeth; needle marks everywhere; saggy and flat chested; and would not leave me alone. I fled the club.
avatar for ozymandias
16 years ago
I've certainly seen a few dancers who simply mystified me - as in "why would she ever think she can make money at this?" - whether by facial or bodily ugliness.

Ironically, though, homely dancers often do pretty well, for a few reasons: (i) a lot of guys assume an ugly chick will "put out" more to compensate; (ii) they assume gorgeous girls will be stuck up, whereas the ugly or old chick will hang out with the guys and be cool; (iii) they're simply intimidated by hotter girls, and feel more comfortable (maybe superior because they're doing her a "favor"?) with some homely chick.

Those are really the only explanations I can think of.

I'll admit that, when it comes to dancers, I'm totally superficial - I start with model looks, then work from there. I just can't fathom spending a dime on some chick who's older and uglier than I am ;)

avatar for jablake
16 years ago
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Fats girls are considered premium by certain customers at Angels.

Needle marks? Shows the woman is for real and is a real trooper. This visiting country boy escaped incarceration because the lady cop didn't have needle marks and was too attractive. The country boy asked does God love me? The answer was an emphatic NO!!! Country boy leaves and the police are in pursuit demanding to know why he didn't take the comely bait. That cop was quite comely, imo. Small, black, in-shape with curves in all the right places. After copping a few feels dang sure I woulda taken that bait hook line and sinker. Probably get 10 to 15.

Don't trust a woman without the needle marks gentlemen. ;)
avatar for Dudester
16 years ago
I have to mention this-I have an ex who was a real fright face without makeup. Talk about a buzzkill-that first night we were together, she walks out of the bathroom without makeup and my erection immediately went away.

What does spook me because I've seen this a couple of times now is a stripper over 50, or even in her 60's. Just too Oedipal for me ("If thine eyes offend thee....").
avatar for DandyDan
16 years ago
There is this one dancer at my favorite club who is really old. By dumb luck, we both walked into the club at the same time. I cannot think of a worse looking dancer. She must obviously have to hide a lot of gray hair with all the hair dye she has.
avatar for motorhead
16 years ago
I hate to admit it, but a favorite of mine fits this description. Certainly not the "ugliest" dancer I've seen, but apparently make-up can do wonders for certain girls.

She buys very expensive, high quality make-up, then spends an hour to hour and half putting it on. But it works. When she comes out of the dressing room after doing her hair and make-up, she is one of the hottest girls in the club.

I've seen her OTC many times....when we have gone to dinner, I look around the restaurant at the other females and without make-up, my fave is one of the LEAST attractive women in the room (at least in that age group.)
avatar for trickystick
16 years ago
Shadowcat is right. Sparkle is not attractive - at all. I think she thinks she is, though, which is even worse. Speaking of even worse, there is Megan. Unattractive and a ROB as well. A wonderful combo.

SuperDude, I didn't notice that Sparkle was missing teeth the one time I met her - I was too busy trying to get away from her. You're correct that she is tough to escape and it is extremely annoying.
avatar for Shekitout
16 years ago
There is a dancer at PP whose name escapes me at the moment who I've seen in the daylight that is very scary w/o makeup. Shadowcat knows her. Name starts with "M". It's not Megan tho'.
avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
ozy has some good points. However, I am often amazed at how big the variation is in what different men find attractive. Some guys will point out girls they think are super smoking hot, and I'll be like what the fuck, I would pass on that one? And vice-versa.

I think a big thing is that some guys get get all hung up on one particular subfeature: they love huge breats, for instance, so even if the chick is fat and has an ugly face most of their focus is the breasts so it doesn't matter much to them.

Tons of guys are into the butterfaces. Me, I start looking at the top and work my way down, if the face is no good, the rest gets ignore. Breasts aren't so important to me, but overall weight is definitely important...

And yes, I also noticed the phenomena that the lighting and make up can mean the quality of their looks has a chance of dropping when you meet them OTC (although this seems to be a bigger problem with the trashier girls which you get better at weeding out early as you gain experience. Sometime to do with stress/drugs in their life affecting their facial features, probably.)
avatar for BobbyI
16 years ago
Oh, could it also be that some strippers remind them of girls they once dated or wanted to, so that's why they are into them despite their looks?
avatar for uscue13
16 years ago
I don't remember sparkle..i guess that's a good thing. Related to ozman, I think homely girls do well too. The knockouts, I don't eve ask unless she shows me when I tip her that she'll be into it. When I first started clubbing I noticed the knockouts are rather vanilla -- they use their looks to get a bunch of dances and that's all they need. The regular lookers and then the homely girls give good to great dances.
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago

A good point. If stage tipping or a better than average tip on their "walk around" doesn't entice a "looker" to be more attentive to you, write her off!
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