
American Atheist Dancers in U.S. generally worse than . . .

Friday, November 7, 2008 8:23 PM
American God Believing (Theist) Dancers in U.S.? "The sorry state of American atheists, then, may have nothing to do with their lack of religious belief. It may instead be the result of their outsider status within a highly religious country where many of their fellow citizens, including very vocal ones like Schlessinger, find them immoral and unpatriotic. Religion may not poison everything, but it deserves part of the blame for this one." [view link] Seems like almost all the dancer that I know are Christians . . . but, at the more elite expensive clubs the very few dancers who were atheist seemed to have lower morals (yes, one man's freedom fighter is another's terrorist) than the Christians. Maybe the question should be reframed. Do you want your dancer to believe in God? I hate to say it, but yes I'd rather they believe in God even though I think the whole religion thing is horrible. The reason, I think, is that generally the dancer will have a greater innocence or stupid hopefulness. Doesn't mean those qualities aren't available in the atheist model, but I just haven't seen it.


  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    I have to admit that "caring about whether or not dancers are atheistic" has never even remotely entered my sphere of concern. O.
  • zorro
    16 years ago
    I never really thought about it, but in my experience, I have had lots more fun with smart dancers than stupid dancers. I agree that there is probably a correlation between smart and atheist, so I guess I'd prefer atheist to god-fearing. zorro
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Well, according to the Slate article U.S. atheists are in general slimeballs compared to U.S. theists. Thus, if same holds true for strippers it might be time to quiz her on her national origin and religion! ;) Sadly, it didn't surprise me that U.S. atheists could be viewed as slimeballs compared the U.S. theists. Now, agnostics regardless of national origin on the other hand are generally top tier! ;) It is just difficult to find them-----dang atheists and theists get all the attention. ARMED with the new information from the Slate article I will now query these strippers a little more closely if only for educational purposes.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Smart dancers can definitely be fun. And, generally I would think the atheist is smarter. However, I don't discriminate based on brain power when choosing a dancer. The most intelligent dancers are assuming I liked them more memorable in general.
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    The ones to watch out for are the "pagan" strippers... "paganism" is a surefire recipe for annoying new-age feminist blather. Steer clear of any stripper who uses words like "spiritual", "light worker", "very healing" or who has any kind of celtic element in her dance name. Probably the wildest are Catholic - I mean, the RCC is the only church in the world that requires its schoolgirls to dress like strippers. I mean, what's up with that?! O.
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    Religion is a wonderful antidote for guilt. I want my blowjob sources to vacillate painfully (and pointlessly) among many varying degrees of unhappiness with themselves, but only as long as they coordinate their attitudes such that their willingness and desire to perform further blowjobs coincides roughly with my presence in their clubs.
  • Dain
    16 years ago
    I've found that Christian, esp. black, strippers are more honest. I kid you not.
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    I don't know how you would know if they were atheists. The few times I talk about religion with them, they all seem to hate it, but then they don't doubt the existence of God. I met one once who admitted to being an atheist, but she wasn't worth the time once we got to the private dance room. She might have even been a "pagan" dancer I should have avoided.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hating religion is very separate from believing in God. A person could think of themselves as a good Christian and believe the church is really all about the dollar or power. Normally, I'm interested in whether they're a believer first. A believer meaning a believer in a God or Gods. It isn't that unusual to hear God is the greatest and then ask about their religion to learn that they don't believe in the Church. It shouldn't come as a surprise that people can love the Bible or God and yet take a very dim view of the Church; chained to government, and or power. It is the old maxim that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "I've found that Christian, esp. black, strippers are more honest." I don't know about more honest, but more giving and nicer people. :)
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I thought this one stripper that talked me into having sex with her was atheist. However later that night she kept saying "oh god, oh god" so I must have converted her. :)
  • JMelbourne27
    16 years ago
    ozymandias: CatholicSGs!!! YEAAA BOYEEE!!! I agree, catholic school girls are the HOTTEST and I don't even know why??? jablake: The only agnostic I've ever met was a PEDO who tried to drug me when I made the mistake of hanging out with him when I was younger... That being said, I DO agree with your view of the church, but there are MANY very good people in the church, and they usually mean well...usually...
  • lopaw
    16 years ago
    I NEVER discuss religion or politics with strippers. I see no point in it. Those topics are too volatile, even in a SC. I wouldn't want to risk having my impression of an otherwise smokin' hot female changed were she to open her pretty little mouth and utter something about some hot-button topic that I might have a very strong opinion about. Nope. I prefer discussing more light hearted subjects. Besides...if I want an argument I'll just stay HOME.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    I do not mind discussing religion or politics with anyone anyplace. I do, however, detest doing so with those that take whatever is said personally. I see nothing wrong disagreeing with others, but do not let it influence your like or dislike for another. I have had a number of interesting talks with dancers on many subjects, and both of the fore mentioned ones included. My ATF and I disagree on most everything, but that doesn't change our relationship.
  • JMelbourne27
    16 years ago
    I COMPLETELY agree with Clubber. I grew up in church and I am working on a Doctorate and there are SO many people on BOTH sides who get ANGRY with you just for not believing the way they do. So-called-Christians AND Atheists... Christians AND Atheists are trying to LEGISLATE morality when THAT is NOT what the laws were made for. They were simply made to Protect the RIGHTS of the people, not enforce Moral Viewpoints on Others.
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