
Comments by travelingthrough (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Top 10 Corniest Stage Dance Elements
    I knew a dancer who would stand in front of you on stage and just slap her ass hard over and over. She actually had a darker spot permanently where she did that all the time. Not really corny, but it definitely seemed odd to me.
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    19 years ago
    I have actually had a stripper accuse me of cheating on her for getting dances from other women when she wasn't even in the club. I'm pretty sure she was kidding, but it isn't always easy to tell.... :)
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    19 years ago
    Why do guys even bother asking questions on the pink site?
    This is the blue site... :)
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Why did you choose your TUSCL nickname?
    Mine is pretty straight forward. I go to clubs when on business (since the wife is part bloodhound.) So no local club visits for me....
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    OTC dancer- but not for extras
    Well, she called me just to "say hi" (Do club buddies do that? It wasn't a "come in and spend money on me" kind of call...) I'll see her Tuesday, and let you all know if I manage to keep the customer/friend roles separate.
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    19 years ago
    Condom or not?
    Chandler: Well, the best way for YOU too avoid a mess maybe. She gets the mess instead. LOL!
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    19 years ago
    OTC dancer- but not for extras
    OK, one more to bump back up ahead of RL. I hung out with her again this week. A couple of hours in the club, including tipping on stage, and several lap dances. Then we went for a meal and chatted for hours again. I managed to enjoy her dances more this time. (We talked less during them, which helped.) The funny part is that she actually said was a bit self-conscious during her stage dance when I was tipping. Almost like she was closer to me, and we shouldn't be doing things out in public. (Laps in the back room don't bother her at all.) Then she called me last night to tell me she finally got her own cell phone and we can talk more often now. (She had been using other dancers phones to call before, which meant if I wasn't around when she called, I couldn't call back.) I think I am finally starting to get comfortable with the situation. Thanks for the previous advice!
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    19 years ago
    Dancer or stripper?
    I tend to say dancer, but I can't say many of the women at the club I frequent most even really dance. What would be an appropriate term for "get naked and roll around on the stage in front of customers so that they get a good look at the goods?"
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    19 years ago
    OTC dancer- but not for extras
    Hmm... I enjoy watching her on stage (it is an all nude club), and I don't have any interest in giving that up. She was encouraging me to come up to tip, so we'll have to see how that goes next time. The lap dances aren't awkward, but we usually talk right through them. The enjoyment comment was strictly because we talked less this time, which left me able to concentrate on the naked body rubbing mine, instead of what to say next... I think she understands that now, so it shouldn't be a problem in the future.
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    19 years ago
    OTC dancer- but not for extras
    Well, I hope to avoid the dreaded dive into being an RIL. I'm not spending any more money in the club than I ever did, so I hope to avoid the broke part. Hurt, that will come eventually. I have no illusions that this will end up happily ever after. I'm just trying to enjoy the ride while it lasts... Since this isn't an extras situation or a sugar daddy, I'm hoping when the end comes it will be a parting of friends, not a major scene. (Unless SC is right about honesty building trust, and trust spreading legs... Then it will be a whole different ballgame!) LOL!!!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    OTC dancer- but not for extras
    SC: It used to be anyone with a little cash could find a willing pair of spread legs at Southside Johnny's. Things have changed in the last couple of years. Still my favorite dive though. (Definitely in the "local bar/dive" category. No comparision to any of the Platinum Plus clubs.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Mileage and OTC Relationships
    AN: Amen!!! You preach it brother! LOL!
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    19 years ago
    Top Celebrity Strippers
    I'll second Chandler's vote. Adriana Lima would be a busy woman at any club...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    My unattractive social habit.
    I was watching a recruiter walk today at work, and thought "her g-string must be way too far up her butt to make her walk like that." Definitely on the way to strip club customer damage. I might need to cut back a bit. LOL...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are you winding down?
    I'm in the winding up stage, but I think I am probably younger than most of the regular posters here. (Yeah, the finances are regretting it. But that is the only regret so far.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Low contact clubs
    I think contact varies greatly by city, not just region. If you travel throughout the south, it can be a huge difference 50-100 miles apart. My home city is almost exclusively no contact, but I can get to cities with very high contact in under 2 hours in several directions. That is why I try to spend my money on the road, not at home.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Totally non-stripping topic that might be interesting.
    SC: I don't think Disney will ever allow Song of the South back out on DVD or in the theater. The rolls that blacks portray in it would be so non-PC at this point that they would get crucified. Wow, talk about really being off topic from strip clubs...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Pervert Row
    Sitting at Pervert Row is sometimes a necessity at some of the clubs I go to. A couple of them are so small, you have to sit there just to be able to sit somewhere. I've noticed in the smaller local clubs I go to, the dancers won't sit with customers on pervert row. It's like there is some rule that customers sitting there don't want dances. They will approach them and thank them for tips, or ask for dances. But they won't sit down to talk. Great if you want to be left alone to tip, bad if you actually want to get more attention. I personally hate sitting there for long periods of time, and never do at bigger clubs where more seating is available. I'd rather pick and choose what dancers to walk to the stage and tip. On a side note, ever notice how in some clubs, no one seems to want to be the first person to tip the dancer? Then after the first person does, other people start tipping? It is like some weird domino effect...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Pervert Row
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed the herd mentality of tipping. I have done the same deal with favorites where I tip first, and then more customers do. I will even move up to pervert row before they come out so that they have someone to immediately dance for if they want. Nothing sadder than a bored looking stripper staring out at an audience that won't tip. (OK, an ugly looking bored stripper is sadder yet....)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Quick, where's my shotgun?
    You are all making me homesick! I grew up in rural upstate NY, and all the same things happened there. We didn't have school on the opening day of deer hunting season, venison was a staple food for many poor families, and there were more deer than could be easily culled by normal hunting. Nothing like looking out your window and seeing whole families of deer wander by each day. I have had more "near misses" with deer than I would like to think about while driving at night. I did have a friend who hit a black bear in my hometown though. It totaled the car and then lumbered off. I'm glad I missed that one!
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    19 years ago
    Quick, where's my shotgun?
    AN: I'm actually from the eastern side of NY, between Binghamton and Albany. My wife actually grew up right next to Fredonia, in Westfield. I'll be up there in another week or so... I've actually checked out your reviews of a club in Fredonia, but the odds of my getting to it are pretty slim. (Yeah honey, I just need to run to Fredonia for a couple of hours, don't wait up! LOL!)
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    19 years ago
    What's the worst city?
    Charlotte has its fair share of clubs, they just aren't worth going to if you want anything better than air dances. (It may only seem to be sooo bad because it pales in comparison to nearby South Carolina clubs.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Unusual attractions
    FONDL: You can find both things you mentioned here in the Carolinas. The tub can be found at the Penthouse Key Club in Wellford, SC. I honestly never took the offer seriously, since the women that were giving me dances that night seemed to indicate nothing more would happen with them. (They were already dancing nude) Might be different on different nights, but they have cameras in every private room there. As to the limo, both Southside Johnny's and Executive Suite in Greensboro used to have one. Now only Executive does. (Kind of a shame, since the one at SSJ used to be a whore house on wheels from what I understand.) I have heard varying stories of what happens in the limo at Executive, but have no first hand knowledge on that one. The idea of the limo always bothered me a little bit. How well do they clean that thing? What can the driver see? (And how well is he driving if he can see? )
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What's the worst city?
    Officer: Charlotte isn't a bad city, it just pales in comparison to the cities around it. I find better places to spend my money in South Carolina, and in other cities in North Carolina. Most of the smaller clubs in Charlotte are too hit and miss for me, while the bigger ones are mostly Gentleman's clubs with poor dances. (I'm more of a local dive fan.) I've had fun in Charlotte clubs, but that has happened less often than I would care for.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Day or Night Visits
    I like day visits, but some of the clubs I frequent are small enough that they don't open that early. When traveling for business, I really like to stop in during the afternoon, and catch the end of the day shift. Then you can watch the night dancers come in, and pick them out before the serious crowds and hustling start. It means I tend to stay for longer periods of time than some like, but what better way do I have to waste time on the road? (That way, you can also sometimes get day shift women who are leaving to spend time with you OTC.)