A comment someone made in a recent review made me curious. He mentioned that there was this dancer who was head and shoulders better than the rest of the dancers working the club and that he thought she wouldn't last long at the club because of it. Do you think that's possible? Will other dancers jealous of someone's success conspire to get her fired or even threaten her to get her out of the club?
Chitown: You should have asked the "Little Mermaid" to point out which ones were the prostitutes.
How do you handle this in a gracious but firm way? Or maybe I should settle for just a firm way...
Anyway if I had met her, I wouldn't remember her now. It doesn't exactly make me feel that great when strippers remember me from years ago and I can't even remember one iota about them. On the bright side, I remember one girl told me this and then flashed me her tits and then asked if I remember her now. :)
Happens all the time.