
avatar for JC2003
A comment someone made in a recent review made me curious. He mentioned that there was this dancer who was head and shoulders better than the rest of the dancers working the club and that he thought she wouldn't last long at the club because of it. Do you think that's possible? Will other dancers jealous of someone's success conspire to get her fired or even threaten her to get her out of the club?


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avatar for chandler
19 years ago
FONDL: Yet again, it seems that you and I gravitate to the same type of dancers, because I think you nailed it.

Chitown: You should have asked the "Little Mermaid" to point out which ones were the prostitutes.
avatar for chitownlawyer
19 years ago
I can't stand it when dancers claim me as "their" territory. I have no illusions that this is based on some emotional/romantic/physical attraction; it is strictly an issue of money. I am still trying to come up with good responses when a dancer goes on stage/goes to the bathroom, etc., and says something along the lines of "You won't get dances from anyone else while I am gone, will you?" I once had a dancer say to me, when called to stage, "Don't get any dances from any of these prostitutes while I am on stage, OK?" (Chandler: Guess who?)

How do you handle this in a gracious but firm way? Or maybe I should settle for just a firm way...
avatar for JC2003
19 years ago
Thinking on this more, I realize it was a silly question. Envy and jealousy happen all the time and not just in strip clubs either. lopaw nailed it.
avatar for FONDL
19 years ago
I think in many cases vanity has more to do with it than money. An awful lot of dancers have very fragile egos and can't stand it when someone else is more popular than they are.
avatar for Yoda
19 years ago
A former fav of mine once called immigration on my retired ATF once to try and get her sent back to Brazil. She was losing her customers as she aged and developed an attitude problem. As many girls do, she tried to blame her problems on somebody else rather than looking in the mirror. Never underestimate what a stripper will do when vanity and money are involved.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
I remember I probably spent a total of one hour with one dancer , I got 3 or 4 lap dances and talked for a while. Then I saw the dancer who I just slept with the previous weekend. She didn't look very happy. She came storming over to me when she saw me alone and almost yelled "so have you been sleeping with her too?" I didn't expect the drama or know why she was upset. All I did was get a few dances from a dancer I liked before I remember meeting her. She got used to it though and didn't seem to mind after I came back in another week.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
shadowcat: How long ago did the popular dancer you were talking about work at your favorite club? I remember reading a bunch of chat about one particular girl and wondered if I might have met her. I thought the chat and devotion to her was way overdone but didn't want to disturb the devotion.

Anyway if I had met her, I wouldn't remember her now. It doesn't exactly make me feel that great when strippers remember me from years ago and I can't even remember one iota about them. On the bright side, I remember one girl told me this and then flashed me her tits and then asked if I remember her now. :)
avatar for travelingthrough
19 years ago
I have actually had a stripper accuse me of cheating on her for getting dances from other women when she wasn't even in the club. I'm pretty sure she was kidding, but it isn't always easy to tell.... :)
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
I'll agree. I heard just recently from a new stripper at one club that strippers can be very mean to other dancers. I heard one girl who made the most money at one club had her locker filled up with tuna fish or something like that one evening. I also heard dancers act like jealous or vengeful wives if another stripper takes a customer away that she thinks belongs to her because she has been giving him dances for a while. I believe some dancers will act like they own a guy if that guy has only been getting dances from her. Have another dancer get dances instead of her and watch the fireworks start. One of those dancers may not be working there much longer.
avatar for lopaw
19 years ago
Happens all the time.
avatar for SuperDude
19 years ago
It's not emotional jealousy. Just competition over money. Don't get real feelings mixed up in this.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
I think you mean it's not jealousy over love or affection. I don't think most posts ever implied that it was. Dancers clearly could be jealous of another dancers looks, earnings, customers (in the sense that one dancer has a lot more good regulars), ability, hustle, any number of things that don't involve any emotional involvement with a customer. Switching from one CF to another falls within that range. One girl is losing a regular and another dancer is gaining one she used to have. Emotions can be involved, after all the customer usually makes such judgements based on his attraction to a dancer. The dancer may feel jilted wether she is emotionally involved with the customer or not.
avatar for AbbieNormal
19 years ago
It's often a touchy situation to "demote" a CF when you find a new CF.
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