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Comments by travelingthrough (page 3)

discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for chandler
Blue Ridge Foothills
How long are you willing to wait for you ATF to join you?
OK, I may fall under PL/RIL category, but I am willing to wait and entertain myself with the site of attractive/naked women while waiting on a favorite. (The torture I put myself through!!) I don't normally rush into getting dances when I go to a club, so waiting for a favorite to become free doesn't bother me. I'll tip at the rail, chat with other dancers, and have a drink while waiting.
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for chandler
Blue Ridge Foothills
How long are you willing to wait for you ATF to join you?
FONDL: I agree wholeheartedly. I only have one club with a true favorite, but all the dancers there know that I prefer her, and will move along when she becomes available. I'll still get dances from other dancers, so it isn't a waste of their time to chat with me, but they know that she gets the majority of cash/attention.
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for chandler
Blue Ridge Foothills
How long are you willing to wait for you ATF to join you?
I don't think I have ever dropped enough money in a club for a dancer to drop whoever she is talking with and come right over to me. (Going home with me is another story...) I know they are there to make money. Why would I want to interfere with that? I'd rather she get her dances, make her money, and then spend time with me.
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for chitownlawyer
Dress for Success/Excess
I'll second that last comment, since I actually did live there... It's no wonder everyone is moving south from those little western NY towns. There isn't anything there.
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19 years ago
avatar for chitownlawyer
Dress for Success/Excess
I'd rather live in a small town in VA, or MD than in Western NY or PA. The weather is a definite factor there. The cost of living might be cheaper up north, but I just don't want to experience winter like that anymore. Since I travel for work a great deal, it is more important that I'm near highways than major cities. I wouldn't mind seeing small town living become the norm again, I just don't see it happening in the north at this point.
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for RomanticLover
How often do you get a stripper to see you OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE?
Does it happen? Yes... Often? Depends on both of you. I think it is much more likely if she would date you normally. That isn't why I walk into a strip club, but it still happens to me. I'm guessing the same is true with casualguy. If an attractive woman would want to date you OTC, a stripper isn't going to be that different.
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for chandler
Blue Ridge Foothills
Your Best of the Year for 2005?
My best was meeting a new favorite dancer, and getting to know her outside of the club. I'd like to think no matter where we met, we would still become the friends that we have. (Although I doubt I would have seen her naked so often otherwise. ;-)
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for davids
Do Strippers Feel "Rejection" or "Accomplishment" Based on Selling LDs?
Davids, I have to agree with you on this one. Dealing with rejection is pretty typical for people in sales, and too often customers forget that dancers are "selling" themselves when they try to solicit dances. Hearing people say "no" often enough will weigh on most people. I think that many dancers tend to be a bit insecure to start with, and then getting turned down for lap dances just adds to that. (Seems a bit strange to me. I always thought dancers would have to be more secure to get up on stage and dance naked, but at least in my experience, that doesn't seem to be the case.)
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
Keepin' it in the family.
I saw a mother-daughter act. It was an interesting night, since the daughter had been stripping for a number of years, but it was the mother's first time dancing anywhere. She was having a good time, and the older customers really seemed to like her.
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
Keepin' it in the family.
I also know a sister act at my favorite club. They didn't really look alike, so I wouldn't have guessed they were sisters. One was dancing there, and talked the other into dancing. Six years later, they both dance there on and off... (Off topic, but at what point does dancing become a "permanent" profession? )
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for chandler
Blue Ridge Foothills
Terminology Questions
I think a spinner refers to the type of body you normally find in a "spin class" at your local gym. The physical descriptions in the posts above sound right. Small, tight bodies that have worked off all the fat, leaving them lean. Hope this helps!
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for tropicalH2O
how to get rid of persona non-grata
SC: I was hoping to actually make it down to PP to meet you and wish you a happy birthday, but your trips seem to coincide with my work travel... Oh well, you will probably be too busy with your harem to chat anyway.... Enjoy!
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for T-Bone
The ATF marathon
I'm a relatively newbie to the ATF phenomenom. I've only known her 6 months, but they have been a whirlwind...
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for chandler
Blue Ridge Foothills
Strip Club Billboards: Ever follow up on one?
At my favorite dive, I actually met the girl who is on their billboard and website. She used to dance there several years ago, but moved down to Myrtle Beach. She was back in town for a couple of nights, and it was pure chance that I met her. Typical strip club, they aren't going to change the billboard or the website anytime soon even though she has been gone for years....
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for ralphyboy
New Jersey
cell phones in clubs
I know of clubs that allow them out on the floor, but not anywhere near the stage. The clubs that do table dances don't allow them at all where I go... I don't have a camera phone, so the urge has never struck me to even try and take pics...
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for founder
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
New Ignore Feature
Thank you founder. That will certainly change the landscape a bit.
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for FONDL
Durham, NC
FONDL: Where on the site did you see that? Was it in the forums somewhere? I go through Durham occasionally, and have heard of individual dancers who were available, but nothing resembling open invitations from the majority, or even a large minority of the dancers.
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for FONDL
Durham, NC
FONDL: Either I am missing it, or the comment isn't there anymore. I read all the way through the Carolinas postings, including the common confusion about Greenville, NC and Greenville SC. (Greenville, NC closed their clubs, the ones in SC are still open)
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for travelingthrough
Accidental Ignore. How do I reverse it?
Thanks! Problem solved. I appreciate the help.
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for FONDL
Durham, NC
FONDL: OK, I see it now. I just skipped those posts since they were 3 years old. If those clubs are anything like the post says, I haven't heard about it. (But I haven't been in any of them either, so I can't say from first hand experience.)
discussion comment
19 years ago
avatar for FONDL
Topless car washes
There still is a topless car wash in Greensboro, NC. Harper's Car Wash. It is directly behind the strip club. As far as I can tell, you can get a dance out in the carwash, or just watch as they wash your car...