
Comments by travelingthrough

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Great things about strip clubs often taken for granted
    - You don't even need to remember a girl's name to see/touch/lick her - You can not see/talk to a woman for months, and she will still smile and jump in your lap the next time you come in - You can test drive a lexus, mercedes, porsche, etc... all at one location - You can barter with cigarettes as if you were in prison.
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    19 years ago
    What do you bastards look like?
    5'8", 155 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes, 30 years young. I've been told I look like Matthew Broderick, and I have to admit there is some truth to that...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Dances for Free?
    I had one unusual experience where I had paid for several couch dances with one dancer. She said that her "sister" was new to the club, and hadn't gotten a dance all night. When I told her that I had already spent the small amount of money I had with me, she gave me the cash to pay for a couch dance with her sister. I've never had a stripper give me money before!!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Ever Try Recommended Dancers?
    I'm had mixed luck with getting dances from strippers that other strippers recommended. If they bother to find out what type of dance you are looking for (heavy grinding, more sensual, serious extras, etc...) most experienced dancers will have a decent idea who to point out. I can't say that the naming of names in reviews has helped me very much, since most of the clubs I go into are so large that I often don't see the women named... In a small club with regular dancers, it seems like it would be much more helpful.
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    19 years ago
    A Known Regular, or am I getting pimped?
    chandler: She is actually dating the club manager, so she wasn't even dancing last time I was in. She just talked me up to a couple of dancers, and sent them my way. In this particular club, I don't think there are many "bigger fish" to fry! It's a pretty small local club. I just don't know if I should tell her to stop, or evaluate each dancer she sends over?
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    19 years ago
    A Known Regular, or am I getting pimped?
    FONDL: I appreciate the sentiment, but the problem I am having is that I can't walk away or stop paying her. I'm already not paying her... She just keeps sending women my way. (Oh, what a problem to have outside a SC. :) I could stop going to the club, but I like it there and feel very comfortable. I will just have to sit her down and see if I can convince her to stop sending over dancers...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why do people at strip clubs look so serious?
    Shadowcat: You may be onto something. I don't drink in SC's either. I hadn't thought about drinking by yourself being depressing though, since you normally can get an attractive woman to sit and drink with you if you want.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why do people at strip clubs look so serious?
    Well, I can't say that I do smile the whole time while watching porn, but I am prone to laughter and smiling during sex... not to say that I am the mad hatter, but I do tend to express my happiness. I understand the boredom part, as that can happen when there isn't a dancer around that I am interested in. But why look that way when you are tipping? Or getting a lapdance? (Maybe that aren't getting to the "euphoria" part? :)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why do people at strip clubs look so serious?
    Maybe you guys should try smiling more... I've read Shadowcats reviews (which everyone should do just as an educational experience), and he says he is smiling all the time. Coincidence? I think not!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why do people at strip clubs look so serious?
    Casualguy: I like that one!! Although I'm not the one who ends up on their knees...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Interesting mix
    In simplest terms, I'm a computer mechanic. When they break, I fix them... (I do all the early stuff too, like setup, training, upgrades, etc.. but mostly I just deal with the SNAFUs.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    frequency of visits and ATF's
    I am another one that visits clubs only when I am out on business. The local clubs aren't worth my $, and my wife was a bloodhound too... So the two combined led to my habit of only going to clubs on the road. (Hence the nickname) It has led to having less "favorite" dancers, but I still find one occassionally that makes it worth going back to the same club on a regular basis.
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    19 years ago
    How much money do you take with you?
    I'm on the low end of funds. probably $150-250, but I expect to be broke walking out. I never go near an ATM. I agree with Metaldude about carrying things into a club. My pockets are nearly empty when I walk in the door. A car key, and a wallet with ID and cash. That's it for me. (Maybe that should be a new thread? What do you take into a club. We know what Shadowcat brings in!)
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    19 years ago
    Kissing on the lips
    ShotDisc, that caught my attention. Where did you manage to find mileage like that?
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    19 years ago
    What's the worst stripper name you ever heard.
    I know a "Brooklyn" (where does that rank on the list of city names? She's only a borough.) I've also met a Kia. (Who picks a CHEAP car name?)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper orgasms, fake or real?
    I had a stripper tell me she had a guy offer her $100 if she orgasmed. So of course she planned to fake it. Instead she finished him off during the second dance, and he gave her the $100 anyway. Easy money. Amateurs...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Which option would you have chosen?
    OK, it's official. Even davids agrees on this one. Talk to the woman anywhere she wants to talk. If she feels comfortable with you, then good things normally happen. (At least I hope they did in this case, since it isn't hypothetical...)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    "Wanna Dance?"
    In the clubs I go to most frequently, it is fairly common. There are certain dancers that all they seem to do is circulate and ask. Fine in a larger club, but they get bored quickly in the small ones. I have no problem saying "no thank you" if that is all they open with. I tip as a way of weeding out dancers, so I normally have a good idea of who I might want a dance from before they circulate. I must say that I like the opener "wanna get nasty?" much better. I encountered that once, and had to get a dance from her just to see if it was a come on or the truth. (Not the most mileage ever, but pretty decent.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    OTC dancer- but not for extras
    Damn RL. Dumping all those posts again.... OK, back up to the top-
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    OTC dancer- but not for extras
    Interesting comments, thanks. Let me try and answer a couple of things that came up. I'm not a "big spender" with her, I just know she isn't making tons of money on the nights I tend to go in. (Slow weekdays only. If I'm a sugar daddy, she is in serious trouble!!) No offense taken JC. I tend to be cynical too. I do feel guilty if I don't get dances from her, since I like her, and I know her $ situation. But the dances feel more like helping a friend out, which is not why I go to a strip club. That is why I was wondering about lap dances outside the club, so that she'd get to keep more of the cash. I'd feel really foolish giving her money for her time inside the club without getting the dances. (That would reaaaaally piss her off, since she is a bit insecure to start with.) SC, you are right about not knowing her long. We've only started hanging out after the club closes the last 2 times I was there. I'd like to transition to 100% friend, no money involved, but I haven't figured out how. Any more ideas?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    OTC dancer- but not for extras
    Thanks guys. The comments have helped me sort out my thoughts a bit. Seems like it comes down to 1 of 2 things. I either have to suck it up and deal with the customer/friend dicotomy that she seems comfortable with, or I have to find a way to spend time with her without money being involved. I have no intention of paying for her time OTC, as that would completely defeat the point of her being a "friend." I think AN is right about asking to meet her OTC as being awkward if the club wasn't the focus or starting point. (Although I visit her city on a regular basis for work, so I'm not making special trips to see her at least.) At this point I think I'll just try to accept her terms and see if I can wrap both my big brain and little brain around the situation and see how that goes. I can't see a way to approach her about spending time together without spending money that won't cause a problem.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Top clubs on your wish list?
    I really need to make a trip down to PP in Columbia, SC to see what Shadowcat and Sheikout are always writing about. Does that count?
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    19 years ago
    Top clubs on your wish list?
    Bad morning... Can't even spell Shekitout's name correctly. See what late nights and strippers does to my brain? (It's like the old anti-drug commercial: "This is your brain. This is your brain on strippers. Any questions?")
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Finger Sucking Strippers
    I've had a stripper suck my finger right after telling me she wanted to make me her play toy. From the demonstration she gave, it would have been a fun job.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    1st club experience?
    I went to a little dive in Greensboro, NC called the Platinum club (gone now) with a couple of guys from work. We were in town for meeting, and didn't know a thing about any of the clubs. They wanted to drink, so we didn't go to any of the BYOB nude clubs, which I am sure would have been a better experience... There were only 3 women dancing that night, and I hadn't planned on going out, so I had very little cash on me. I basically tipped everything I had at the stage, not knowing anything about table dances or VIP areas. Then one of my coworkers started joking about paying to take one of the dancers home, but for my enjoyment. (At least at the time I thought he was joking.) Turns out he wasn't, but I didn't know any better. As slow as that club was, I wouldn't have been surprised if one of the dancers actually agreed to it. Needless to say I've learned a lot since then....