
A Known Regular, or am I getting pimped?

I had another interesting experience in a club I started going to in the last couple of months. There is a dancer there that I had a great time with one night. Now every time I come in, she sends other dancers over to talk with me because she thinks they will like me. The attention is fine, but I feel like she is pimping me. (And I'd rather get a dance from her than most of the women she has sent my way.) She's the one who has even paid for dances for me. Any suggestions on how to deal with this, or similar experiences?


  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I wouldn't be surprised if the dancer who is sending over other dancers either believes she is helping those dancers and/or you. You just have to convince her otherwise to stop this. Maybe an approach that you prefer to initiate who you are going to contact and it turns you off from a dancer if it seems like she was sent over to you.

    Talking about avoiding those dancers or people who are dealing with the bigger fish reminded me of a similiar situation from years ago. I just started a pretty good paying college summer job and I got stuck with 5 girls and the company stuck us in a basement to sit for what turned out to be 2 or 3 hours before giving us real work to do. One girl seemed to be getting interested in me but I kept my distance since she was the plant manager's daughter and I didn't want to risk my new job or cause an incident for my father who also worked there. Getting stuck with 5 girls with nothing to do on a new job can really make your mind start wandering.
    Well especially if the plant manager's daughter starts off a conversation by saying she had a pet monkey and didn't know what that thing between his legs was so she cut it off because it didn't look right. Then she said she wished she hadn't done that after she found out what it was. I didn't know what to think about that story.
  • lasvegasescorts
    19 years ago
    What I would do in that situation is
    1) tell her to stop, thank you but I'll choose the ones I want.
    2 Tell her that it is annoying to reject girls who you are not goign to give a $ to so quit wasting everyones time
  • travelingthrough
    19 years ago
    FONDL: I appreciate the sentiment, but the problem I am having is that I can't walk away or stop paying her. I'm already not paying her... She just keeps sending women my way. (Oh, what a problem to have outside a SC. :)
    I could stop going to the club, but I like it there and feel very comfortable. I will just have to sit her down and see if I can convince her to stop sending over dancers...
    19 years ago
    My point was, if a girl is doing something you don't like, tell her you'd prefer that she not od it. But if the girl continues doing something that you've asked her not to do, find another girl. I've found that the direct approach usually works pretty well with most dancers. This isn't a social event, you're paying the girl to treat you in a certain way. If she doesn't want to do it, move on. That, by the way, is why I like to pay them.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    FONDL: Never mind my last post. I think I see what you're saying: tell the manager's girlfriend to stop sending over her friends (or something to that effect).
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    FONDL: Good advice, no doubt, but I don't see how it relates to anything discussed here, beyond the word "regular" appearing in the title.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Yes, it sounds like you're being pimped. Your dancer may have an elevated opinion of herself and her position in the club now that she is engaged to the manager, and may as we have discussed on other threads, no longer feel the same about lapdances. It seems to me like she is engaging in some self promotion among the dancers by "giving" them a good customer, now that she seems to feel above it all.
    19 years ago
    When I start considering a girl as a potential regular, I let her know how I like to be treated (usually by telling her about my ATF and describing in detail how she treated me and how much I liked it.) Then if she doesn't treat me that way she never gets to be a regular. In other words if a girl is doing something that you'd prefer she didn't do, tell her. If you don't, it's not her fault if she continues to do it, it's yours.
  • SuperDude
    19 years ago
    Women share lipstick, clothes, gossip, pain and life stories to help out in the sisterhood, so why not customers?
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Yeah, dating the manager would fall under "bigger fish to fry". I'd try to forget about her, tough as it may be after that one great night, and evaluate her colleagues purely on their own merits.
  • travelingthrough
    19 years ago
    chandler: She is actually dating the club manager, so she wasn't even dancing last time I was in. She just talked me up to a couple of dancers, and sent them my way. In this particular club, I don't think there are many "bigger fish" to fry! It's a pretty small local club. I just don't know if I should tell her to stop, or evaluate each dancer she sends over?
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    TT, something isn't adding up here. It sounds like she's handing you off in order to fry bigger fish. What is she doing while you are receiving all this referral attention?
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I've had experiences similar to FONDL. Especially on slow dayshifts some of the dancers don't want the others to be jealous of a good regular, or they want their friends and co-workers to think well of them for "sharing the wealth", even to the point of returning the favor. It can be an annoying habit, as FONDL outlined. I let the regular doing it to me know that I'd take care of the other girls as I always did (tip walks and stage shows) which was better than most customers, but by no means extravegant. All she was doing by making me wait was costing herself money and pissing me off. She kept trying, so I started walking out if she'd agreed to join me and hadn't within a stage set (about 20 minutes). After doing that three times she caught on I was serious.
    19 years ago
    I've never had this exact experience but I've had similar ones where girls tried to spread the wealth rather than maximize their own incomes. I had a semi-regular for awhile who would always keep me waiting for about 45 minutes before she would join me, even though she wasn't busy, because she wanted me to spend some money on some of the other girls first. This was in a tiny club mid-afternoon when sometimes I was the only customer. I finally stopped going to see her because it was so annoying, I had no interest in any of the other girls. I've always been puzzled how few dancers actually try to maximize their incomes. Clearly many of them have ojectives beyond just the money.
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