Ever Try Recommended Dancers?
Blue Ridge Foothills
Club reviews often recommend dancers by name "for a real good time". I've included it in my own reviews, because details like that make for more interesting reading. However, I never follow up on them myself when checking out a club I've read about. Early on, it seemed like a smart thing to try to remember and seek out, but I always either forgot the names or found myself too attracted to the real flesh and blood strippers before my eyes. A few times, I've re-read a review after going to the club, and recognized the the names they tipped and not always with approval.
I'm sort of that way with other forms of dancer tips - word of mouth, from other dancers, etc. I rarely find one I like that way as opposed to trusting my own eyes, ears and animal instincts. What about you?
I'm sort of that way with other forms of dancer tips - word of mouth, from other dancers, etc. I rarely find one I like that way as opposed to trusting my own eyes, ears and animal instincts. What about you?
(I'm trying to steer this away from becoming another "When Is It Safe to Name Names?" thread.)