
Ever Try Recommended Dancers?

Blue Ridge Foothills
Club reviews often recommend dancers by name "for a real good time". I've included it in my own reviews, because details like that make for more interesting reading. However, I never follow up on them myself when checking out a club I've read about. Early on, it seemed like a smart thing to try to remember and seek out, but I always either forgot the names or found myself too attracted to the real flesh and blood strippers before my eyes. A few times, I've re-read a review after going to the club, and recognized the the names they tipped and not always with approval.

I'm sort of that way with other forms of dancer tips - word of mouth, from other dancers, etc. I rarely find one I like that way as opposed to trusting my own eyes, ears and animal instincts. What about you?


  • minnow
    19 years ago
    WHAT!! Post ATF's name and have other tuscl'er "hog" ATF in VIP room?? C'mon, I'm a minnow, not a whale!
    19 years ago
    I never pay any attention to discussions about particular dancers in clubs because chances are the reviewer's tastes are very different from mine. I also rarely mention a dancer by name in my reviews unless she's so spectacular that she warrants special mention. And I never mention anything about who gives what amount of contact or about extras in clubs because I don't want to get anyone in trouble, either with their club management or with LE. The only thing I want from a review is a feel for what the place is like.

  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    I could see having a stripclub buddie for your regular clubs (like shadowcat and shekitout) where you could fill each other in on new talent or whose coke habbit is pushing them toward extras. There was a guy who used to hit the DC clubs a lot. We used to tagteam one of our favorite clubs when it hit a slump to see if it would come back. We used to mention dancers to look for. For a general blind club visit I don't think it helps too much.
  • DandyDan
    19 years ago
    No, because it's just too hard to remember who some guy wrote danced real good in a review on this website when you are in the club itself. I just go with whoever turns me on at that moment. It has turned out that recommended dancers were ones I had dances with, so maybe I subconsciously remember reading something here. As for dancers recommending other dancers, yeah, all the time, at least at my favorite club. I enjoy them, too, but usually, it's not a long lasting thing, where I come back to the club a second time and get dances again from them, although there is at least one exception to that.
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    Sorry, I read the topic a little too quickly. Yes, I have tried some. I didn't find I had any better luck that my method of choosing, so for the most part I don't anymore.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    By the way, sorry for any redundancy in this topic. I wasn't here for it. That's one drawback with having no archive to check.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    SC: What about other forms of recommendation - chat pages, email, word of mouth, other dancers? You talk about the latter in another thread, and don't you at least compare notes with other PP fans?
  • travelingthrough
    19 years ago
    I'm had mixed luck with getting dances from strippers that other strippers recommended. If they bother to find out what type of dance you are looking for (heavy grinding, more sensual, serious extras, etc...) most experienced dancers will have a decent idea who to point out. I can't say that the naming of names in reviews has helped me very much, since most of the clubs I go into are so large that I often don't see the women named... In a small club with regular dancers, it seems like it would be much more helpful.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Agreed, AN, but what about the other end of it? Do you ever try dancers who have been recommended by name?

    (I'm trying to steer this away from becoming another "When Is It Safe to Name Names?" thread.)
  • AbbieNormal
    19 years ago
    When I review the DC clubs I'm in the habbit of naming the dancers I like. This started because for a while the quality was so low or unpredictable that I though it necessary to let potential customers know they should probably only go when a few names they recognize are on the schedule. I've just stuck with the habbit. As far as LD clubs, my policy is that I either mention the dancer and that I had a good time, or I describe how good a time, but mention no names. I think we all know why.
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