I went to a club, got there at about 11:10, club opens at 11. They were just kinda getting things set up for the day, no dancers on stage yet, no DJ etc. I ordered a Coke sat down and was approached by a very friendly dancer, named China. Anyway, I got two fantastic lap dances! $10 each. No bouncers around to act like hall monitors. Very enthusiastic. Lot's of friction, she put my hands all over her. Great time.
Things seemed pretty relaxed and stress free. The one bouncer I saw was going around getting a Pizza order together.
Have any of you had good luck going right as they open? I might be on to something here!
Haven't been to a strip club at night in years. I am a big fan of dayshift. I usually try to shoot for at least an hour after opening. if you get there too early, you sit around waiting for the dancers to get ready. also many dancers are not into their dance mentality that early. by 1 or 2pm they have probably had a drink and are ready for some fun. I agree that dayshift is usually less restricted. most of my memorable SC experiences have happened before 5pm.
Johhny is absolutely correct. If I do go at night I go early-right around shift change. The club is slow and the girls are a little more laid-back. I hit a new club last night and the first girl I got a dance from smelled amazing. I asked her what perfume she was wearing and she said she wasn't wearing any. I was her first customer of the night. What I was smelling was a freshly showered young lady without the fingerprints and drool on her of a dozen other guys before me.
The same is true for shift changes, which is usually 7, 8, or 9. The dancers know it isn't gonna be really busy until 9:30 or 10, so if you wanna relax and get to know the girls with no pressure, that works too.
I am envious of all of you. None of the clubs I go to even have a real day shift. Even if they did, I work the night shift so I could never get there that early. Based on my one or two experiences during the day, I am sure that's the time to go, but it simply isn't going to happen for me much.
I always try to get there as close to the opening bell as possible. It's a much different atmosphere - the girls don't have their game on yet, enerything is very relaxed, many girls will sit and talk for a long time because they want to postpone starting work for as long as possible. If you enjoy talking to the girls and getting to know them a little, it's the best time to go.
I'm also a big fan of dayshifts. Never tried opening time, I don't get off work that early, but next time I take a trip I'll have to try that. If you hadn't guessed this is mostly a bump to get RL's posts off the top of the list.
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