
Comments by wallanon (page 16)

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    9 months ago
    The TUSCLer Two Decade Club
    "it seems participation in the site goes a long way more than just seniority." In a way I see that sentiment as good thing, because it implies inclusiveness in a forum that's often accused of being unwelcoming. But I don't necessarily agree with it. The people who've been around the longest don't usually talk about it, which is why I thought to ask. And other than Mighty Quinn all the 20 year guys have usernames I recognized right away. MQ hasn't really been on the boards much and clubs in a part of the country I don't get to much so that's why. On the participation front, there's a difference between participating and contributing. Some people can mistake always having something to say for having something worth saying. My preference is breadth and depth over volume. One complaint I see over and over again is the TUSCL board has run out of hobby topics to talk about, when most dudes here are probably lurking and never going to dive deep enough to swim beneath the surface level on the boards. How many ways can even the most verbose among us write about the customer 101 basics, yet another strip club visit, or "I got laid this week"? A lot of the best conversations happen off the boards in PMs and other channels, but in all seriousness some of you guys (especially the noobs) should be asking more meaningful questions that will help you in this hobby while some of the old guard is still here and inclined to help out. I'd vote for a forum of people who aren't friends but have interesting conversations any day over a bunch of dudes kissing each other's asses laughing at the same tired stories and jokes. I've made friends here, so I'm not saying there isn't value in that. However, in almost two decades of reading here there only seems to be two default modes of discussion in most threads ("yes I agree" or "you're an idiot") on the boards. We're better than that and the Hobby is supposed to be fun.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    "The bitchiness of her attitude just was getting worse and worse. and she always seem to be so untrusting." I don't want to make this about Jascoi, but it's known for this type of behavior to be a clumsy and fucking annoying cover up for the accuser's cheating (or desire to cheat, get out of the relationship, etc). Truly miserable people tend to have an external locus of control, which means even if you help them out of their mental rut for a time eventually you'll be needing to constantly reaffirm them (or become the one they blame when they find the next thing to catastrophize about and you're tired of carrying their shit around).
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    This shouldn't need to be said, but smelling like you just took a bath in rubbing alcohol probably isn't going to help you either. But if you're in a jam and it's summertime rub your skin down with scentless wipes and then drive around on a hot day without the AC. The heat and your sweat will get rid of the alcohol smell on your skin. If you don't use scentless wipes and smell like aloe or some other shit then that's a you issue.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    "People saying “leave that bitch” don’t realize it’s not always that simple." Not one person on this thread told the OP to leave his wife. That marriage doesn't sound like it's going through make it because of the age we live in, but he's a grown man and can decide what he wants. Dude asked half a question about smelling like another woman, somebody brought up something from their own situation about tracking which got a response, and then the OP came back and said he had the same problem. It's easier to have a conversation when the story isn't changing with every new post. To generalize this, when you've got an unreasonable partner who's constantly on you and accusing you of being unfaithful you should consider what's going on inside their heads.
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    9 months ago
    Approaching Dancers
    "Girls LOVE when you say "nah...not with you, but could you run an errand for me and send over another girl?". Try it ... let us know how it works out for you. :-)" This happened the other night. Went to a club looking for a dancer I used to know when she was a baby stripper who's back in town. When I finally spotted her I was too far away to casually get her attention, so the dancer sitting with me offered to get her in the locker room. And there wasn't even a fight lol. It's so much better when I don't have to ask.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Hard But Good?
    Yes. There was a beautiful dancer who was over 6 ft tall and 200+ pounds. Gorgeous but just a big human being. I tried to politely take a pass, but was convinced by a "if you don't like the dance it's free" and tits that were as big as my head. The dance was insanely good and if I still wasn't in my ITC-only phase that would've been an epic OTC challenge.
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    9 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    "Unless of course you see an endless supply of threesomes as a realistic possibility" I'm wallanon. Of course I see an endless supply of threesomes as a realistic possibility...
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Does anything ever change?
    How did you find this video lol?
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    The badass behemoth of Lake Erie
    Dancer tipouts
    "LOL no license, just bribe us" Just some good ol boys, never meanin' no harm lol
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Does anything ever change?
    "All of those solutions would require hard work and sacrifice, but not enough people are willing to make the hard decisions. Our current path, as a species, is unsustainable." Probably. But berating people on a titty bar website for lacking social responsibility is like barking at a dog.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    "I'm screwed for the unforeseeable future. Until she leaves town for a few days this summer." That's not how geolocation works. It doesn't matter at all where she is it matters where your device is. She can track you from the moon. Fucking hell why ask a question that's completely not about the problem you're trying to solve? Rick Dugan is MIA but if he was around he'd tell you to grow some balls. Even so I digress. To solve your track my balls problem, make a friend you can actually trust to keep your phone while you're off fucking around. Tell them never to answer it, but if you're future ex-wife is blowing up your phone to send a text message that you're in a meeting and to fuck off. I'm half joking by the way, but the half that's typing is dead fucking serious lol.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Approaching Dancers
    Learn how to smile without looking like Jack Nicholson in the Shining and you'll do fine.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    "But, I did have one fav who asked me to do dances with her first, so I wouldn't smell like a hundred sluts by the time I got around to her." Lol. A dancer plopped down next to me last night who smelled like 50 Shades of Sluts all by her damn self. We didn't get dances.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    "what do you do about the Find My Friends (or find my device) app, or a car that reports its location through an app?" Tell that bitch no? I don't need a woman badly enough to put up with that shit. Plus anyone I'd get with now has to be okay with "wallanon" because it's too much of a hassle to keep it all separate. At least with how I've handled things since the pandemic. One of the girls I've started seeing is dropping hints like she wants off the market and (most likely stupidly) I'm not 100% opposed to the idea. Aside from being hot she's kidless, educated, and the right age. And I'm also not entirely convinced she's isn't more gay than bi lol. It's totally arbitrary, but the thing I'm most on the fence about is a well done but very large tattoo that's unhideable in a nice gown.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    If you fall off a cliff, get up and try again...
    Undressing your dancer
    "Eh. It feels like I'm undressing a barbie doll. Less excitement of unwrapping a toy. More creepy for excitedly wanting to perv on a toy." There was a lot going on in this post lol. For me it depends on how complicated the outfit is. Sometimes I enjoy taking an outfit off if it looks really hot or if I bought it for her. I'll sometimes pick up something crotchless just so I don't have to bother lol. An awkward moment is discovering a girl has never worn nice lingerie and has no idea how to put it on properly. One particularly annoying time was when I gave an outfit to a girl who had a hot body (crazy hot) that I'd already shown to another girl but she didn't wear that day. Not only did I hear about it for weeks at least, but the girl who got it put it on wrong and I was trying to stay in the moment while cringing on the inside. The alternative was "sorry let's start over because it's taking too long to get your tits out"...
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    " Her reply was "why should I change just for you?" She's quite popular so clearly she doesn't need my pittance of LD fees." A few years later if she's still there remind her of that when she wipes the perfume off before your vip trip.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Does anything ever change?
    In every era of recorded human history people are there. You're making a valid point, but I'm trying to get laid today and distracted so thank goodness the world's oldest profession is also a constant lol.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Verified Member Status
    If stripperlover777 isn't a bot I hope they're using ChatGPT to generate all this stuff spamming up the boards. It's like those reviews that go way overboard because someone forgot being first in a race no one else is running doesn't matter. In any case, at least the posts are on topic if too "stylized" for my tastes. Maybe this is how the youth troll these days...
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Recycled names
    Mighty Quinn has been around a while. Need to add you on the 20 year tuscler thread. The only time I run into an issue is when I'm trying to find a dancer at a new club beause she asked me to drop by. This week (yeah my new years resolution is already dead lol) I showed up and didn't know her new name, so was trying to describe her to other dancers who were like "no one fitting that description works here" lol. Luckily she walked out from vip and I recognized her ass immediately, but couldn't get her attention because the only name I could think to use was her actual name lol. The dancer I was sitting with was nice enough to go find her in the dressing room because it was close to closing time, but trailed her to the table just to make sure I hadn't picked the wrong ass and we actually knew each other...
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    How not to smell like a french whore when you get home
    You've already learned something helpful, and that is buying throwaway clothes if you can keep spare clothes somewhere like a gym or at work. Some of the less aware strippers layer on the scents and that stuff just doesn't come out of clothes fast enough. The girls don't care about what you're wearing so long as it's clean and doesn't stink. Other stuff: - A travel steamer can help you with that, but it's better to have other clothes if you're into grinding with perfumy dancers. - If you use a bar soap at home stop that immediately and use body wash. Keep the same body wash you use in a small travel container somewhere you can access it whereever you are. Half an ounce should do. If you have a stripper scent emergency it's better to smell like you than her. Just learn how long it takes or how much wiping you need to do to "age" it so it doesn't smell like you just took a shower. - Pick girls who don't smell like a Macy's perfume counter lol. - Scentless wipes can help, but that's more like break glass in case if emergency. - Smelly takeout food or a slip up at the gas pump are your options of last resort. Back when I cared if I could smell the girl before she got close to me she was sent away immediately. Others I would invite to sit beside me and casually check for perfume before I decided to let them on me. If I cared about speaking with them ever again I'd tell them they had on too much perfume for my tastes when I asked them to go. The ones who understood their market would seek me out the next time sans perfume.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Another case of statutory rapist vs. teacher of the year
    "I just don't even see how this is news worthy" 1. Decline of civilization because everyone is overstimulated by too much information 2. People are nosy, escapist, and seek novelty 3. News is entertainment not education 4. News was never objective only exclusive 5. Anyone can publish now so the actual press is competing with idiots to survive Her mugshot looked better than the other photos the internet dug up, but she's definitely something a high school kid would've gotten props for bagging. My high school science teacher was way hotter than this but her husband had her knocked up all time lol.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Male strippers??
    "I am scared to click I don't want virus that breaks my phone forces me to buy new one no thanks" She's not scared of slicing dudes open like Sweeney Todd but gets nervous because Muddy can't post a link lol. Anyhow, if I'd had the body for it I'd have had no problem getting blown and paid by a bunch of attention starved women no problem. That could've funded all my bad habits. Actually I only have one bad habit and but it's a doozy...
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Has stripperlover777 always been a bot?
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    The TUSCLer Two Decade Club
    So with steve23000 and mike710 we're up to 7. The Magnificent Seven of 20 plus'ers are: shadowcat ArtCollege shailynn DandyDan nj_pete steve3000 mike710 Who else is still loitering in the parking lot?
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    The TUSCLer Two Decade Club
    If TUSCL is still around in 10 years caseyx and CMI can dust this topic off...