
Comments by wallanon (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Old features
    founder said "soon" in his note to readers, which you probably also saw. He does respond to PMs sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Stripper/escort/ paid sex worker…. What’s the difference
    "Shoulda just been a hooker all these years not gonna lie. I'm not special nor a model, but it isn't that hard to get people to offer well above avg. I shoulda just been saying yes hahahaha. lol it is what it is!!!" I dunno if you're joking or not, but I hear that more than I'd have expected as time goes on.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    How to stay within your clubbing budget
    This thread is not what I expected given the title. One of my all time favorite Walmart stops was with a stripper. She needed to pick up a few things before we went out (that she paid for with her own money btw). If you've ever wondered if strippers bend over with their legs straight and ass up in the air wherever they go, I knew at least one that did. I'm the guy looking the other way in probably half a dozen Walmart memes from about 20 minutes of shopping lol...
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    What are the best AA clubs in NYC/NJ/CT area
    I didn't club in NYC, but the hottest AA dancers I saw in NJ were at Delilah's Manville (I know it's known for other things but I noticed) and Sunrise in Paterson. There weren't AA clubs per se, so someone else probably has better info.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Follow up question
    "How long approximately is the drive from Vegas to LA? I’m guessing circa five hours?" I've driven that once from Vegas to LA, and then on to San Diego a couple days later with a quick trip to TJ for added flavor. As Shailynn said it's a boring drive. I drove it late at night after partying hard (plus going multiple rounds with women who may have been strippers) and almost fell asleep because there's nothing out there but desert and darkness. A trucker blaring his horn is probably the difference between me typing this years later or being a road crew's cleanup project. Can you drive it? Yes. It's not that far to go, but try to be relatively fresh when you do it.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    High Milage in San Antonio, TX?
    Suggestion. You should post this on the strip club subreddit. Paul Drake and Subra are running a noob forum just for guys like you.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Peacefully Hang Founder!
    Yeah, it's the last 18 months. Obviously there's a recency bias, but it's not a contest so I don't care if my name is on a list or not.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    top 40 members : ignored
    That account actually isn't new but the recent posts have been a little maybe they're experimenting with writing in a different voice. We were ok with only one CJK Band, but at least this account isn't constantly bumping a bunch of off topic threads they posted lol.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Atlanta I can’t wait!!!
    Not sure where you club, Ray, but I can think of at least two towns in Texas where you can get a $10 lapdance.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Beat stripclubs in Philly for a bachelor
    I'd pick Delilah's in Philly for a bachelor party. Cheerleaders would be my backup, but unless you want to pay for a VIP package the other clubs don't really have enough open space. Cheerleaders really doesn't either. Out of the clubs I saw in Philly Delilah's would be my pick. You can tip right up at stage and there's plenty of room for a larger party on the main floor without needing to upgrade to VIP. The only thing I didn't really like were the bouners were peeking in on my lap dances 2 or 3 times a minute it seemed. Probably wasn't that frequent but it was a lot. There may be higher priced room options than the lapdance room I was in which offer more privacy and less interruptions. There may be other higher end clubs I didn't see, but I picked clubs more for their location than quality on those trips.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Denver strip club scene.
    Denver used to be a great, great town for strip clubs. I suspect it's still is pretty good but not as obvious on how to get things done.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Hidden Big Boobs
    And yeah sometimes it's just about posture and um, experience? When some girls are still in their perky phase they're packing serious heat up top that you can't really appreciate until they're topless. And then...glorious.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Hidden Big Boobs
    gmd is bringing us all down. I thought we were about the fantasy here lol
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Milf lover and newbie nerd
    What’s the best mindset to have going into the club?
    "Also, if I’m always having to wait for certain girls to finish with other customers, then I know that dancer is probably not someone I want to spend time with anyway." I don't overthink it. Some girls you just need to have a little time with to see what the vibe is like. Popular dancers are popular for a reason, so if I have time to wait and think it's worth it I'll wait. I do that less and less now, but it happens.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Stick to the Basic Rules
    "Of course I'll flag down a hot girl and immediately get dances, but no way I'm going to spend money to attract mechanical, transactional bitches." It's not one or the other. When I club I'm having to look at my time there versus anything else I need to be doing. My preference in a new club is to draw out as many girls as possible as quickly as I can to focus on the ones I think are most promising. I don't lose anything by chatting up a few extra girls if I'm on my game and not wasting their time or mine. You can't flag down a hot dancer you don't see because she's not on floor, and I don't usually have an hour to spare just to see which girls are in the stage rotation.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Stick to the Basic Rules
    "Sometimes, I get dances from dancers I don't want to because I have turned down so many. You need to demonstrate that you have money and you are there to spend it on dances, or dancers will ignore you because they think you have no money or are just there to gawk." If I'm in a new club where there is no effort going on, I'll often pick the first available acceptable dancer to tip and dance with so the dancers on shift know I have money. I'll do this so that the dancers in back also get a heads up that there's money on the floor.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Big money VIP outcomes
    Not actually just for a room fee, even in Vegas. I think the biggest room fee I've ever done is between $200 and $300. During a tour of a club on Bourbon Street they had high priced rooms upstairs I'd have considered if they had a girl dressed who I wanted to take there. The club had just opened so they only had one dancer on the floor, and she wasn't playing. But I've done a lot of rooms in years where I drank a lot more, so it's possible I'm just forgetting. The "almost did" time I do remember was a club moment that changed my whole perspective on the Hobby. I'd been stuck in a low contact town for a while, but getting some results at a club that had gorgeous women. Some of them went the extra mile in full view of the cameras, but not many. Almost none. After getting a little frustrated I decided to finally pull the trigger on a room upstairs that was $500 or $600 just to get in (from what was being said in the club). I was taken to the manager and was told the room was members only. This was a club I'd been in enough to be recognized and had already been asked a few times if I wanted a membership. Long story short, the manager sent the girl away and said some thing like they'd been watching what I'd been doing in the rooms and I should've become a member a while ago. It's why they kept asking. Then I got offered a pretty sweet deal on a membership but was about to leave town lol. When I got back to my regular town I quickly picked up a membership at my favorite club there. It made a difference. TL;DR - It was not a exactly a low contact club, but you needed to know the special knock. They only tell you how to knock when they decide it's time.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
    The schedule lists "Tiny." And you think ...
    The strippers I've met named Tiny were in fact petite. Let us know what you find.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    The Final Countdown
    And I'm sure it's just a coincidence that I was PinkSugarDoll's last dance before deciding to leave the business entirely. Completely unrelated lol.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    The Final Countdown
    "I hope and think we’ll meet again." I hope so, too. If anybody gets a chance to meet PSD while she's traveling you're in for a treat. Memorable to say the least, and for me it was great to spend time with someone who could engage on every level. Thanks to PSD for putting up with all of us and being a great contributor on TUSCL. It should go without saying if she's coming to a town near you circle it on your calendar.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Her: Is there anything that I should bring?
    Maybe it helps if she brings outfits that make her feel sexy? She's obviously not going to be in them the whole time, but dancers who I know around that age seem really focused on how they look literally at all times.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Stick to the Basic Rules
    Ok I much prefer not to wade into things that have nothing to do with me (so sorry) but if it's going to get personal can that stuff stay off the public forum? Even if we're going to fight let's try to keep it "bro code" approved.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    How is Baltimore / DMV so bad
    "The DMV/Baltimore is still superior to the options in NYC Metro, and maybe even LA." Maybe NYC, even though Long Island is a little underrated. On LA I'm gonna hafta disagree with you there, sir. There's a lot of clubs in LA and from the high-end to the dives there was fun to be had my last time through...but then again I haven't been there since the pandemic so maybe it is all balls now. But pre-pandemic LA stomped pre-pandemic Baltimore Metro for the strip club scene so I'd be surprised if it flipped. And I like the Baltimore/DMV clubs, but they're a shadow of what they were 10 to 20 years ago. Most major cities are like that now.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    How is Baltimore / DMV so bad
    "Don’t feel like writing any more reviews.." I'm kinda there, too, but it's because the things I notice about clubs aren't that helpful to noobs and if I talk about what actually happened then I'm basically telling clubs who I am unless I sit on a review a while. Even then if it's a club I frequent I'm basically telling them who I am, so yeah. And in between is all the other stuff I don't care about like how much it cost to get in, whatever it is I paid for a drink to nurse so they'd stop asking me, what color the carpet was and whatever the diehards think I need to remember to prove I was there. Most times all I remember clearly anymore is which dancers I'm most likely to bang, and that's not going in a review because noobs lol.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    How is Baltimore / DMV so bad
    So you're going to get two basic kinds of replies on this, guys who'll show up and try to help you and dudes who'll ridicule you and challenge you to level up. Maybe you'll even find some people agreeing with you, but I wouldn't be one of them. I just got done writing today about how there's too much "you're an idiot" happening on the boards, so instead I'll ask what your comps are what do you think is wrong? It sounds like the problem is you can't just walk into a club now and fall into a pussy if you trip. What do you consider to be high mileage?