DATY in the Club

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Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
If you practice unscrupulously high standards, is unprotected DATY in the club safe?


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avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
I take that risk sometimes. it's a very pleasurable thing to experience. and usually she likes it a lot!
avatar for RTP
a year ago
In my normal mind I would say hell no, I would never do that. Yet, I have violated this rule on a number of occasions. What was I thinking?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
From what I've read, it's higher risk for the guy than getting an uncovered BJ. As compared to uncovered FS, it is roughly the same level of risk. Some sources claim that it's marginally lower risk than FS.

But pretty much every source notes that collecting the data and extrapolating levels of risk is a wildly moving target.

Obviously, those risk levels decrease significantly via condoms and dental dams, but dental dams pretty much destroy the fun of going down on a woman (more so than condoms, in my opinion).

Ultimately, if your definition of 'safe' is never getting an STD, then it's obviously not safe. It's unprotected sex. After that, it comes down to your own personal risk tolerance.

I'll also note that "unscrupulously high standards" also becomes an extremely elastic measure the moment you go down on a sex worker in a glorified broom closet (or a motel room after her shift). In the sugar world, it's not uncommon for one or both partners to insist on seeing a recent STD test panel. While that's not an ironclad guarantee, it is the closest you'll get to an objective standard that has some significance.

But if "high standards" means some superficial observations along with anything the dancer tells you, then I think you're mostly convincing yourself that you're safer.

I'll note that this is a gamble that I have occasionally taken, but I've never tried to tell myself that it's not a gamble.
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
To answer the question, I'd say no. As noted above, safe is highly subjective though as are unscrupulous standards. Have I done it? Yup. Will I do it again? Pretty good chance. Do I make habit of it? Nope.

I do a number of things occasionally that aren't safe. Weather it something simply like bringing an apple and a glass of water into the car for my commute or something like taking the 4 wheelers out for a spin, scuba diving, water or snow skiing, snowboarding, skydiving, bungee jumping, hell I recently went to the fair and partook some of those rides. I could go on here for a while, not to mention the daily shit like what I eat and mundane tasks like showering that kill people all the time. On any given weekend, it's a near certainty that I'm going to do something that could be considered dangerous simply for a few minutes of fun.

I acknowledge the risks in most of the behaviors I engage in. I can't say that I to some extent I don't skew the perceived risk based on my perception of the reward, but for the most part I make a conscious decision to take some risks to enjoy my life. I'd be a lot safer if I packed up my shit, moved to a farm in flyover country, ate a largely vegetable based diet and abstained from 95% of the activities I enjoy. But I ain't doing that shit. I'm gonna keep eating food that's bad for me, driving to strip clubs where I could get murdered in the parking lot, bringing home strippers who could give me an STI or rob/murder me, and all sorts of other shit.
avatar for K
a year ago
Ask her if she does extras with any other customers. You should be safe if she says you are the only one.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
Everything is safe until it’s not.
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
Passing bodily fluids of any kind if a Russian Roulette.
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
No editing - YILES! I meant, "SHARING bodily fluids of any kind IS Russian Roulette."
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
Everyone has to evaluate risk v reward for themselves. Depending on your home and work situation there are all kinds of risks in this game. STI’s are inherently a risk and nobody can magically make it completely safe. Do you.
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
I'm really sick of the "Unprotected sex is Russian Roulette" shit. I know the odds of getting something l like herpes isn't exactly established with high confidence, but I'm pretty fucking confident they're much longer than 1 in 6. And the consequences of losing aren't even remotely as severe as a gunshot.

That kind of hyperbole isn't good for anyone. Accept that there are infinite shades of gray, very few things are truly binary or certain. Death and taxes, but not much else.
avatar for NinaBambina
a year ago
It is crazy how many customers I've danced for who would have loved to eat my pussy if given the chance, and would've paid for it. I've had some high offers for that and it's a red flag to me because if these guys don't know me like that and are wanting to do this, what else have they done recklessly with other girls? All this to say, some people really must not mind contracting an STD.

I'm semi-retired at stripping but as I'm saving to eventually become a wife and mother with a bunch of money, there's one club I'll dance at from time to time because it's close to me so if I have the free time to make some cash, why not? I'm not married yet lol. But anyway there's a dude there who apparently LOVES to do that, and to several of the dancers there who he finds attractive. I've turned his offer down so many times that he understands not to ask anymore, but he still gets dances from me and tips me very generously. But he had just been in the private room with a woman I'm sure he had just ate out so it was gross.

Another guy at this club who I haven't seen for a while is a paranoid crackhead who wants to eat women out because he's incapable of getting hard so he can't have sex (he told me this). He shelled out a bunch of cash even though I said no. Then he pulled out a fucking crack pipe and started to smoke it in the room and I told him not to, so he went to the bathroom to do it. After he gave me a bunch of money, and the VIP ended, he told me he still wants to eat someone's pussy so I told him to give me a $100 finder's fee and I'd find him an attractive girl who will do this. He complied and I found him a girl and helped her negotiate a decent price. She was thankful because she hadn't been making money, and he was thankful to me for finding her and thankful to her for allowing him. Win/win/win. Haven't seen that guy in a while, maybe he went to rehab or something.
avatar for Context21
a year ago
Hunter Biden?
avatar for jackslash
a year ago
Well, I don't know where it's been. Or rather, I do know where it's been.
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
"As compared to uncovered FS, it is roughly the same level of risk. Some sources claim that it's marginally lower risk than FS."

@CMI So let's get this straight. You think that inserting an uncovered penis into a vagina carries the same risk as licking with a tongue mostly around the outside of a vagina? Do you understand why anal sex carries a higher risk of STI transmission than vaginal sex? If you understand why, then it should be obvious why cunnilingus, where nothing is inserted into the vagina (the tongue may be inserted but not very far obviously), is much lower risk than either.

To the OP, your risks are:
* syphilis, which is rare, and you need to actually come into contact with a sore
* oral gonorrhea, often asymptomatic
* oral chlamydia, which is rare
* oral HSV-2, which is very unlikely, since HSV has a site preference and HSV-2 tends to prefer the genitals (HSV-2 is the virus which most commonly causes genital herpes), and if you already have HSV-1, which you almost certainly do (2/3 of the world has it), it's unlikely you would get HSV-2 at the same site as where you have likely had HSV-1

Yes, there are risks. Anal sex is the most risky type of sex activity. Vaginal sex is next. Oral sex where a penis is involved is next. The least risky is vaginal oral sex.

Anecdotally, note that this is consistent with the fact that while some girls will give uncovered BJs, many will not, highlighting the higher risk in oral sex with a man. And while some of them do not let you eat their pussy, IME 80-90% of them are totally ok with it. Why? Because it's very low risk to them. And the risks to you have been highlighted above. Know your risk tolerance and act accordingly.

Learn about STIs. It's the smart thing to do. Risks with any sex act will vary with intensity and the duration. You have a greater chance of getting an STI when you fuck for 15 minutes than you do if you only fuck for 15 seconds. People just don't know this kind of thing even though after you learn how transmission works, the reasons become clear.

This is not an endorsement to eat pussy unprotected. Do what you will at your own risk, and accept the risk.
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
To underscore that a lot of what you read online, even from "trusted" sources, is total bullshit, look at this quote from a website called Healthline:

"Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and even HIV and HPV can all be transmitted during cunnilingus"

HIV? From vaginal oral sex? What a joke. No wonder people are confused, with garbage, incorrect information like that from supposedly trusted sources. There is zero risk of either partner getting HIV from vaginal oral sex. ZERO. Yet here's an "authority" saying it is possible. Do your research people, nobody is on your side and you are solely responsible for your own health.
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
Safe? No. Have I done it? Yes. Will I ever do it again? Maybe.
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
I rarely do it. But once in awhile I run into a stripper that please me so much that I want to return the favor. Only 1 girl in the last 12 months. Her words "Wow. I was not expecting that".
avatar for londonguy
a year ago
The only thing that is risk free is abstinence when it comes to sex. I’m at a loss to understand what is involved with protected DATY, to me you either do it properly or not at all.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
It’s interesting in the club is one thing but does outside the club change it for y’all? It should be the same still right, Not always for me. But if I asked a girl for OTC it’s rare and it means she’s like a 9, 10 to me and not from a super duper brothel club, At that point I’ll take my chances. It’s rare enough where I’m comfortable with that. Also let’s not act like strippers=YUCK and civies=A OK in this whole thing, we’re all liable
avatar for georgmicrodong
a year ago
What does "unscrupulously high standards" mean?
avatar for RiskA
a year ago
“Ask her if she does extras with any other customers. You should be safe if she says you are the only one.”
That made me laugh. I hope it was as sarcastic as I took it. They ALWAYS say you are the only one. News flash: you aren’t.
The big head says “never” exchange fluids in this manner. But sometimes the libido takes control. Being the first customer of the day is helpful psychologically, at least if the girl cleans herself. Going there at the end of shift is a bad call.
avatar for dannyboy3
a year ago
From what I've been able to find, there is a risk of herpes, if there is an outbreak, syphilis if there is a sore. The most likely are chlamydia and gonorrhea since if you are digging deep you will hit a bacterial colony.
Those risks are similar for daty, bbbj, and bbfs since all include direct contact and fluid exchange
avatar for mogul1985
a year ago
Muddy: "Also let’s not act like strippers=YUCK and civies=A OK in this whole thing, we’re all liable" Exactly - stranger danger.
avatar for blahblahblah23
a year ago
Further proof that men are dogs. Yall keep trying to bury ur heads in girls' cracks. it's almost funny
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
it's not like I do it every day.
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
Since there is no chance anything bad can ever happen to me, I admit to having done it. Seems like a stupid thing to do. but that's my specialty anyway so it works.
avatar for Mate27
a year ago
^^ admitting you have the problem is the first step in improving yourself. However doing nothing about it is why you’re SkiDumb
avatar for JamesSD
a year ago
I've never done it ITC, but I'm generally not buying rooms where there is ample space. I suppose if she stood up and straddled? But in my experience that's not how women like to be eaten in their Free Time.

I've done it OTC, but that was a situation where a sink and shower were readily available and she was squeaky clean (and I knew I was her first client of the day). And that's where it's less my thing... you really don't know who or what has been inside her and how recently most of the time.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
I'm going to die.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
^ we all are the question is when.
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
"Those risks are similar for daty, bbbj, and bbfs since all include direct contact and fluid exchange"

@dannyboy3 I know my post was long but are people just afraid to read? See my detailed post above for actual risks. Not anywhere close to BBFS.
avatar for Studme53
a year ago
No fucking way. Disgusting. (Although I did it once or twice while drunk and regretted it 🤷

Lou Turks in Philly was known back in the late 70s early 80s as the place where guys could go down on girls while they were on stage. I would never do it, but a buddy of mine did it at his bachelor party there and his tongue swolled up for his wedding lol.
avatar for blahblahblah23
a year ago
avatar for 5footguy
a year ago
"I'm generally not buying rooms where there is ample space"

If there's enough space for her to sit, there's enough space for you to get on a knee and lap it up.
avatar for rawhide2
a year ago
Scientific fact: The pussy can give you throat cancer. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=…

and a myriad of other sexual transmitted diseases.

women giving men fellatio can get the HPV virus, warts etc.. but the chances of contacting cancer are significantly lower.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
yer no fun!.
avatar for Dolfan
a year ago
@5footguy said "There is zero risk of either partner getting HIV from vaginal oral sex. ZERO. "

I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure this is wrong. I'd agree with a "Extremely fucking low chance" but not zero. A little cut or menstrual blood in the vagina, and a little cut in the mouth, maybe from flossing or something could theoretically allow for transmission. And it's not totally unreasonable for there to be some breaks in skin in either place. Likely? Fuck no. But sure as shit not zero, even if there are zero documented cases of it happening.

IMO, no need to exaggerate either way. Licking pussy isn't equivalent of Russian Roulette and it isn't zero risk of HIV or STI's.
avatar for crosscheck
a year ago
I'll admit I've done it. Not in a while and even though I didn't have any bad experiences with it, I probably would not do it again at this point. Famous last words...
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
a year ago
Did it maybe 3 times. No symptoms and since tested negative for everything, but yeah there's a risk of oral HPV from it.
avatar for blahblahblah23
a year ago
Pussy can give men throat cancer???

Are you trying to get every stripper to offer pussy munching on the menu? 😂
avatar for skibum609
a year ago
Mateswithtweenboys has never even seen a naked woman let alone daty.
avatar for crosscheck
a year ago
Michael Douglas claimed in an interview that his cancer was caused by performing oral sex on his wife.
avatar for Lanechange
a year ago
For that matter you take a risk going down on a girl you have a date or a ONS.
avatar for Jascoi
7 months ago
^^i definitely am NOT gonna daty Mrs Douglas.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
I hear almost half of sexually active men have HPV. We pervs have to be at least 90%.
avatar for wallanon
7 months ago
"If you practice unscrupulously high standards, is unprotected DATY in the club safe?"

No and No. And when I did it yesterday later that night I reminded myself I shouldn't have.
avatar for misterorange
7 months ago
A rule that's always served me well: The hotter she is, the less likely anything bad will happen to you.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
7 months ago
Pussy isn't the only opening with HPV risk. Remember when Marcia Cross developed anal cancer at the same time he husband developed throat cancer? Pretty sure he ate her ass.

FWIW I think professionals are safer than bar sluts and the like. Professionals know what they are and prepare accordingly.
avatar for Studme53
7 months ago
Commuters are the worst. They got their routine, have their commute timed to the minute and if anything delays them from getting to their shitty job, they go apeshit.
avatar for Studme53
7 months ago
^ sorry - wrong thread - I would never DATY at a club unless I was shitface drunk, and I never get drunk at clubs.
avatar for wallanon
7 months ago
"I suppose if she stood up and straddled?"

That's a not a question it's an option. Most of the time I'm dodging if that happens lol but let's just say we knew each other.
avatar for Studme53
7 months ago
^ maybe twice - DATY once and licked/ rimjbobbed a dancer’s asshole once (I was really drunk and she was a very clean and healthy looking blonde fitness babe). She loved it, said “You’re bad!” and showed her appreciation with a passionate bbbj.
avatar for Studme53
7 months ago
Btw - you think Michael Douglas was eating out his wife? No. That’s what you do with a 1000young starlets who are trying to get a break in Hollywood.
avatar for wallanon
7 months ago
Treatable throat cancer in exchange for banging 1000 young starlets trying to make it in Hollywood? That sounds like the answer to a Jeopardy question.
avatar for Studme53
7 months ago
^ ha ha - I’d take that trade if the starlets were upfront and be happier than a pig in shit. Regret it (maybe) like everything else once I got the cancer
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