
Comments by davids (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is "scamming" anyway?
    AN: Maybe "Just shut up and dance" is the best response to anything a stripper says, eh? ;-)
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    19 years ago
    What wrong with some of these reviewers?
    You folks have to remember that FONDL has much different motivations than most of the rest of us for going to strip clubs: Most of just want to go in and get a good LD from a hot chick and leave without a big hassle. FONDL, on the other hand, is clearly looking for long term, serious relationship and is willing to go through as much money, effort and strippers as is necessary to acheive this goal. Hence his behaviour in clubs is going to be much different than the rest of us. I just wish FONDL won't assume the rest of us have the same objectives he does when he starts threads like this.
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    19 years ago
    Customers who have been TURNED DOWN by strippers when ASKING FOR A PHONE NUMBER
    The first time couple of times I got a stripper's number I did, indeed, feel special. But then I learned what a cheap commodity it is. As I've said before, I now consider it as big a deal as get a used car salesman number.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is "scamming" anyway?
    AN: You might think you are being sarcastic, but you ought to try "the silent thing" sometime. Some have even admitted, in what they thought was the confidence of their friends, how "hot" they find this.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is "scamming" anyway?
    FONDL: You are right that it is bad business practices. But for alot of these girls control/power is more important than money, even though they, and Yoda, will try and tell you otherwise.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is "scamming" anyway?
    AN: Here are a couple of tips for anyone who wants to try the "silent lap dance" experiment. a) Don't be explicitly rude to the stripper, or if you must then try to do so in ambiguous manner that could be interpreted as a joke b) This will work best if you are a regular who is known to like to talk to other strippers, and you try it on a stripper who you can see likes to talk to other customers. (Remember that strippers like any other type of girls are constantly gossiping: so the stripper you choose as the subject of your is going to wonder why you talk to other but not her.) c) The hot the stripper is (or thinks she is) the better your results will be. Have fun! Your friend, David S.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Am I RomanticLover?
    I think RL posts and "bumping up onto the board" are mainly aimed at casual readers. Guys who don't read the board that much, or might just do it once before visiting a strip clubs. These people are more likely to be newbies anyway, so there is some value here.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers on another website posting about their HATRED and RESENTMENT of custom
    Many strippers are indeed women who dislike or even hate men. This is particularly true of single mothers deserted by deadbet boyfriends or ex-husbands who can't come up with child support.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    RL's Rules
    AN: the underlying point you are trying to make is good, however, the factual errors hurt your credibility: Strippers WILL sometimes give their real name and phone number to customers they just met. Contrary to popular belief "picking up" strippers even when they are at work is not even close to being impossible. Typical tactics that work against "hot chicks" WILL, in fact, work against strippers. The fact that they are working does not change the fact that they are women with romantic interests like anyone else. If you are extremely attractive you can get numbers and dates from them, even after a first meeting where you don't buy anything from them. (In fact I conjecture that the latter is the best way to have a good chance of success.) (Needless to say not all strippers are available for dating: a) some have hard and fast rules about never dating customers (this is especially true of ones who hate themselves and/or their job) b) most already have boyfriends (despite what they will tell you), and c) if you are a regular you look pathetic to begin with...) Finally it is well known that many (including many posters here) have, indeed, dated or formed lifelong friendship with strippers. Strippers have even married customers they met at work. So you reword your argument to emphasis the good underlying points, drop the factual errors, and post again.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Being nice to a dancer you don't want to be with
    Just do the obvious thing: say "I'm sorry if it seems rude, but there is another girl in here who I am more interested in seeing."
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Being nice to a dancer you don't want to be with
    "Not tonight" although truthful is potentially misleading because it implies the possibility that she can try again on another night. If you are not interested in her then why lead her on? (Some) strippers have feelings too. How nice is it to mislead? Just let her know flat out. She's going to find out sooner later if you are a regular and more honest you were the better it is for you. Now if you are only in the club for a single night, AN's answer is perfectly acceptable. Oh, and, I also think giving the tip is a nice touch too: not to enough to mark you as a sucker but she will probably mention the "nice man" back in the dressing which could get some of her hotter friends over (just be sure you make the hot ones earn their tips, though.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Being nice to a dancer you don't want to be with
    Scratch the previous post: I'm feeling sleep deprivated and dyslexic!
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    19 years ago
    davids vs. RomanticLover
    As I've said before I beleive that RL is the most underrated poster on this board. Sure he recycles his material too much, abuses CAPITALIZATION, and doesn't engage in any real discussion after he posts (or bumps up) his threads. But he does tell things like they are, often proposes thought provoking question, and occasionally has some real flash of insight about the SC culture. Plus he's just plain funny. Also keep in mind that his post seems to be more aimed toward sparring newbies some grief than for helping out veterans. I give RL an A- for his work here. As for me, I intend to change my emphasis in future posts from pointing out what strippers weaknesses are and how one must be weary of their lack of ethics to how to turn the tables on them: The SC culture won't be undergoing any big changes barring unforseen economic booms or busts or unexpected legal changes. Thus, in the future, I will try and focus my posts more on knowing the strategies and mindset of strippers, and using this knowledge to turn the tables on them to get the most out of one's SC dollar. So for example in the past where I may have observed "Strippers lie alot and say they are their friends when they are not" and then debating the ethics of this, in the future I will just make the observation and then try and think of ways to turn this behaviour back on them so as to make ones visit all the more enjoyable. Wish me luck, Your friend, David S.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Anyone Else from Seattle?
    Hey, johnny: Me, you, and RL should get together at Rick's or Honeys sometime and have a contest to see who can get the most dates OUTSIDE THE CLUB FOR FREE with the strippers.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If a stripper REFUSES to see you OUTSIDE THE CL UB, she probably DOES NOT TRUST
    Apparently, at Rick's, at least, it is an inside joke for strippers to refer to their regular customers as their "friends" even when talking to each other. Is that true at other clubs?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Customers who are UPSET about the availability of SEXUAL SERVICES in strip clubs
    RL: We all know how good at "fantasy fulfillment" strippers are. Do you think that some strippers may sell "extras" to one customer who they "read" as wanting that, while at the same time telling another customer that she is "too good" for that and looks down on girls wh do that? Do you think that it's even possible that some girls who do sell "extras" might forget that they have done it for a specific customer and later try and tell the very same customer that they are "too good" for that and look down up girls who do. (Please keep in mind in reading this post that what I am posting here could well be a work of fiction.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are you surprised when strippers seem to routinely remember you from long ago?
    Happens to me too and it is very surprising. If you do some quick calculations you'll find that they've probably seen hundreds or even thousands of other guys in the meantime. I think you can use this to your advantage as follows: First of all tease them and say "You don't really remember me that's just some cheap pick up line". Often at that point they will recall in remarkable details the time when you met, eg. what you were wearing, what you talked about, something strange that was happening in the club. (I have an exceptional memory myself so am able to verify what she is saying.) After that ask them "so out of the thousands of guys you've met in here how do you manage to remember me?" Then accuse her of being in love with you/and or a stalker. At that point you pretty much own her and have a couple of good options: 1) if she isn't dating material tell you don't want a dance that night because you all promised another "friend" of yours that you would get dances from her. The next time you she her you are going to get one hell of a dance. 2) If she is dating material than ask her out: "well you obviously seem to be interested in me beyond my money, I think that I'll give you a chance..." blah blah blah Good luck and have fun, Your Friend, David S.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Are you surprised when strippers seem to routinely remember you from long ago?
    Oh, one more tip: even if you do remember he as she tells the story don't let on that you do. If you don't remember her just tell her so. If you do then you can either keep that information secret or if lying to strippers doesn't bother you or you can rationalize it as "teasing" or "playing their own game" or whatever then insist that you don't remember her. (I guess teasing for a few minutes then admitting that you do remember after all is ethical, but that's a personal decision.)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Customers who are UPSET about the availability of SEXUAL SERVICES in strip clubs
    For anyone who is reading this board and is a total dumbass, RL is obviously talking about FONDL here.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Favorite quotes
    From my ATF: "I'm working here because I lost a bet, unlike the other girls who are working her because they dropped out of high school, got knocked up, had their boyfriend desert them and now have screaming babies to feed."
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper Friendship Puzzle Solved
    Yoda: I should hope that most posters have not been strip club regulars for years on end. That would be pretty pathetic won't it? Also you're not trying to tell me what to do are you? I won't like that.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper Friendship Puzzle Solved
    chitownlawyer: Everyone I've known who has studied economics, including PhD students and professors has confided to me that it's all a bunch of non-sense. I have about 20 books backed up on my reading list right now. Naive, er, classical economics will never been on that list. Maybe you and the others here oughta read some books on ethics, since you obviously don't get it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper Friendship Puzzle Solved
    Yoda: Yeah you're right lying, cheating, and scamming and anything else strippers do is acceptable because you say so, and yer an ass-kisser so it must be so. AN: Hayek did write some interesting stuff. All too shallow in the end. If you take Yoda's word out of context "Books are nice. Reality is what it is." Applies pretty well to classical economics.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper Friendship Puzzle Solved
    For the millionth freakin' time when I say stuff like "exactly 98.3% of strippers do blah" it's obviously a joke. Sheeshh... Bunch of no sense of humor types here. No wonder you guys have to pay women to pay attention to you.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Stripper Friendship Puzzle Solved
    Some jokes are just to subtle for certain minds I guess. But then again, looks like many posters here think Friedman and Hayek were "brilliant", so maybe it's not that surprising. Anyone into Ayn Rand while we are at it?