
Comments by davids (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How to get scammed
    Oh, also: Assholes are very unlikely to get scammed. They don't trust stripper enough. Assholes are mostly just in the club to be mean to or make fun of strippers not to spend money.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Davids you're not alone with your observations - check out these messages.
    According to FONDL's logic strippers can do no wrong: If they do not scam customers than they are good. But if they do than it was either because the customer was an asshole who deserved it or because he secretly desired to be scammed for some odd reason and stripper picked up on it.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    I say that being nice makes it more likely that the strippers are going to try and scam you. The solution though is not to be a jerk. Although being a jerk will lower your chances of getting scammed compared to being nice, it will also ruin how you get along with the good strippers so it's not worth the cost. The real solution is to be nice, but not a sucker. Part of not being a sucker is knowing how common and condoned lying, stealing, and scamming is in the SC culture.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    Yeah, I have a twisted sense of right and wrong: I think lying, stealing, and scamming is unethical even when it happens in strip clubs. You're the twisted one who tries to kiss ass and rationalize these things.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What if your sexy neighbor was a stripper?
    You guys have strippers way too much on your mind. If it were me I would be like "I hope to god she isn't"!
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    Yoda: You are really have trouble comprehending this, don't you? Strippers lie, steal, and scam WAY more than other members of society. Try TALKING to some strippers some time. Even they will admit that that it is true. Why can't you? Do you have a financial or other stake in the whole affair? Do strippers, as a group, have to be good or average to offer you some redeemption for all the resources you devote to them?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What wrong with some of these reviewers?
    It's just plain more fun if they approach you: Then there's an element of suspense as to whether or not the transaction is going to happen or not. If you approach her, you aren't even going to need a line and of course you'll get your dance. (Then again, when I approached girls it was just because they were hot, so unless they were totally rude I already knew I wanted the dance. Maybe since FONDL is clearly looking for romantic targets, that is just the beginning of the interview process: "Hi, I am thinking of getting a dance from you and possibly starting a long term business relationship which I hope could lead to possible future romance OTC. Don't worry, if things work out there will be lots of money in it for you. Would you like to sit down at that there table so we can begin with a 15 minute interview?"
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    AN: Ok, you admit that strippers are more likely to be single mothers than other girls their age. Thanks, you have more credibility than Yoda. But I guess that's not saying much. In the "newbie rules" thread some posters like FONDL started to admit that scamming is pretty common amongst strippers. Usually if you wait long enough and examine enough of their posts, the posters will admit it at some point.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers who are supporting FAILED MUSICIANS they FEEL SORRY for
    It is indeed true that many strippers are attracted to failed musicians, drug addicts, and other tragic types. Think about it: they can both share their tragic outlook on life so that's something they have in common. Then there are the self-esteem issues about many strippers not beleiving that they deserve better.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If a stripper TELLS you she is your FRIEND, how do you know if she is TRUTHFUL?
    Put her to the test as soon as she does this. Tell you think there is indeed, a chance that you could be friends and that you would like to spend more time with her to find out for sure. Tell that you do not pay your friends for their time and they do not pay you for yours. Hence if you are her customer you cannot also be her friend. Tell to then choose whether she wants you as a customer or as a friend. Then sit back and watch her squirm (or in rare instance agree with you...)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    AN: No, no, you misunderstood. I said you have more credibility than Yoda. I did not say you have little credibility. For example let's say credibility were measured on a scale of 1 to 10. Then Yoda's credibility would be 2 (if he did not occasionally back down from his positions when cornered as he does then it would be 1). So anyone with credibility greater than 2 has more credibility than Yoda. It could be high: 8 as RL has, for instance, or 3 as FONDL has. I find it hard to beleive you never been scammed in 10 years. For example no stripper has ever told you she is your friend when she is not in an effort to try and get you to spend more money? No stripper has ever told you a BS hard luck story and how she needs to borrow money from you to pay her rent tommorow else she and children get evicted? If that's true then I want to know how you have been able to avoid scams all these years? Maybe because you are older? Do not project a "too nice" image? Maybe it's just not an accepted part of the culture in the clubs you go to? Maybe I need to consult my inside sources about that one: Are there customers who conduct themselves in such a way that they will not be the target for scams to begin with?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    AN: I don't like insincere waiters or bartenders or taxi drivers or anything either. Being polite is fine. Lying crosses the line. I remembered an interesting quote: When Phillip of Macedon (Alexander's father) was asked how he liked his hair cut he answered "in silence". I think I'll try that one the next time a stripper asks me what kind of girls or dances I like: "silent ones". It looks like the fundamental problem though is that we have fundamentally notions of what kinds of lies, scams, and robberies are acceptable and which aren't. A BS hard luck story is clearly an out of line scam in my view. As you say it could be true. And in that case, if I did like the girl and thought I could trust her, I would be inclined to *loan* her the $100 or whatever. But because it's so likely to be a scam I can never do that. That's who the scammer is hurting the most: the person genuinely in need of help who won't get it because others will assume she is just scamming. I conjecture that body languague, age, clothing, and projection of confidence will play an important part in determining who will be targetted for scams and who won't. Gonna ask some of my stripper "friends" about that one. Some of FONDL's rule are good, some are junk, but I think more needs to be said about appearance.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Calling for dancer lists before going to a club...
    The clubs I knew won't give out that information. As I've mentioned before getting strippers numbers is pretty trivial, however, so just collect all your favourite strippers numbers and call 'em up before you go. Strippers are pretty good about answering their phones and returning calls promptly (amazing what wonders a little money will do).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    Yoda: The two big fantasies are: 1) strippers are no more likely to lie, steal, and scam than any other group of 2) even if they do lie, steal, or scam it is justified because a) of the environment they work in b) if they did that would mean they weren't wonderful and since you continuously say they are that would mean you wrong, and everyone knows that someone with a name like "Yoda" is too wise to ever be wrong.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is "scamming" anyway?
    Most common scams I've seen are a) BS hard luck stories b) strippers trying to make customers beleive that the customers are their friends or there is some kind of special relationship between the stripper and customer or there are romantic possibilities. Now the fact that customers need to be on their guard and these scams are very easy to thrawt does not change the fact that the strippers are still trying to scam people nevertheless. Many are inept about it, and in my case it would backfire on them, but someone must be falling victim else they won't be trying it as continuously as they do.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    AN: The Iron age was well under way in Europe by the time of Phillip and scissors had already been invented. Enter "iron age" and "history of scissors" into google to confirm. Do you have a reference that hair was cutting using bronze instruments which weren't scissors around Phillip's time?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If a stripper seems to LIKE you, do you ASK her out on a date?
    It really depends if you like her. If you do then you should ask her out as early as possible for two reasons: a) strippers are great at exploiting ambiguity for their own money making advantage: the longer you wait the more money it's costing you b) the more money you spend the more desperate you look and the less attractive you are going to seem to her
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If a stripper seems to LIKE you, do you ASK her out on a date?
    Also note that women are pretty good at picking up on when men like them (thought not 100% accurate). If they know this but notice that you are not asking them out, they will conclude that it's because you lack the BALLS to do it. Once that happens your chances of romantic possibilities with them are basically zilch.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    Yoda: I'll leave it for the readers of this board to decide for themselves whose opinions are more valid. Certainly the strippers and other club employees I talk to about the culture think that I am on track and know what I am talking about, so if some stripper worshippers (dupes) don't agree with me, it's no big concern to me.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is "scamming" anyway?
    Yoda: here, reread this: "the fact that customers need to be on their guard and these scams are very easy to thrawt does not change the fact that the strippers are still trying to scam people nevertheless." You sure don't have much sense when it comes to reasoning about ethics do you?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    I'll go away once people stop asking me to. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Customers who have been TURNED DOWN by strippers when ASKING FOR A PHONE NUMBER
    Re: 92.3% you folks are so humor impaired at times. Try the experiment about getting strippers phone numbers sometimes. I think you'll be suprised how is easy it is.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What is "scamming" anyway?
    God, you're pathetic, FONDL. Paying for friendship like that. You have been scammed and you don't even know it. No wonder you think scamming is so unlikely if you willing to justify all the abusive you've been handed like you do. You really need to work on your self-esteem issues there, buddy.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    AN: reference?
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    davids give it up man, these guys aren't going to change their mind
    AN: Didn't see anything indicating haircuts for kings were painful. I guess I'll just leave it to the readers of the board to consult the information and decide for themselves if it's more likely that the king was scared of a haircut because it would hurt or whether he just did not have time for idle chit-chat of an insincere/uninteresting barber.