
Comments by jackoff (page 2)

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    13 years ago
    Elizabeth Taylor - R.I.P.
    vincemichaels > Thanks for bringing back a great memory "Cat Ballou" she was mean and evil through and through. The other movie she got my stick to rise in was Barbarella (spelling?)
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    13 years ago
    Attractive Asian strippers
    Don't feel lonely! We have few and far between here in the KC area. The hot ones will quit working the local clubs and quickly head to Vegas on weekends to work.
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    13 years ago
    Spies at the Club
    As many have already stated - If you're not paying for it and she thinks you are dating (bf/gf) on top of it all. Then her fellow co-workers and friends (the sisterhood) are going to rat you out for sure. I currently have a free OTC going on with a girl at a club and I know better than to step foot inside there. GMD> I agree that sometimes it's just easier, less complicated, and/or cheaper in the long run to just pay for it. That way no one has the right to tell you what you can or can't do. DougS> Is the CV free OTC upset that your in her club trying to pay her fellow co-workers for what she is giving you for free?
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    13 years ago
    Black Balled at the Club
    Why doesn't he just go in when the extras girl is not working and see if he gets the same treatment. Does he ask other girls for dances etc...?
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    13 years ago
    Spies at the Club
    LOL These girls network better than any biz there is. It's a regular sisterhood. ?? are you paying for OTC/dating?
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    13 years ago
    I was around 10. I actually remember having a wet dream when I was 9 after my uncle took me with to see The Graduate. Anne Bancroft was hot, but it was Katherine Ross that I was dreaming about. I just remember waking up scared as hell sweating and my soaked whitey tighties lol. Mary Anne for sure
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    13 years ago
    Making the transition
    Gatorfan> "And many girls who play OTC will not play ITC." You're absolutely right! Several girls who won't even rub your cock & give air dances ITC will fuck your brains out OTC.
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    13 years ago
    Making the transition
    "I'm under the impression she was agreeable to it but she wouldn't quote me a price. Should I be concerned?" As some have stated, many girls who will play ITC will not play OTC. These girls feel safe in their environment. They can see many clients in a night (yes as many as 10 to 15) and maximize their profits. Do the numbers - 10 X 100= $1,000 and that is l probably on the low end $$. Some will only see 2 or 3 guys at the club pure night and make 5 or 6 bills and shut it down. These girls really have no reason to risk seeing you for OTC. Don't really know if I would want to see a girl OTC with such high volume to begin with (sure as hell would hate to be number 10 at a club for FS). I would suggest if this is the girl that you want for OTC, you need to offer her something more than just $$$. Offer to take her to a concert or a fine dinner before play. You will have to figure out what trips the trigger for her (she may not have one). Player11 - works and has very similar thoughts as I do. It takes salesmanship to get the hotties OTC. Once you do, the benefits and cost factor drop dramatically. Don't be afraid to put an offer out there. I asked a day shift girl a few months ago if she liked being entertained OTC. Kind of threw her for a loop. I asked if she would consider dinner at X restaurant and a fun time after words for $200. She said "I don't think I could do that". I gave her my card and number and told her to call if she was ever interested in a fun night out. Her shift was over and she left. I was still at the club, when my phone rang, she left me a message to call her and she would like to have an evening out. There's more to the story, but I've already made this to long. If you don't ask or give them a chance. It won't happen!!
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    13 years ago
    Grinding LD
    You can be an a$$ and not discuss it or warn her. You might end up being slapped or even tossed from the club (seen that happen to a few guys). On the other hand you can communicate and you will find out what her thoughts are. I've had girls who were determined to make me pop. Some girls really know how to lock on your dick and give a great sensual dry hump. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has felt a dancer loosing it herself (leaving stains on your pants). Some apologize, some show you how wet they are, some just smile and say thanks, then some get embarrassed and run to the back room to change their panties. I know guys who wear raincoats, but the best I ever heard was a guy who said he wore Depends! Ask a girl if she's willing to take the challenge. Tell her there's X amount of $$ (bonus) if she can make you pop in X amount of dances. If she accepts you will be sure to get her best effort.
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    13 years ago
    Was I setup?
    DougS Hit these right on the head! Mistake #1... paid in advance Mistake #2... did not meet at HIS hotel Mistake #2.5. not suspicious of dancer having a hotel room... You are lucky, you only lost the money you gave her! I would of had to have gone back to the club to see if she is still working there. They might be running this scam/rob on 3 or 4 guys a day. Then onto the next town. You actually should right a review here (and other review boards) of what happened at that club. Yes naming and describing the girl etc... It might actually save someone from the same thing or even worse.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Dancers with HIV
    "Is there any way of preventing a dancer with HIV/AIDS from working in a strip club?" Uhhhh last I knew it was illegal to have sex with a stripper in a club. Thus hard to create a law requiring them to be tested. The percentage of strippers with HIV probably isn't much if any different than in the general public. You're probably as likely to catch an std from the local bar slut having one night stands (if you're dumb enough to go bareback).
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    13 years ago
    What this information suggests?
    How did the subject of her being on birth control come up to begin with? Guys there are girls out there that can't stand condoms and don't use them. There are also many guys who will pay out the ass for BBFS. Why didn't you just ask her what the statement was suppose to mean! Maybe she was hinting she wanted you as a monogamous partner. I personally believe every female should be on some sort of BC and use a condom for intercourse. Shit - wrap that baby twice in some instances.
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    13 years ago
    Have you ever said "I love you" to your ATF or dancer?
    A reason not to! I had a OTC girl that I saw 2-3 times a week for a long time. We threw around the love word all the time. I love fucking you, I love spending time with you, I love kissing you etc... One night I get a phone call and it's my girl (intoxicated) calling to tell me she was IN LOVE with me and no longer wanted to see me for $$ and hadn't for a long time, blah, blah, blah. I blew it off as a drunk talking crazy. Well we met the next day and sober she tells me the same thing. I told her that although I loved being with her and doing all the things we did together I was not in Love. It got to the point that I had to explain to her that I really didn't pay her to be with me, but that I paid her to leave me alone when I was done with her. I've had divorces that ended better than this did. The lesson I learned be careful using that word with any woman. There interpretation may be different than yours. Although telling a stripper in the club might be a little different than OTC. I just know I will never ever use it again even to tell them that I love them sucking my dick! Love in a strippers world has always meant $$$ to me, which is fine. If they throw the IN word in front of it RUN LIKE HELL!
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    13 years ago
    Stripper Pitches for Lap Dances
    A girl whispered in my ear "I swallow in the VIP" sold - but I paid for it! $$$
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    13 years ago
    Attractiveness & Standards
    Snake - I have very similar thoughts and have turned down more free pussy because I actually don't think I could keep a hard on for them. I've taken a few BJ's in my day from 6's but paid dearly when I wouldn't daty or F them. Have to have at least a cute GND face and slim or athletic body. If $ is involved, it better be at least an 8. LOL don't get me started on the false advertising on dating sites. 10 -15 y/o pictures can be common, not to mention 30 to 40 pound weight adjustments. When it says average, their not talking about what the average woman of her height should be. Average today is chunky!! Athletic can be a 200 pound former shot putter. I know a nuts a nut, but I would like my big head to be able to enjoy it as much as the little head. The only thing I know worse than a gold digger is a fat ugly gold digger. I myself have the Seinfeld syndrome. I going to find something wrong no matter what! Probably why the 911 call to my death bed will be made by a stripper or a sugar baby on the way out the door! What really matters is that we all get, what we enjoy!
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    13 years ago
    Dancers not taking off their tops
    re: Joker44 Mo. laws are f**ked up. This pertains to Bazookas (juice bar) - The laws have something to do with the time of day. I've been told several different explanations and not even sure if the girls know. I was told they can go topless till midnite (pasties or not , I don't know as I'm rarely there before midnite), but can't leave the stage etc... Once it strikes twelve the bikini tops have to be on and pasties underneath. At that point they can crawl off the stage and interact as long as the top stays on. The last time I was in there a couple of weeks ago. The girl I had was wearing big band aid type pasties. Thank god she ditched them for private time. Thanks for your update joker44
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    13 years ago
    Akron Area Strip Club Raided, Real Crime Uncovered
    Was the john actually charged or was he part of the sting. I've always wondered why the police don't raid regular clubs. The amount of drugs that they could find would be astronomical. I've seen more tits flashed, tit sucking, groping etc... in regular clubs than at some strip clubs. I'm not making a case that I think they should, just a ? of why they don't.
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    13 years ago
    Dancers not taking off their tops
    Nothing worse than going to a VIP and the top comes off, only to watch the balloons deflate to stretch marked pancakes. I personally don't tip for them to take their clothes off. I tip because they took their clothes off and I liked what I see or want a closer look! I've been in a few clubs with obnoxious DJ's who scream "the more you tip the more she strips" or "no dough - no show". Then I think, why did I just pay $20 to get in the door and $5 or more for a beer. The pasty thing is what really upsets me. I think the nipple is one of the most provocative parts of a womans breast. I think we should have a separate category for topless pasty clubs, so people know.
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    13 years ago
    OTC Trip?
    farmerart "Shit! I just re-read this. I am seriously pathetic, aren't I?" I don't even think about it anymore, as I find it way cheaper than my 2 x-wives were.
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    13 years ago
    OTC Trip?
    I have to ask - Have you been OTC with your current fav? I highly suggest you do a few times before going on a trip. Make sure all expectations (sexual and financial) on both sides are not only discussed, but agreed upon. I learned this the hard way my first time! JMHO from taking several strippers on vacations.
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    13 years ago
    Ever been inside the strippers' dressing room?
    Myself and a friend years ago invested in a young ladies stripperwear biz. We spent several nights a week in the dressing rooms of about 10 different clubs. I could write 100's of pages of stories. Yes there were naked crazy drunk/drugged out cat fights. One of the best was watching a girl go crazy over a lost reg, so she broke into this girls locker and pissed all over her clothes. Yes there was lesbian action. Yes there was plenty of bitching. Yes the girls look better under black lights! Watched girls shaving their pussies and assholes to girls over dosing and/or puking their guts out. Some clubs had house moms bitching all the time. We did do trade outs occasionally for favors (sometimes right there in the bathroom stalls) and made plenty of OTC connections. We would help them get dressed and they always were grabbing or stroking our junk, kissing on you and I had no problem playing with theirs. These girls had no problem doing anything in front of us and we became just part of the crew. I will always remember this nasty redhead who would come to the dressing room, grab the mouthwash and dental floss. She would bitch and bitch about the taste and why can't guys trim their junk better. It wasn't that uncommon in the real slutty clubs to have a girl come to the back, drop her thong and baby wipe the jizz from her pussy. It was always funny though when they would come back bitching that someone had jizzed all over there face and they had to spend time redoing their make up. Even the sweetest strippers would steal you blind if you didn't watch them. So yes your wildest fantasies and worst nightmares happen in the dressing room. IMHO no matter how well you think you know a stripper, you're still just $$$ to them and it's just biz.