Comments by minnow (page 54)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private messages
    BJ99- Oh, but we DO pay to support the site. We do it by submitting club reviews where we spent $100-$300 per visit or more. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Private messages
    I'll register a conditional no. Some really capable people sometimes let their VIP periodically lapse. I'd favor that once one reaches a threshold of submitting a minimum number of reviews (say, 1-3) then PM capability should be accorded and maintained. One website that I belong to requires a minimum of 5 DB posts before PM privileges are accorded. I'd be curious to hear the rationale for VIP only PM's.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Questions from the other day...
    What is the significance of "83" in your nickname. I initially assumed it was the year you were born (1983), until I read one of your posts that indicated you were younger than someone born that year by ~ 7 years.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Unpublished Reviews
    In a way, 4/7 or 5/9 is lowering the bar. Original 3/5= 60%, the 2 suggestions= 57% and 55%, respectively. If you're going to increase exposure to "evaluators", make it 2/3 majority like 4/6 or 6/9, like a presidential veto override. @shadowcat- I still saw short reviews under the old system. I think if a short review of less than a certain length gets published, the names of the evaluators and their comments should be published to monitor if certain VIP evaluators are being too flaky.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Unpublished Reviews
    Papi- Idk, guess it stays in the queue until it gets 5 votes. I'd be curious to know how many VIP members actually "grade" the unpublished reviews. A very small percentage of Tuscl members are regular DB posters. It didn't take too long for my last submitted review to get published. Founder did tell me that if a review gets rejected, the reviewer would see the comments, and who made the comments.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Unpublished Reviews
    @OSU- I pm'ed Founder. He explained that unpublished review must get 5 votes, with at least 3 of them being yes. What I now question is once 5 votes are in, is review automatically removed from the queue ? Or lets say that 3 flakes in a row vote yes, it apparently wouldn't matter if 10 VIP's in quick succession vote (or would have voted) thumbs down, the review got 3/5.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Blue Planet
    Orlando clubs
    Hey, skwalker, I live near a BMW dealer and want to buy myself a new BMW. I know that there are reviews available to read, but I thought I'd ask you for some advice on which models to go for and which ones to avoid. Advice on alternative brands also appreciated. Doncha just love these open ended questions.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading; 67% Not Proficient i
    Did flagooner even bother to read the article ? Second paragraph states "The results are far worse for students enrolled in some urban districts." Flag, do you not understand the difference between urban, suburban, and rural ? Check out the differences between schools in downtown "DC" and Baltimore vs suburban schools in Fairfax County VA and Montgomery County MD, then get back with me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    65% of Public School 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading; 67% Not Proficient i
    If majority of students aren't proficient in something, that would seem to imply that majority of students would flunk 8th grade, or at least repeat 8th grade English and Math. Then again, "proficient" may be performance at a C level, whereas D is minimum required to pass. Another possibility would be that a certain number of students cheat on tests, and thus pass without really knowing what they're doing. When faced with a test with no "crib notes" is when the wheels start coming off. The nearly ~ 2/3 not proficient in English and/or Math wouldn't surprise me in inner city schools, or certain "backward" states, but I find that nationwide percentage to be an alarming statistic.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The cost of xyz was "reasonable"
    @623- The one flaw in your last sentence is that unpublished reviews are "de-identified" , meaning that you don't see authors name, profile, or any other background. So VIP member makes yea or nay without regard to author's background.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Ford is basically giving up on US car business, and GM is not far behind
    Like Papi, I'm just not a fan of SUV's (nor Cross Overs, even if Papi didn't mention it.) I favor sports cars and full size sedans. I might just have to look at getting first foreign car in over 3 decades. @rick dugan- How long do you think a transmission should last ? The longest I've kept a car was ~140K miles (Mustang, manual transmission, no clutch problems). Had a 90's Deville with extended warranty that had problems just before 6 yr/70K miles point. Others, please feel free to chime in on your experiences.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Stage Leeches
    @Upright- Overzealous minnow ?? Surely you jest. (and yes I am calling you Shirley). I haven't been to BDD in a while. What I'd do if I really wanted a dancer was just wait until she got to last stage, tip her there, and ask her. If she was already taken, there was sure to be some attractive options on other stages. I wasn't one to be a leech, but I wasn't shy about moving to other stage(s) if I saw an interesting dancer there. As I recall, BDD had 6 or 7 different stages.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Touching during lapdances and private parties questions
    bbb23- By the time someone is 24, they should know how and when to tell someone to fuck off.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Former First Lady Barbara Bush has passed away at the age of 92
    George Bush has also lived a long life. In fact, he is the oldest living former US President in history so far.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Joke: Gay Couple On A Plane
    @TT- I think I recall a saying that if someone says 1 person they encountered this week was an asshole, that person was probably an asshole. But if someone complains that nearly everyone they met was an asshole, the one doing the complaining is probably the asshole.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    @c-man: Spell check Nazi time: The country in South America is spelled COLOMBIA, the city in Missouri is spelled COLUMBIA. Imo, Colombian women look hot. Returning to regularly scheduled web surfing................
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dayton Clubs Dying?
    Wrt Cheeks ID scan: Is that done at all times, or just on peak weekend nights ?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Traveling through Texas
    @PD- I never said that Tuscl is totally about getting the most bang for your buck, only that it is the PREVALENT group think. Just witness the sheer number of threads asking for the best clubs for extras. Even if thread OP's didn't specifically ask for extras,(i.e., inquired as to "best club in city X"), many respondents replied as though he were an extras seeker. When Tuscl still had a top 100 list, TJ brothels were at, or at least very near the top of the list. When your coworker/buds talk about the latest car they bought, do they brag about the lowest price. Or do they say, gee, I want to make sure salesman commission will buy a cruise for him and his wife ? So goes Tuscl. That said, Tusclers aren't total avaricious SOB's. To that list, I include the large group of members who submit reviews, but don't participate on DB. While the ATL cabal may skewer clubs like Cheetah for being eye candy only, low mileage clubs, the high ratings of such clubs clearly indicate that there are some Tusclers who value eye candy more than high mileage. I may be a sports car enthusiast, but I also enjoy driving a luxury sedan. So it goes with my club visits. Soooo, is Sir Francis Drake (English explorer) a long distant relative of yours ?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Asians in greater LA area
    So solly, no can help. @wb- I think OP is challenged at finding his way out of mom's basement, much less submitting an actual cogent club review.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Traveling through Texas
    Personally, I'd split your budget between Dallas and Houston. Based on your posts here and the thread that you started on the pink site ("Tipping For Time"), you're a "PFC" guy. (Pay For Company/Conversation). Do you not realize that prevailing Tuscl group think is that if you spend more than $100 on club visit without a "BBBJCIM" to show for it, visit should be considered an abject failure ? PFC folks are an anathema to Tuscl way of life. OK, I'll humor you a bit. Yes St. James (aka the church, the chapel) is an interesting place. For me, clincher is that club is outside Houston city limits, which means pasties not required. Dancer attractiveness a notch or 2 below the top eye candy places, but you won't be mentally playing the song "Who Let The Dogs Out" (c'mon, SJG, please provide YT link to song.) if you go there. Sir Paul Drake ( are you related to Sir Francis ?) gave a good rundown of Dallas. To that, I'd add that every red blooded male should experience Baby Dolls - Dallas at least once in their life time. The sheer number of hot dancers available on 2 floors and 8 plus different ministages gives one a cornucopia like feeling that very few clubs can match. As for San Antonio: Try the Riverwalk bars. Hth.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wife wants to go back to stripping
    Js76: "The advice in this thread is worth the amount that you paid for it". And... I'm not going to play along, for a bunch of reasons. I've never (knowingly) met you or your wife. I don't know to what extent your wife's vanilla job sucks that it would drive her back to dancing. I don't know (nor am I interested in knowing) your household unit financial situation. Etc, etc, etc..... Freebie "buddy" advice can give some element of warm fuzzies, but I'm not picking up very good buddy vibes from several of your posts. Several posters have taken their time to provide you with some useful advice. Could you please return the favor to the board, and let us know how whatever fork in the road you take works out ? Oh, and good luck in whatever choice you make.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "I've always worked in Tampa"--- Why aren't you considering it now ? "38-27-32DDD" ??? Since when did they start listing booty measurement first ? (I'm ASS-uming that you wish to highlight your large booty. Did you get butt injections, or otherwise artificial enhancement to attain that measurement ?) Thanks
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    One City in the US for 3 Days
    I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Purely hypothetical question. Realistically, if I'm going to a city, I'd want an agreeable climate (no snow or active hurricanes), plus some interesting non-clubbing things to do. Somewhere in my hundreds of posts, I listed 12 cities for 1 month I'd like to visit by each prospective month.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Lenny Dykstra = Gone
    Also noticed that the knucklehead who put up 2 spam threads, and 3 posts in regular threads selling fake passports/ID's has likewise been deleted. (For now)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Mons Venus owner sues Florida for right to grow marijuana.
    @chessmater- Mons is a non-smoking club. Don't make a special trip to Tampa just to be able to light up a joint ITC.